La Provence: Doubts over Fonseca to Milan – Marseille haven’t given up

By Euan Burns -

Doubts are emerging over Paulo Fonseca’s rumoured move to AC Milan as Ligue 1 side Marseille have not yet given up on the Portuguese coach. 

As reported by French newspaper La Provence (via Radio Rossonera), the negotiation between Fonseca and Milan is not as close to completion as other reports have claimed.

Milan have been linked with a whole host of coaches in the past month after it became clear that Stefano Pioli would not be given the chance to see out the final year of his contract.

Fonseca seems to be the coach that the Rossoneri have settled on and one of the big factors in the real being close was that Marseille have stepped away from the negotiations.

La Provence, a publication that has close links with Marseille, believes that Marseill have not given up hope of convincing the Lille coach to join them this summer rather than Milan.

Fonseca is yet to make a final choice despite being made an offer by Milan that would see him earn €3m per season.

Pioli’s departure is likely to be announced before the match against Salernitana so he can have a proper send-off at San Siro with all of the fans.

Tags AC Milan Paulo Fonseca


  1. The big surprise is why Fonseca is 1st choice.
    Although in this replica AC Milan (the real ACM passed away when Berlusconi left), Fonseca fits in just well enough.
    FYI, Marseille is close to signing Conceicao.
    So no gifts from Marseille unfortunately….
    ACM must sign an Italian coach. Although being under Redbird management I’m not sure a coach will make the difference.

    Luckily Inter is sold to Americans. So we have a hope they will self destruct, as we did.

    1. He didn’t leave, he sold to the highest bidder with no regard for the fans or the future.

      This board are far from perfect, but the problems started long before Uncle Bunga jumped ship.

      1. His family sold the club along with the media company which partly owned ourselves.

        Sadly he got old and after taking ac milan to the highest standards he really didn’t have anything left to prove and with getting old came cancer along with other illness.

        What i don’t get is Ac milan sites podcast all say that Redbird own the club THEY DON’T they also say we’re good financial health WE ARE NOT also if we are why are management Continue to look to sell our BETTER PLAYERS and bring in worse ones?

        If this management are SERIOUS regards taking Ac milan back to the top they need to INVEST and if that means taking a risk so be it .


        We sould NEVER FORGET OUR GREAT HISTORY yes it wasn’t great all the time but that’s life you can’t win them all as for now we haven’t lifted the UCL since 2007 and only twice won the league in that time we need to act NOW not three years not five years not ten years NOW .

        NOBODY PUT A GUN TO ELLIOTTS HEAD And FORCED THEM TO BUY same goes for Gerry THE Ghost OF BERLUSCONI LOOMS LARGE and they claim they can’t do anything like that again FFP FIND FINANCIAL STABILITY ECT ECT however there more than happy putting the old days up on the media sites of the club ANYONE WOULD THINK They are

        1. Yes he did sell. But was forced to do so. Finivest could not inject large amounts into ACM.
          But who would blame Berlusconi…? It’s even offensive to mention his name in the same article with todays jokers

          1. I didn’t compare this board to him, I simply pointed out he ruined his legacy.

            Finivest, and even Berlusconi himself, is/was easily rich enough to bank roll a modern top level football club. He chose not to. That was his choice and he had earned that choice (on a football basis at least – outside of football he was a vile human being), especially given his health issues. What he didn’t have to do was take the first pot of money that came along, especially that pot of money was clearly dubious. Everyone could see it was bad for Milan – there were articles all over the internet trying to trace Sino Europe back to some kind of solid foundation and no one could.

            Berlusconi knew what he was doing. He knew if he stuck around much longer he would lose money and the clubs value would drop in turn (losing more money in the long run). Basically, he cashed in on his prize asset while the iron was still hot. This board haven’t done that yet; they will at some point, and when they do the moral differences between their exit and Berlusconi’s will be marginal.

        2. I don’t understand. You seem to be suggesting that RedBird don’t actually own us, but should buy us some players anyway.

    2. Great news! Milan needs someone better. Marseille can have him, so that this management can look else where. Juve have sorted their coaching problem, while all we get from Milan is speculations.

  2. Juve are doing all the right moves (Motta, going after Zirkzee, approaching De Gregorio…) while Milan are fighting Marseille over a coach who failed at Roma. I would laugh if it weren’t so heartbreaking.

    It’s almost laughable, if it weren’t so heartbreaking.

  3. And so the plot thickens…nothing is cut and dry with this Milan. We will announce the coach just before the season starts.

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