Lombardy councillor sheds light on Program Agreement for Milan and San Siro doubts

AC Milan are pushing to get everything agreed so that they can put some spades in the ground and start building their new stadium in the San Donato region of the city.

The Rossoneri are committed to San Donato, having already purchased the land that they need, and they have established 2029 as the year they would like to move in and start playing games.

It was confirmed by a statement from the San Donato council that the Program Agreement has been requested for the project, which begins the formal steps towards getting everything approved.

Now, Gianluca Comazzi – who is the Councillor for Territory and Green Systems for the Lombardy region – has spoken to Il Giorno about Milan’s plans.

“Milan and the Council of San Donato have asked the Lombardy Region to start the program agreement on the new stadium in San Donato Milanese, by June the regional council will approve the program agreement,” he said (via Calciomercato.com).

“I hope that Milan and Inter, if they were to leave San Siro, find an agreement to build a single new stadium. It is neither up to the Region nor me to say whether it is a concrete prospect two clubs joining efforts could benefit.”

Comazzi was also asked about the ‘save San Siro’ hypothesis that emerged. It was launched by the council, would apparently bring the nearly 100-year venue up to modern standards and and would not force the two teams to find a new place to play during.

“The possibility of renovating the current stadium exists, but it seems to me that Milan and Inter lack the will to do so. I repeat: too much time has been wasted, the Sala council has allowed itself to be influenced by the divisions in the centre-left on the clubs’ project for a new stadium at San Siro.

“The one now being carried out by the mayor on the restyling of the stadium seems to be more of a media attempt than a concrete one.”

So what will happen to San Siro? Well, the councillor suggested that there is an uncertain future surrounding the iconic stadium.

“Complicated situation, there is the risk that San Siro will become an unused open-air museum. I have heard of the prospect of using the structure only for concerts, but it seems difficult to pursue.

“You can do about 20 concerts per year at San Siro, not many more, because it is a stadium without a roof and filling it is not easy for the artists.”