La Notizia: Milan’s San Donato project revealed – four times bigger than expected

AC Milan’s new aims for the San Donato stadium have been reported and the dimensions of the site are four times bigger than previously anticipated.

As revealed by La Notizia, the entire site at San Donato for Milan’s new stadium is going to be 479,373 metres squared (m2), as opposed to the 108,100 that was expected initially.

There is an estimated land consumption of 51,500 m2 for parking, with local roads being transformed by three big roundabouts, there could be new motorway junctions, new pedestrian/cycle bridges, whilst parking will only be guaranteed to 24% of the fans, with others needing to use the surrounding area.

There should be at least 10 extra trains in pre and post-match hours to help with the movement of people to fill a 70,000 capacity stadium.

The document is titled ‘Strategic environmental assessment (VAS) specification phase: Preliminary report’ and it was presented to mayor Francesco Squeri on September 27.

The increased space needed for the project is because there will be a number of hotels, shops and offices built, as well as all of the parking required to facilitate that.

This is going to cause angst as some protected areas are going to be concreted as per the plans, in order to create the vision.