Lega Serie A brand Maldini’s claims of interview censorship as ‘false’ in statement

By Euan Burns -

Lega Serie A has responded to Paolo Maldini’s claims that there was censorship in the recent interview he carried out with the organisation. 

Maldini took the decision to denounce, through his lawyer, the censorship of the interview he gave to Radio Serie A on Thursday, May 9.

That was reported by press agency ANSA and the interview in question was with journalist Alessandro Alciato.

The journalist actually put several stories on Instagram saying that he had been ‘pressured not to air’ the interview, but there is no knowledge as to who that pressure was from.

ANSA wrote that ‘in light of the well-known censorship of his interview on Radio Serie A last May 9th’, through the lawyer Danilo Buongiorno, Maldini has ‘announced that he has already appointed his lawyer to protect himself from such serious behaviours unjustly suffered’.

Serie A refuted the claims, saying (via Calciomercato.com): “Lega Serie A specifies that the news spread is false as the full interview was broadcast twice on the radio on 9 May and, from the outset, the complete unedited version of the same was sent to all the newsrooms so that they were fully aware of it. Neither does the circumstance that pressure was exerted not to broadcast the interview correspond to the truth, as it is easy to verify since the publication depends only on the League itself.

“That interview, after being broadcast in full on the radio and after the most significant excerpts had been published on the League’s official social networks, was also published, again in full, on Serie A’s YouTube channel, where it remained until the afternoon. Following many negative comments, including to the protagonist of the interview, the Lega Serie A, in total editorial autonomy and in deference to a typical practice in the management of social channels and normally adopted in the past to circumscribe similar negative sentiment, placed the aforementioned interview in “unlisted” mode. On Friday morning, as soon as the controversy subsided, the interview was made accessible again on the League’s official YouTube channel, where it can still be viewed in its entirety.”

Tags AC Milan Paolo Maldini


  1. That’s exactly what I was saying yesterday: always involved in petty, unnecessary controversies, always getting into useless quarrels and intrigues, always whining, always complaining… It’s something really uncalled for someone that is and will forever be a huge icon. Maldini is bigger and better than all this crap, I really don’t understand why he’s behaving this way.

    1. I think your conclusions are very shallow.

      Neither you nor I know exactly what happened and to label it ‘petty, useless, etc’ is out of place and biased.
      I read your comments in another article about the same issue and even on this article you’ve two different comments saying the same thing.
      Not sure of your agenda, but yours doesn’t seem like an impartial thought.

      Btw, both the journalist and Maldini have noticed irregularities, and the fact that even Lega said that they ‘unlisted’ the interview for 24 hrs. That’s like Google making a website unsearchable. That is big censorship in the IT world. The fact that it was re-enabled is irrelevant. Most regular viewers of the channel don’t go back in time to see what new videos appear for the prior days. The expression is that ‘you hide the bodies in the 3rd page of Google search’ because nobody checks it.
      Who wants to understand will understand…

    2. He has a lot of good traits but he is also a bit of a prima donna, there is a reason he hasn‘t gotten along with a couple of people throughout his whole career.

  2. It’s something altogether baffling, why Maldini, being a veritable living legend, insists on behave like some cheap Internet pseudocelebrity, hungry for his 15 minutes of limelight. Come on, the man, let’s put it right, is INFINITELY bigger than all this nonsense surrounding stupid media fuss and ‘controversial’ statements and all that bloody crap…. I mean, come on!

    1. You don’t understand the integrity of it all. When people are trying paint a picture of you for telling the truth. So many people tries to paint Maldini as selfish, arrogant and bitter because they are trying to cover their track of the decisions they made. It is petty for you because you are not affected.

  3. At this point Maldini is so peerless, he can’t do anything without haters comi G out of the woodwork. Even when he is not attacking anyone conscience cannot let the guilty rest easy.

  4. So now I’m a ‘Juve troll’ only because I don’t lick Maldini’s feet? Haha you pathetic fanboys are hillarious. BTW, I’m am and will always be a sincere admirer of Maldini, which doesn’t stop me from criticizing him when I think he makes a mistake. Well, this is called having a critical spirit, independence of judgment, in case you mindless morons don’t know. Anyway, of course they don’t know, idolaters never exercise their faculty of reasoning.

  5. The claim was attempted censorship, not censorship. The fact that it air twice in radio cannot be used to debunk the claim.

    1. In most attempted censorship, once the attempt fail, the news broke out, other medias will follow, the attempt is lifted and it can goes around without censorship.

  6. Instead of one-sidedly branding it as false, Lega Serie A should have follow it up by asking the journalist in question who attempted to censor it.

    1. How does he talk so much?
      He rarely talks

      Soulless German
      Probably too young to have even watched Maldini play

  7. Let’s put it this way… These kind of things don’t make anyone look good. Is it worth it? I’d rather be quiet than “seek” or “enjoy” this kind of publicity. And I’m not taking sides as I’m speaking against all parties here.

  8. I don’t get why some of the people around here would see this as an opportunity to criticize maldini because

    – either the jounalist is lying in regard of a pressumed external pressure from maldini on the journalist to not allow the interview to be aired, Clearly that wouldn’t make any sense as maldini has made himself available for the media and there was nothing in the interview that would suggest any reason for him to not wanting it aired.

    -Same goes in regard of external pressure from the club/management doing the same

    -thirdly its actually correct that the club didn’t want the interview to be aired.

    Basically this seems to be libel and most people wouldn’t accept their image to be smeared by the media in fact its against the law.

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