General view outside San Siro

Libero: Council to present €300m San Siro plan to Milan and Inter

Today is an important day regarding the Milan Council’s attempts to get AC Milan and Inter to stay at San Siro as they will present a renovation plan.

It is no secret now that Milan are pushing ahead with their plans to build a new stadium in the San Donato region of the city limits, with some key steps forward taken recently.

We outlined in our recent Substack update that there have been developments on that front, with the project variant being approved and a timeline now in place for the works.

As confirmed by Libero (via MilanNews), the Council of Milan will present to the Commission the details of the San Siro renovation project with which Beppe Sala and his team will try to convince Milan and Inter to remain at the Giuseppe Meazza

It is a project which, as the paper writes, is signed by the architect Giulio Fenyves for the Arco Associati studio. The overall estimated cost of the entire renovation work would be around €300m .

According to the project plans, Milan and Inter could continue to play even during the works and the aim will be to maintain 95% of the existing structures , this means that only 5% of the work would be a total renovation.


Tags AC Milan San Siro


  1. They really have a nerve. They delayed the stadium build for years and then rejected it after all of that wasted time. Beppe and Inter can do whatever they want with the San Siro, turn it into a museum. But Milan are moving, this will not change.

  2. I wonder if a new stadium would be really helpful. I was living in Lyon where the club built a modern stadium (with business facilities, restaurants, etc.) and it’s not going well, partly because it costs a lot to the club to repay the loan of that tremendous cost. PSG doesn’t own its stadium and it’s doing well on the business side. English clubs can afford it because they have massive revenues from TV, it won’t change anyway.

    It seems like the only one who would benefit from a new stadium would be Jerry himself. This guy builds stadiums for a living, he would resell the club for a lot with a new stadium and he started a narrative as the new great owner who will build it.

    Living in Milan, I know that San Siro is pain in the a** because it’s old, but with renovations it could be fine. The San Donato era is a no man’s land, far from the city centre and I think most of the local fans would be annoyed with the transportations to get there.

    I’m not an expert in stadiums revenues, so if someone can provide an insight, that would be interesting and nice.

    1. “It seems like the only one who would benefit from a new stadium would be Jerry himself. ”

      LOL!!! The stadium itself is basically a disgrace. The toilets are shocking! The stadium even looks older than it is. The fans will be the biggest winners when the new stadium is finished. Jump into the new century…. eh, millennia.

      And someone who fails to understand how big impact on finances owning the stadium alone compared to renting one with another club is… Well… It’s almost like 2nd grade math. Almost like 1+1 calculations. And there are dozens and dozens of articles that highlight the importance of owning a stadium instead of renting one. So you don’t need to take my word on it. 😀

      “but with renovations it could be fine.”
      Renovations that could be applied to 5% of the stadium. That’s like fixing the first row of the stairs and everything else stays the same. Waste of money and resources. Makes ZERO sense.

      1. I am certain that Jerry cares more about his own profits than what the fans could experience, hence my thinking. I agree that the stadium looks like he’s been built two centuries ago, but it would be the purpose of the renovations.

        I am very concerned by what Lyon is experiencing since they built their own stadium, having to sell their best players every season to finance their debt and missing on UCL/UEL revenues because of their huge turnover and downgrade in roster quality.

    2. Tottenham is now the most valued London club after building their own stadium previously they were 3rd

      that should give you more than enough idea….

      how do you think Juventus suddenly started affording 60m for Higuain 100m for Ronaldo 70m for Vlahovic, covid hit them hard so they did some financial shenanigans but without their own stadium and other forms of revenues such as better commercial deals they wouldnt have afforded it

      FYI Milan currently pays a lease to Milan council every year so whats the difference paying back a loan?

      1. Tottenham’s valuation is pure financial speculation, it doesn’t reflect on the field. Maybe the fact that their stadium can host NFL games is taken into account.

        The Agnelli family is one of the wealthiest in Italy and their financial management has been shady and reprimanded by Italian legal institutions. Also, the stadium did cost “only” 155M at the time (with only 60M from a loan).

        It would be probably way more expensive to repay a 1B debt than the current rent. Again, I’m not an expert.

  3. Change is a difficult thing particularly for us humans! We are always sceptical, careful and fearful of the unknown while we rot in our decadence!
    Change is a sign of a fearless and progressive mindset! That’s why Milan needs a new stadium…rennovatiing and old stadium as I’m an architect myself doesn’t solve the problem… because
    1. The programme that shapens the design of san-siro was archaic; that is it’s was in the 1990s, time has change and so is the culture, technology, aesthetics and structural innovation required.
    2. The experience on offer is a far cry from what is obtainable from other evolving and giants of the game like Bayern Munich/ Tottenham stadium/ Real Madrid… I wish you see what the new Real Madrid stadium is like; I have never seen anything like that before…
    3. The revenue san-siro could generate isn’t enough for a club of Milan status and her ambition to raise the financial revenue compared to the likes of Mancity, psg, Bayern..Madrid, barcelona…therefore, milan wouldnt be able to compete with future stars, salary and sponsorship deals….sponsors needs new things….
    In a nutshell, san-siro is nothing but a relic similar to the Roman coliseum, Greek’s Parthenon, Egyptian pyramids, French Gothic churches….these structure only evokes monumentality, scales but not modernism and futurism! Such a thing isn’t expected to be in a progressive society because sooner, it’s affect children and breeda social vices…the politicians are only fighting for their pockets smokescreened in the name of legacy and not for posterity sake

    1. Thanks for your insight as an architect, I think we all agree on the need of a more modern experience, which could maybe be provided by renovations.

      For the rest, it’s mostly your own opinion and I feel like you’re a strong advocate of change and a politico sceptic haha

      These “journalists” would be more useful if they could investigate and explain all of that financial matter.

        1. No offense here, thanks for your answer 😉

          I was mostly looking at financial evidences that a new stadium would help this team win on the field. I’m more concerned about results than the fan experience. Lyon’s state of the art stadium has incredible experience, you can eat in a Bocuse restaurant, everything is modern and clean, but the team is struggling financially since they built this stadium and the team is then struggling on the field.

          1. I understand your foresights! The multiplier effects of the stadium on sporting success…which I believe is reasonable to consider…. Haven’t really thought about that…to buttress your point, Tottenham also struggled except this season..

  4. Hahahaha. The San Siro people suck. And as soon as we agree to anything it would all slow down and become a mess…..again. I hate leaving San Siro and seeing some games there were some of the best moments ever for me but we need an actual stadium more than we need nostalgia and with the new site I think we are in control enough to get it finally done. Forza Milan

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