Journalist: Man City boss Guardiola ‘keeping an eye’ on ‘little gem’ Torriani

By Ben Dixon -

AC Milan have several impressive talents among the Primavera ranks, and Lorenzo Torriani has shown his talents on the American Tour so far, leading Manchester City to take an interest in the young goalkeeper. 

Finding good goalkeepers is a difficult task, especially ones who are comfortable with the ball at their feet, and finding young players who fit that bill at a young age is a near-impossible task, but Milan may not have to worry about this.

During the American tour, Torriani has been elected to start both games, largely due to the injury that Marco Sportiello suffered. However, he has stepped up, keeping a clean sheet against Real Madrid yesterday.

As Sportsmediaset journalist Andersinho Marques has stated on his X account, Milan have a ‘little gem’ in the young goalkeeper, but the Rossoneri are not the only ones to see this. In fact, as the journalist states, Pep Guardiola has been keeping an eye on the youngster for ‘some time’.

Finding young goalkeepers is extremely difficult, and whilst the Rossoneri would be reluctant to part ways with the youngster if Manchester City arrived with a significant bid, it would be an interesting deal to keep an eye on, all things considered.

However, there is no talk of any concrete interest at current, rather Guardiola is an admirer, and whether anything further will materialise remains to be seen.

Tags AC Milan Lorenzo Torriani


  1. promote Torriani as back-up while Sportiello is out. let him and Nava compete, whoever wins gets to be new n3, the loser goes to Futuro

  2. Cardinale is licking his chops. He’s thinking let’s sell this Italian and make a capital gain so Moncada can buy someone from Ligue 1.

    All jokes aside, he’s a good player, very impressive this preseason. Hope he’s the deputy while Sportiello recovers.

      1. Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. Promoting the player and paying them well as a professional is the most cost effective approach. I appreciate that we aren’t overpaying for the current crop of Italian internationals, who are r that great, and developing our own.

        1. Ricci for 25M isn’t much, nor is 20M for Kayode/Bellanova. They might be not the best Italian crop, but there are some really good players for decent money we could go for depth.

          1. That’s true, but I would say there is better value for money in other markets, and the management seems to agree. I think developing talent is a better way to restore the Italian core of Milan than going shopping.

  3. Torriani has been a pleasant surprise.
    Milan should sign some old Italian GK like Consigli or Sirigu, who will be fine with just collecting checks to be the 3rd GK this season and let Torriani play every week in the Futuro team.
    The same goes for every other young player. Unless Fonseca is planning to use them regularly, there is no point of them sitting on the bench for the first team instead of gaining playing experience with the U23 team or on loan in a serie A team.
    Guardiola can have Lapo Nava.

    1. Agree. Both Milan and Futuro will training in Milanello anyway. So it’s better if Torriani play regularly in Futuro than Just fill the bench for Maignan. He can move between Milan and Milan Futuro no problem, so that’s the best decision.

      It’s interesting who will start for Milan Futuro next year… Torriani showed some good performance, but he is not first choice at Primavera last season, and all of Nava, Raveyre, and Mastrantonio is highly rated.

  4. Of course mr Guardiola…put the cash on the table and we can start to discuss. Let’s start with 40 milions and ad some bonuses

  5. We hope that Torriani won’t be the next Dollarumma, because Donna had been in senior team since 16 yo. We must have decent young and good attitude GK like the next Buffon right.

  6. I like his demeanor for a keeper. Cool, calm and collected. I’m very critical of the difference between Primavera and senior team game play but he is one that certainly ticks major boxes. His height is also great and reflexes geat too for a young keeper. I like him the most from the youth setup even over liberali, magni and cam

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