Mbappe professes love for Milan and hints at future move: “I watch all their games”

By Oliver Fisher -

Kylian Mbappe has once again declared that if he ends up playing in Italy one day, he will only do so for his boyhood club AC Milan.

The French forward has previously gone on record and admitted that he grew up as a Milan fan, which has in turn sent fans’ imaginations into a frenzy regarding the potential of a future move one day down the line.

The reason that he ended up loving the Rossoneri is because of how close he was with a babysitter during his childhood, and they passed on their fandom for the club to him by making him watch games.

During the Globe Soccer European Championships in Cala di Volpe, Mbappé gave an interview to Sky in which he spoke about many topics from the European Championships to his time at PSG, and he was asked about Milan too.

“Me in Italy? We never know what can happen. When I was a kid I was a fan of Milan, and I always said if I come one day to Italy I’m going to play for Milan. I watch all the games of Milan,” he said (via MilanNews).

Mbappe will change clubs this summer but it does seem borderline impossible that Mbappe could be rocking up at Milan any time soon as it would have to be one of the most expensive transfers in history, but that won’t stop fans dreaming.

Tags AC Milan Kylian Mbappe


  1. Maybe he will be a Milan player when he is old and nears retirement,because Milan can’t afford him at the moment.

  2. Talk is cheap. Considering he has earned hundreds of millions of euros at the tender age of 25 and will earn many more before his career will end he could have joined now on a reduced wage as the man has earned enough cash for many life times.
    When he eventually might wanna join us in his late 30ies we might be in no need of his service by then.
    I dont understand these modern day “fans” who cares more about cash than playing for the clubs they profess their love for as the real fans would kill to wear our shirt,

    1. I feel like he’s leaning more towards madrid for the certainty of winning a champions league and the league. Which can add trophies to his trophy cabinet and possibly a ballon d’or. Now he has a better chance at doing so there than opposed to at milan

      1. That might be the case but he could sign a short term contract and he could maybe get full control of his image rights while earning less at milan and he would easily help the club take the leap back while attracting bigger names for the club.
        He might win trophies easier there but as an ac milan fan myself i would never choose madrid or any other club above milan. Neither would i choose money above ac milan. Thats love

          1. Ok my initial comment whent up in the moderating, probably for using a naughty word 😀 well yeah i agree it would be a statement of intent by the club but unfortunately it wont happen and if he one day actually do wanna join us in his late 30ies we might not need him any longer. His comments is just starting to become a bit tedious as he has repeated that comment on numerous occasions.

        1. Well that would be the dream but considering that our very own management is thinking about money above everything else, it would be really hypocrite from them to ask him to play for love, especially since they sold Tonali and show little value to passion and dedication to the club.

          Kylian has the world at his feet right now, even French d*ckhead in chief Macron speaks to him like he’s a God haha he wasted a few years in Paris, making big money though, and now he’ll take less at Real because he wants to win. He always said he’s a big Real Madrid fan, French kids born in the 90s worship Zidane. But maybe if he fails at Real for some reason, or if he wins everything he wants, UCL and Ballon d’Or, he could come here. I want to believe that it can happen haha

          1. Well that is a fair argument and even though im not happy about everything the current owners do and has done i consider ALL owners custodians of the club that is basically just passing by, the real owners are the fans so quite frankly i wouldnt care with that bag of money he already has earned, It would be a move of a legend in the making just for doing that and love supercedes cash or trophies with other clubs. Regardless of what berlusconi did for the club it wasnt really like he was very sympathetic either at least in my view and current or future owners can only dream of reaching what he did but he was about politcal power in the end.

            That is probably true but hearing him commenting in regard of his love for milan is getting tiresome and my previous comment that wasnt released here i compared it with a word that rhimes on rick tease. Either he follows through or stops irritating us with false hopes.

          2. What? You would want Mbappe? But he’s not Italian and/or an academy product. Isn’t that what you are constantly harping about? Or are you just a huge hypocrite? I think we all know the answer to that.
            And for the last time (although we all know it won’t be because you and other fools like you will never learn) Tonali asked out. Yes Milan sold him, when they got an offer for far more than his value and he put in a transfer request. It was Tonali wanting out, not Milan forcing him out. And thank god it happened!

