kyle walker

Reports: Walker to sign AC Milan contract on Friday – the shirt number he has chosen

Kyle Walker has undergone the first part of his medical ahead of joining AC Milan, and tomorrow should be the day it is announced.

As a reminder, Walker landed in Italy this lunchtime and went from Linate Airport to a hotel. From there, he headed to La Madonnina clinic to undergo his routine medical tests, and tomorrow he will do the fitness checks before heading to Casa Milan to sign.

It will be an initial loan deal for the English defender, with an option to buy that Milan can exercise at the end of the season to make him a permanent acquisition. With 17 major trophies to his name, the 34-year-old brings experience and leadership, given he was City’s captain.

As our colleague Luca Maninetti confirms, we can expect the official announcement of the signing to be made tomorrow. He adds that he has chosen the No.32 shirt, previously worn by Tommaso Pobega, Christian Abbiati, Christian Brocchi, David Beckham, Christian Vieri, Roberto Donadoni and more.

Tags AC Milan Kyle Walker


  1. Theo is not a good LB. He was lackadaisical in the Girona match. He looses the ball easily and doesn’t know how tackle especially when it comes to one on one. Because of Pavlovich’s work rate and concentration, he was not exposed. Milan always concedes because of him. To me he is overrated. He has been on the decline after our scuddeto win with Pioli. My hunch is that he has some emotional and mental issues. This why Fonseca dropped him and Tomori. Theo is always engaging in unnecessary arguments with referees and picking up stupid cards.

    1. Why don’t you go take his jersey and play his position. All y’all do on here is talk but can t even kick the ball when they put you in his position.

      1. My guy this is a stupid comment and reeks of small d*** energy. Everyone on here is talking about professionals and comparing them to other professionals not themselves. The fact that notion is lost on you is quite pathetic. What should we be talking about Theo’s love life?

        1. Pioli , about mid season during the Scudetto year decided to let Theo slack off of his defensive duties and make runs forward like DesChamps did with the French Nat’l team. Theos goal and assists increased as did Leaos who many times was marked only by one not the usual two. Calabria and what’s his name always injured. Walker will excel.first time he starts, bookend to Theo. You real do not give up that much defensively as you might think Benecer will insure that Theo and Kyle get the ball. and other teams will not be able to pl ay higher up the pitch.

      2. Arguments like these are weak. If we all must be able to play professional football before we can even talk then this website would have never existed in the first place. Come on bro, this kind of thought processing is so 2005. Other people triggered or not does not matter. You are a weak fck regardless.

  2. Are we all watching the same games? Is it me or Theo plays defense at half speed? He jogs back in recovery, his offensive contribution is dribble until he crashes into an opponent, & then dive onto the pitch in agony. When was the last time he prevented or blocked an opponent from crossing a ball into the box? This is not the Theo of the scudetto season & as fans we expect more from a player of his caliber.

  3. Characters like this don’t contribute to progress in football. Unless you’re having eye problems, you can’t deny Theo Hernandez’s form has gone down. At a point, he was walking on field. His timing and tackling is bad. Most of the goals Milan come through his side of the field. He engages in unnecessary arguments and attracts foolish cards.He looses concentration at crucial moments of the game. There is something definitely wrong and if some here are defending him, he is going to be exposed soon for all of us to see.

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