Colombo and Simic Milan

Longo: Milan could sacrifice promising duo in pursuit of Torino star

AC Milan are already making plans for the summer and one of the priorities is the defensive department. An important signing is expected, with Alessandro Buongiorno the top target, but it could come with some sacrifices. 

As reported by Daniele Longo of, Milan are still keen on signing Buongiorno after making an attempt in January. The price tag is rather high, set at €30m, and the Rossoneri will attempt to lower this by including some counterparts.

Lorenzo Colombo, currently on loan at Monza, and Jan-Carlo Simic are the most likely candidates on that front for now. The striker has scored four goals for Raffaele Palladino’s side this season, while the centre-back has impressed a lot when given the chance by Stefano Pioli.

Although Buongiorno is a very good centre-back, most fans will probably be upset with the idea of including Simic in the deal. The Serbian, considering his age (18), has shown that he could become a fantastic player and it would perhaps be a shame to give that up already.

It’s also possible that Milan could include just one of them in the deal, with Colombo the most likely in that sense, especially since the Rossoneri are expected to sign a striker too.

Tags AC Milan Alessandro Buongiorno Jan-Carlo Simic Lorenzo Colombo Torino


  1. I’m okay with sacrificing Colombo but why Simic? If it’s not a dry loan to Torino this is going to be a very bad decision, we should keep him especially if Kjaer is leaving this summer and one of Thiaw or Kalulu might be sold.

  2. I would overall oppose it as i like both players but these things also happened while berlusconi was the owner of the club so its not like it would be a huge shock in the event it happened but sure they can have them both in a straight swap or maybe get 5 mil on top of it otherwise cairo can find a different suitor.

    1. I would like to see Boungeruno, Colombo and Pobefa with €15m cash would be a bargain for me. IF we could give CDK and €20-€25 (finance from selling Kalulu or Tomori)
      cash for Scavlini, we would then have a defence to match Inter and Scavlini would be the perfect leader in defence just like Bastoni for Inter.

      Three man defence with Boungerno , Scavlini and Thaiw would be the dream.

      I would also accept big offers for Mike, he by his standards has been poor

      1. contrary to a lot of ac milan supporters i actually also like pobega and would like to keep him and adding both pobega and colombo would already mount to a fee of 30 mil so not so sure i would entertain such a deal. Scalvini will cost 60-70 mil so i simly dont see it happen and i will never support the idea of a 3 man defense as i hate the 3-5-2 formation.
        If maignan wont renew below what he is seemingly demanding then i would also sell him as well but overall i would prefer if we could renew him on acceptable terms for both parts involved.

          1. Thats ok you think that i on the other hand think its garbage and i hope we will never see conte at the club.

          2. why tho? šhinter has great success with it. so did juve. even pep has been known to use a 3 man back line time to time

          3. It sorta itches me the wrong way 😀 well i think its down to that we wouldn’t play with backs and wings. It might also demand a rewamp of our squad, One thing is to switch to it under certain circumstances but i wouldn’t like us to play that formation as our preferred one. Pep uses it as a 3-4-3 if i remember correctly but he also uses the 4-2-3-1 as we do as well. To be hones my preferred formation is the latter and in the event we switch coach in the summer id much rather prefer we bring in someone who can build on top of that work done already so the transition is also made easier.

          4. well im team motta all the way. But wouldnt mind conte. i dont think it would rewamp all that much. we have the cbs, we have the fullbacks, the wingers would be left out tho. Just puli and chuck. Leao i think would do great in a martinez kinda role a lot of space for him to atk vs now when he only does the left side.

            but yeah its 100% better to stick to what we build so far tho in a 433 not 4231. we dont have a hakan for that and lack a kessie

          5. The vast majority of the “top” teams don’t use 3-5-2. Which top 6 EPL club uses this? Madrid and Barcelona don’t use it. PSG doesn’t use it. Bayern doesn’t use it. The only notable clubs, if you can call them that, that use it are Inter, Juventus and Leverkusen. And Leverkusen has only been relevant for 1 season. So if you take them out of the equation you’re left with the two Italian teams, and that’s not a coincidence considering that Italian football tends to be tactical/defensive in nature. So 3-5-2 is hardly king.

          6. Motta and de zerbi are interesting options if pioli were to leave but i would like us to try for a far bigger name. Probably unrealisitic and not sure if we are allowed to do so but if possible circumvent his salary hire him through ac milan with wages within our parameters and then hire him as well through redbird as an ambassador with higher wages to make it feasible.
            I’m not screaming for piolis head though and if we were to win europa league i wouldn’t be too surprised if he stays beyond this season even though i can also understand the sentiments of hiring someone else. I will nevertheless prefer keeping him than hiring Conte 😀

          7. 3-5-2 nullifies Leao because there’s not space for him to run into. Haven’t you learned anything when Milan tried this before? Leao even came out and said it himself…

          8. Absolutely not grandpa. We don’t need a more expensive pioli. We need someone who can actually play good football who will get the best out of this squad. Not another bus parking dinosaur who will demand has been players on huge wages

  3. If they wont sell a cb there is no point in bringing a starter lvl cb to the club. Tomori, thiaw, kalulu, gabbia and pellegrino make it 5. Simić and nissen can step up when needed, that makes 7 cb. If kjaer stays than makes it 8.

    How many f0cking cbs do we need?

    1. I agree we don’t need more CBs, but Pellegrino is crap. Even without Pellegrino we don’t need more CBs. Just give Simic more playing time.

  4. Stupid idea. If it still Mr. Pioli, buongiorno will be on the bench, just like other previous players.
    Replace pioli then promote the good youngsters, they deserve for it. Starting from easy games.

  5. Why not exchange Kalulu for Buongiorno ?? Much better deal and we can keep Colombo and Pobega, why do we always give away our Italians

  6. Listen Folks,

    if Buongiorno comes to Milan, you can bet your money Conte is coming. He is tailor made for a 3-5-2 with the players we have.

    But if THAT happens, Leao is probably gone because he is useless in that system unless Conte transforms him into something else (which Conte does’t really do)

  7. Well if Simic just dry loan it is okay. I prefer ACM sacrifice Colombo or daniel maldini ( just one from this 2) to reduce AB price 10m euro . So ACM only need to pay 20m euro to torino + 1 ex academy player

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