          3. Well thanks but to be honest i havent seen any xenophobic comments from him from what i can recollect and generally speaks well with him but i dont see each and every comment either even if i generally read the majority of peoples comments but what do i know i might have missed some.

  3. If we had ownership that wanted to truly bring us to glory we should’ve been attempting these level of signings.

      1. Dzeko always said he was a Milan fan but he played for Inter instead.
        Don’t be surprised if you see Mbappe playing for Inter or Juve.

      1. Why would it be?
        I just don’t rate Mbappe that highly

        Although to be fair I was only thinking of the sporting perspective I didn’t think of him from a marketing perspective
        He would be a great galactico-type transfer to sell shirts and stuff even if he failed in CL
        Of course that is if we could afford his astronomical salary

      1. We’ve p*ssed that much away on salaries for pointless signings….

        We’ve signed a new CF every single season for over 15 seasons.

        But quick – defend the transfer market.

        1. Even with that, Mbappe would still be out of our reach.
          Also how do you deal with players having their wages capped at 5M per year (we couldn’t seem to satisfy Theo and Maignan’s demands for 8M per year) on the one hand, and the other hand a player having a wage over 50M per year ?
          Even if we didn’t waste money on pointless signings during this past decade (and man they were a lot…), only clubs like City, Real, Man Utd and PSG can afford Mbappe.

          1. Again – we’ve spent over a billion on mostly pointless signings.

            We’d be in a very different place as a club. Probably not far off we were at our peak – when we had a team, stability, an identity, and…..didn’t p*ss money away on the transfer market.

            The fact that so many people think 20 odd million p*ssed away on a back RW was not a waste of money shows just how completely out of touch fans and football is from reality.

            20 odd million is a lot of money. And we’ve spent lots of 20 odd millions on completely pointless signings. Every single season. For about 15 seasons.
            And we have two Scudetti to show for it.

            Show some ambition.

          2. Look I don’t disagree on how pointless most of signings were, my argument isn’t there. If it were me we would have not sold most of our good players, made use of our primavera and not signed players like Dest, Musah,…I just don’t think we could have gotten Mbappe either way.
            Plus, if we didn’t spend all this money on useless players or players who never played or showed anything, we would have a lot more money for sure, but a more intelligent and ambitious direction would probably have used this “saved” money already.

          3. @ Giga94

            It’s all speculation of course but there’s over 1b to play with…..

            Imagine 10 x 100m signings in 10 seasons!

  4. Can you guys imagine though if we were able to sign mbappe….im sure milans fan base and shirt sales would double or triple

    1. i dont know what he will earn at real madrid but he currently earns 72 mil a year at psg so i simply cant imagine him joining us for the next 10 years. He would garner a broader base though if he came now and would help the club greatly, Not gonna happen though.

      1. He’s definitely taking a pay cut to go Real. I could see him settling for around 30-40m like what Messi and cr7 made back in the day.
        That being said might be worth taking a punt at 15-20m per season 🤭😂😂
        Let’s we how much his love is worth lol

  5. Guys i dont think we should do it…. honestly… if of we wanted to get Mbappe it is csrtainly feasible financially bit it has to be structured where he get some profit share or some for of equity in red bird….make it financially attractive that way. RED bird does have a pretty aggressive vision…

    People think red bird business is to sell in the future, they want to appreciate the club higher because then they can finance larger transactions, and rise their own valuation/market cap based on their assets raising in value…sound business

  6. If you really want to join milan. You should have done it since primavera or academy, but you didn’t right.

  7. Wow I don’t know if it’s because this website is US or because people have banter era PTSD but it’s insane that nobody wants a top 3 world class player because of money, it’s like we would not recruit Rui Costa or Pippo back in the days because they were costly. Mbappé will not come anyway but if he says publicly « I chose Milan », then how is it possible to say « no thanks we have Jovic we good » hahaha

  8. The hope is that he wins everything at Real in the next 4-5 years and then comes to Milan while still in his prime, at 29-30 years old. One can dream, right?

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