Longo: Milan pushing for Adli’s departure amid €14m offer – the situation

Yacine Adli is on his way out of AC Milan, having been excluded from the squad for the Torino clash, and there could soon be some developments. Of course, as a report states, the main issue is convincing the player. 

Adli was signed by Milan back in 2021 but remained at Bordeaux on loan for one season. When he joined in 2022, he tried to break his way into the team but struggled big time, and it was only last season that he managed to get good playing time.

However, as made clear by Fonseca’s squad list, he’s no longer part of the club’s plan and according to Daniele Longo, Milan are pushing for a move. There has been interest in the Premier League but the concrete offers have arrived from Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Should Adli accept one of these destinations, then the Rossoneri could bank €14m and register a capital gain of just over €10m. It’s a situation that Adli must face with honesty as there is no slot left for him on the squad list.

In other words, even if he chose to stay and impressed in training, he wouldn’t be able to play and that should say everything.

Tags AC Milan Yacine Adli


  1. Its better for all parties if he just go.

    If he stay, he wont even play, he cant play at Futuro, he cant play at first team because theres no slot for him. He just take salary and watching matches from sideline…

    If he leave, he cant kickstart his career in a team that has lower expectation and where he can be better appreciated.

    1. If he goes to Saudi Arabia or Qatar, his career is as good as over. Sure he will make a lot of money, but he will never play again in a big European club and he will certainly never play for the french NT even if Deschamps leaves.
      So I can understand that he’d rather stay and not go to those countries.

  2. I can understand if he doesn’t want to join one of those clubs but he certainly wont see many minutes with us as he simply is too slow in his ball distribution so he wont fit in under Fonsecas speedy style. I do nevertheless like the kid as he has shown a lot of heart. I can see him return back home to France.

    1. Exactly, he will not accept offers from Saudi or Qatar. Milan should try some french clubs.
      He get a little of salary which he can get at any ligue 1 clubs.
      Unless he get some average good clubs, he will not leave somewhere.

      1. Yeah that is correct his salary is fairly low as he earns a mil pr. year so it should be fairly easy to find him a new club. I could also see him join maybe a Dutch or Portuguese team.

  3. He is not good enough for Milan, to be honest it is a masterpiece to get 12 or 14M for him when Kalulu is valued at around 20M.

    1. Yeah 12-14mn would be excellent business for us. However he was in this situation under Pioli then randomly managed to force his way into the first XI. Sadly I think that will give him the impression he can do the same again ,this year under Fonseca.

      It’s no bad thing to love the club, but unfortunately means he’ll try hang on here rather than bring in some decent capital gain for us. Hopefully the management can find some compromise as its likely the salary offer from Middle East is very lucrative.

  4. To be honest he’s rare typical midfielders on these day, more technical than bennacer I guess. Better he did go somewhere for better time to showcase his ability…

  5. Can’t blame him if he doesn’t want to go play down there. Not really a step up in career considering he’s still young lad.

  6. Sad reality is that when you’re a great player who fits into the manager’s system and everyone is happy with your performance and want to keep you but you demand a salary befitting your performance which they won’t pay, they see you as disloyal for wanting to go where you’ll be paid what you think you’re worth; but when you’re not so great a player and you don’t necessarily fit into the manager’s plans but you love the club with all your heart and would like to stay to fight for your place, they’ll try to push you out and even label you an enemy of the club for wanting to stay.

    I like Adli but he’s just not good enough for the position he’s being asked to play. I mean let’s try Liberali in the DM position and see how that pans out but I’m not the coach anyway so what do I know. Maybe Adli should invite the coach over for BBQ 🤷🏾‍♂️😅

    1. I haven’t see anyone labeling him as an enemy of the club so please elaborate because you must be referring to a different article or what ?

        1. Ok, well to be fair both players has pretty much been shite for us so i can at least understand some criticism going their way but on the other hand contracts is to protect both parties so if a player actually wants to sit his contract out in the tribunes its also his right to do so and the same goes for a club refusing to sell a player even if the player wants to leave.

        2. I did reply a bit earlier but used a naughty word so it ended up moderated 😀

          Well those two players was pretty bad for us so i can understand criticism going their way but when that is said contracts are to protect both parties so if a player wants to sit out his contract in the tribunes its fully acceptable from my point of view even if its irritating and the same goes for clubs refusing to sell a player that wants to leave.

  7. I wish adli was better because he’s the perfect guy off the field you want on your team. Passionate, great with teammates and love for the team. Whatever happens I wish him all the best, he won us over last year when everybody wrote him off.

  8. He’s a really nice guy and a sworn Milanista but he never convinced me as a footballer. Many fans here have overrated him and berated anyone who wasn’t convinced. I guess now that Fonseca himself doesn’t want him, people are starting to realize that he does have some skills but is not good enough for Milan. I wish him luck and I thank him for all the passion and hardwork, but I do want to see him gone; our squad is too bloated and we need to offload some people; Adli is too slow for Fonseca’s style.

  9. He young and just starting his career so a move to SA or Qatar isn’t the best move for him and he seems to not care about $$$ but wanting instead to become a better footballer – hence his dedication to his craft.

    We should just loan him out to get more playing time? Waste to give up on such a player. He played out of position last season and considering he had never played in that role before – did a fine job – much better than Musah who we spent 20M on and offered nothing. So I would prefer to loan him out and see if he develops as a DM OR his more natural position as a CAM. He has vision, creativity, is technical and has a great work ethic and his dedication to our colors is second to none. Loan him and let him play his natural position and see what he can make of himself

  10. I know he’s stubborn but he’d be pretty dumb to want to stay under the condition of zero matches, zero minutes, zero sitting on the bench. He’s a good boy, not very good player.

  11. Will he be allowed to join Origi on the futuro team? The saudi league is better than serie C so I’m not sure why he would want to. But it is similar to his national team situation.

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