Longo: ‘An appointment on the agenda’ – how Milan plan to move forward with Theo

By Ben Dixon -

The situation with Theo Hernandez is growing increasingly worrying. However, AC Milan plan to meet with the Frenchman shortly to find a solution to their current situation.

On Friday night, Milan fans were confident about the prospects of keeping the trio of Theo, Mike Maignan, and Rafael Leao, but less than 24 hours later, worry crept in once again about where the left-back’s future looks to be.

Ibrahimovic offered clarity to the situation, only for it to be effectively shredded by the Frenchman in a press conference, which duly caused some concern among the fanbase and within the club. However, there is still a serenity at Casa Milan concerning his situation.

Whilst Theo might have said there are no guarantees, this is only a vocalisation of what was already known. After all, we have known for a while there is a chance he may leave, just as we know there is a chance he will stay, only hearing it adds fuel to an unneeded fire.

As Daniele Longo reports for Calciomercato.com, though, there is still calm within the management about the situation their options are known, and they have been for some time. However, they will now aim to create an appointment to clarify the situation, given calmness prevails.

Relations between Theo’s entourage and the club are still good, and a decision will be made after the conclusion of the European Championship. In the meantime, Giorgio Furlani, Geoffrey Moncada and Zlatan Ibrahimovic will study their best offer to present to the left-back, and given no offers have arrived yet, they have time to do so, and their asking price will not change – it will take at least €85 million for a sale.

Interest will probably be higher after the tournament, but the Frenchman has stated he likes Milanese life, so if the financials are met, and he is shown that the project under Fonseca is exciting, it is imagined the Diavolo would hold the cards.

Tags AC Milan Theo Hernandez


  1. They remain calm… At least I’ll be able to buy Théo’s jersey with 50% discount at Casa Milan next season.

  2. “However, they will now aim to create an appointment to clarify the situation, given calmness prevails.”
    Means that they didn’t do anything.

    1. Pls,keep him,he is among the king’s.
      He will be a monster under Fonseca,and Milan will be great again.

  3. Milan revenue and revenue ranking compared to other clubs by year:

    2019/20 – €154m (4th highest in Italy, 30th highest Europe)
    2020/21 – €216m (3rd Italy, 19th Europe)
    2021/22 – €257m (3rd Italy, 16th Europe)
    2022/23 – €385m (2nd Italy, 13th Europe)
    2023/24 (projected) – €450m (1st Italy, 8th Europe)

    We have money now, we are the fastest growing club in Europe, we shouldn’t be losing these guys over a few million…

    1. Yeah the revenues tripled since 2020 but Milan still has the same salary cap… All of that with the new coach being even cheaper than Pioli and some big salaries leaving. Yet some people don’t understand that when they say “we’re ambitious”, it’s only about Redbird stock. I guess Jerry’s ancestors were these itinerant salesmen selling fake elixirs and claiming that it makes you stronger. Crooks…

      1. Not paying 9mil/year to a player isn’t the same as not being ambitious, B. Leao gets 7. No reason Theo & Mike don’t come close.

        When it’s time to renew the likes of Puli, RLC, Reijnders then it will start to get fun to see what the “caps” are then.

        1. The caps are not sustainable for a club who wants to win titles and be competitive on the european scene (assuming Milan does indeed want to win serie A and UCL or at least be competitive). Sooner or later, good players will want more than 5M€ a year and will be willing to move to clubs which above these figures.
          So in a sense, you can’t be ambitious and then decide to put a cap to all your players.
          Now as far as RLC and Reijnders are concerned, we’re not there yet but they also far from being among the best in the world in their respective positions.

        2. We don’t know how much Théo wants but anyway he’s a champion and I guess he doesn’t want to lose his best years playing under Fonseca and competing for UCL appearance. The only thing we know is that Zlatan said “he’s happy but I didn’t speak with him” and Théo said “let’s see if I stay at Milan”…

          Neither Pulisic, Loftus-Cheek or Reijnders are world class players and they’re far from Théo’s contribution with Milan. Théo is playing 90 minutes every three days, without backup, he improved defensively and his association with Leao is paramount to our offense. If he was playing for Inter, I bet that he would be paid accordingly.

