Journalist comments on whether Vos can be ‘next Kessie’: “An immediate impact for Milan”

Due to Ismael Bennacer’s injury, AC Milan may have to look to the Futuro squad for support, and this could mean Silvano Vos features for the senior team within his first month at the club. 

The midfield was an area of interest throughout the window for Milan, and once they landed Youssouf Fofana, there were talks of another player coming through the door. Reportedly efforts were made for Manu Kone, and the Rossoneri held an interest in Samuele Ricci, but the player to arrive was Vos.

Originally, it seemed the deal could be done in the region of €10 million, but reports suggest that the Diavolo closed the deal for a figure less than half of what was initially imagined. Perhaps, the fee could already be a steal, with his debut impressing heavily.

After such a display, there were suggestions he could step into the senior team on occasion, but with Ismael Bennacer injured, his chance could come sooner than expected.

Milan News spoke to Federico Casotti, who followed the player last season, and he offered some thoughts on the role he could play.

“As a type of player, he is a midfielder who plays in front of the defence, a ball catcher who in the 4-2-3-1 can easily play in the two in front of the defence. He is a player who clearly needs to be evaluated with the tare of the type of experience he has had so far, which is mainly related to the Dutch Serie B, which in any case is a level not very different from the Italian C.

“He has already made some significant appearances, especially last year in the first team, and I think he can be a player who in the future Milan can have an impact even immediately and then gradually can be inserted over the season in the first team. However, certainly, the intermediate step of Milan Futuro is functional in not burning him out.”

Could Vos be the ‘new’ Kessié?

“I can’t express myself on this comparison also because in the context of the Dutch league, and the extremely negative one of Ajax last year, he is a player who has managed to emerge. He is a player of great combativeness, and who still has room to improve tactically and who can have margins for improvement in this respect, also tactically, remarkable, precisely because of his experience in his homeland.”

Tags AC Milan Silvano Vos


  1. I’ll believe Vos can be the next Kessié, a world-class defensive midfielder, once I see it. For now, let’s remember that Vos’ team was happy to get rid of him for 2.5M Euro + 2.5 Bonus, and that’s Eridivisie, a far cry from Serie A. The fact that Vos has played very well in his first Serie C game is encouraging, but again, Serie C is a far cry from Serie A. I certainly hope that Vos develops into a big asset for Milan, but people are placing unreasonable expectations on his shoulders, as of now. Recently an expert in Dutch football said that Vos is promising but needs to work on his defensive skills, his left foot, and his positional awareness. That hardly screams “he will solve our DM dilemma.”

    1. Yeah. But with the depleted midfield (can’t believe I am typing that before match day 4) someone has to come up and be ready to play a role.

      Personally, I’d like to see Zeroli and Liberali both get time against Venzia.

      Given a 4231 I imagine RLC and Fof in the pivot with Reinjders starting.

      I’d like to see Zeroli for RLC and Liberali for Reinjders with 20 or so to go.

      IMO we need these kids more ready than they are.

      What I don’t know is the impact on their ability to play for futuro

      1. Yes, no doubt that in the face of Isma’s injury, Vos will likely see more first team action. I just don’t want to keep my hopes too high and be disappointed. Don’t read me wrong, I hope he succeeds, of course; it would be good for him and good for Milan. But he is still very young and unproven. The same can be said of Zeroli and Liberali, with the further downside that they are more offensive-minded and so less likely to patch the hole left by Isma’s injury. It’s not like Isma was doing that well either; he hasn’t been the same after his previous injury; I was hopeful that he would recover his form, but with this other serious injury, I’m afraid maybe Isma is over; too injury-prone. We’re in a lot of trouble, for this reason and many others (chief among them, our rather mediocre head coach).

