Speculation is now rife suggesting that AC Milan could soon change ownership, and this has raised question marks regarding the future of the current management.
The newspaper La Repubblica (via MilanLive) writes that the due diligence phase has already taken place during which Investcorp have studied Milan’s accounts. The negotiation could be concluded with a positive outcome in a short time therefore, as Elliott Management have been looking for a buyer for a few months who will pay €1bn.
There are now several things that must be clarified such as the impact a change in owners will have on the stadium project and the current management. The Bahrain fund are big on real estate so they will push for a new home, possibly in Sesto San Giovanni.
As regards the management organization chart, La Repubblica writes that the renewal of Paolo Maldini’s contract is not in question, as well as the sporting director Frederic Massara – both will earn an extension.
Maldini is a symbol of Milan and a ‘new are’ under Investcorp would not start very well if he were removed, but in the weeks his future will be clearer, as will the general future of the club.
New owner can remove massara but they still need paolo Maldini as AC Milan symbol
no massara should also stay. he deserves it.
Moncada Maldini and Massara should stay. They could add another member from their side to supervise and run the club and they can demote gazidis. but all 3 should stay.
Is Boban’s return a possibility?
Great question!!!
I think they can bring noban back if they suggest it. Most likely they will keep Maldini as a symbol of the team.
I fear this new company will get rid off Maldini, Masara, Moncada, and Gazidis. They could also replace Pioli and sold Milan key players 🙁
First thing first, overhaul the current squad. We need to be competitive
The technical team is not the problem, thy have never been. Just a change of ownership is what’s needed.
Let’s go!!! Investcorp
for me the most important thing is change medical & fitness staff, we used to be an example, Milan lab was pioneer of the modern era med, but now we’ve worse in serie a
I hope Maldini, Massara and Moncada will stay. But, Pioli may need to replace with a better coach like Guardiola or current Liverpool manager who said interested with Milan project.