          1. oh I absolutely agree that Theo should be making head and shoulders above what Puli makes. i’m just wondering what happens with other renewals after (hopefully) Theo gets renewed.

          2. I really don’t understand that concern about what happens if we give a big salary to a top 3 player. Even in US sports, the best players have the biggest contracts. You want to keep Trevor Lawrence or sign LeBron James? You give them a big contract.

            In our case, if you give a top contract to the best players, it can only motivate the other players to work hard and become top players as well so they can get paid. Right now the message they send is that you can give everything to the team, become a world class player but they’ll not pay you because they’re cheap. The same message that was sent before with Kessié or Thuram. Once again, look at what Inter is doing, acting like a football team that wants to win. Zlatan said they’re thinking about the third star but I’m afraid we’ll be all dead when it happens…

          3. To your comment below,

            To be fair, Milan hasn’t had the necessity to renew him yet. When he renewed first time he got a pay bump. He is improved since then considerably but still has two years on his contract.

            So it’s not like Milan is sitting on their @$$ twirling their thumbs. They have plenty of time to renew him and present him with an upgrade to his wages. Then the ball is in Theo’s court.

            I do think that his comments were a big F U to Zlatan if he in fact knew what comments the Swede had made at the conference, or whether he was advised by his agent to say that.

          4. Bro I know we don’t share the same opinion about that management but to me they actually sit on their a$$. It’s been months now that we can read reports about Mike and Théo looking for extensions and better salaries and nothing has been done. You said it’s media speculation but today it’s very real. Théo is explicitly saying that the door is open. Lautaro’s contract was set to expire in 2026, like Théo, and Inter locked him.

            Furlani and the clowns just wait and see, all the time. It seems like their motto of “it’s boring to win” also applies to the market. Last summer we only signed players that nobody was looking for. The only thing they are able to do well is speak. “We want to win”, “we’re ambitious”, “Théo is happy”… So much bs from the mad men in the great tradition of Madison Ave.

      2. Yeah if Theo wants to leave for personal reasons that’s one thing, but there’s no excuse for losing him for money reasons. He’s not asking for a lot either.

    2. Have you thought that Milan is progressing so much partially because of the salary cap? Otherwise we would end up having guys like spoiled Donnarruma with his brother on 12mil contract, more guys like Origi or other expensive flops (look at Roma for example) which would only draw even more consequences, eg average guys like Musah asking for 7mil and destroying completely salary/skills ratio, as we did with Chinese owners.

      As fans we don’t like it, but from the perspective of club’s growth having salary cap is crucial thing. Try to see bigger picture. That of course doesn’t mean that Theo does not deserve better salary as he is world class top on his position, but I’m quite sure they want to just find a middle ground with him, give him bigger salary but not throw out 12mil out of nowhere. No player can be bigger than club.

      1. Man what’s the point of such growth if the club never spends money in football operations? When do you consider that the club can be allowed to spend money in football operations? Are they going to use that money to cure cancer or end world hunger?

      2. Yeah maybe, though our wage ratio for 22/23 season was 45%, the lowest amongst the top 15 clubs. Maybe it’s good to be the cheapest 🤷 Also from 21/22 to 22/23, matchday revenue jumped by €41m. Maybe fans will come pay their money no matter which players are on the field and how bad the team is 🤷 Clearly management is doing something right financially, but if Theo wants €8m and we say “sorry we can’t give you more than €7m, we have a salary cap” and he leaves, I’ll be angry. And so will most fans.

    3. You’re right but RedTurd are just interested in asset stripping the club. I don’t think Theo, Rafa or Mike figure in their long term plans because they are at peak value.

      1. Are they (Furlani & co.) willing to risk getting only half of the transfer fee next summer compared to this mercato? I fear not. But I’m praying I’m wrong and they will actually manage to renew him.

  4. I do hope they present Leao-sized offers to both Mike and especially Theo.

    There’s no reason 19 should be making as much as Puli or RLC having been there longer and staying with this team through its development phase. With a little more maturity from the Frenchman I would even throw the captaincy into the renewal conversation. (pretty sure my distaste for Calabria as captain is well established here).

    And at that point, if it’s not good enough then an unfortunate certainty will follow… It would be hard to find a replacement for Theo especially given the chemistry he has with Leao.

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