        1. Lowkey that’s why I wanted Xavi, I just think he’s good with young talent, coming from La Masia himself, and he’s also shown the world that he should be given a bit more respect with what he did with deplorable Barcelona…

          If Ibra really wanted him and Moncada/Gerry made the decision that Fonseca was better, than GGs

    2. The fact that we are hoping on seria C youngsters to fix our mid just shows you what a bad job this management has done.
      In the meantime I just watched Italy and the mid look stacked with good players. Somehow Milan an Italian team couldn’t even get one of those players. So here we are now hoping on youngsters.

          1. people were calling for Liberali and Zeroli to play.
            What People?
            The same people that were saying the management is stupid for trying to sell deadweight like Bennacer and then celebrating after no team wanted to buy that same deadweight?

          2. The fact is RLC is not fit for possession style football, very 1-d player… also we have 6 players in midfield including Zeroli, how is that not management problem?

            We needed at least 1 more as Bennacer cover who would save us a lot of headache after Isma’s recent injury…

            I have non-stop posted how important it would be for us to bring his cover and how great Ricci would be, but people asked me to change my user to Ricci22 and that every Italians is average… now the same people post in another post how now he will be 30-35M and out of our reach…

            We needed Kayode, Ricci, J.David, Lewis Ferguson level players and we got Emerson, RLC, Tammy…

      1. So now you’re complaining we’re “hoping on youngsters”…. But when managers don’t give youngsters a chance that’s no good either… and something tells me if Vos was Italian you’d be all for it…

        1. Nope, you missed the point. Which was that the management that you are so in love with did a poor job and that’s why they need to grasp for straws now.

          1. Man you love putting words in people’s mouths don’t you? I “love the management” 😂 er… no…. I’m just not running around in hysterics like you guys.

  2. He is definitely a top talent considering his Milan Futuro debut, but we can’t just say he should immediately be in the first team but he has shown that he can be called up on a lot of games for the first team. I have a lot hope for him, Fonseca will most likely call him up against Venezia considering Bennacer is injured.

  3. He got let go from Ajax because he was demanding first-team football and they needed money.

    The part of his game that is well polished is his ability in-front of the defence. He isn’t good at the work he does in the forward positions.

    So I think he is good enough to play for the first team, Vos played first-team football at Ajax and showed he can compete against physical players in Serie C.

    The other players in the Futura squad find it hard to adapt in that aspect. That should be deserving of a first-team opportunity IMO. Zeroli and Carmada still cannot compete in Serie C.

    I think an opportunity is deserving.

  4. Just because Vos is better than Serie C doesn’t necessarily mean he’s ready for Serie A.

    I hope he gets minutes with the first team to test him out. I mean Musah gets minutes and he’s nowhere near a finished product.

    1. True, but sooner or later he [Vos] has the make this jump for himself.
      History is filled with examples of players who made a big jump from smaller teams/weak leagues to big teams/strong leagues.
      Also, I think what’s holding Italians back compared to spanish and english is this willingless to try youngsters.
      Silvano Vos ain’t a kid (he is 19 y/o) and he does have a good physical stature and he can’t polish his skills forever against serie C teams.

  5. Adding a young player into such an important role, in such a hectic situation we are in … but I guess we got have vos or zeroli on the bench now that Bennascer is out. We need to pray RLC can manage to stay fit, and that Fonseca deploys him as a mezzela/dm

      1. That’s a mad thing to say even though you don’t like the player. I mean, he got the order by the couch to play at a position that doesn’t suit him. He just doing his job

  6. On the plus side we bring in vos and zeroli who want to impress and work hard to stay in the team. They’ll hopefully take this opportunity. They’ll listen to fonsecas orders. They’ll probably be a bit cautious with going forward which means hopefully more stability in defense. I watched a video on how vos plays. He looks good. Physically strong too. Good tackles. Not good bennacer is injured but he probably wouldnt have the desire to play for us too. Mentally not there. So yeah having two youngsters wanting to work hard to cement their place in the team is healthy.

  7. “he can be a player who in the future Milan can have an impact even immediately and then gradually can be inserted over the season in the first team”.
    How capable someone of contradicts himself 3 times in a row in single sentence is beyond me.

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