Leao Conceicao

CorSport: ‘Love at first sight’ – how Conceicao’s ‘cure’ for Leao is working

Photo by Marco Luzzani/Getty Images

Rafael Leao has star potential, as he always has done. However, getting the most out of him has always been the challenge for AC Milan. Now though, there are signs of it being unlocked.

There are few players who are as equally frustrating as they are brilliant like Leao in world football. The Portuguese winger is mesmerising at his best, and there can be no stopping him, but when things are not going well, they really aren’t.

So the challenge for Sergio Conceicao was to elevate the base, which of course, elevates the ceiling and so far, he is succeeding.

As Corriere dello Sport (via Milan News) writes, the ‘Conceicao cure’ is already showing signs of a positive impact on the winger. It was love at first sight for the pair and a relationship, that was never present with Paulo Fonseca, is already blossoming.

Since the arrival of the former Porto coach, Leao’s performances have been maturing, and he has been decisive in several moments, which was difficult to say during Fonseca’s time. Of course, there are still moments when the Portuguese drops off, but this is where further reinforcement is needed, especially on the front-line.

Conceicao is assured that the winger can be one of the world’s best, and right now, Leao is matching that idea. The only thing left to unlock is full consistency and the 50-year-old will hope to do that, and in doing so, the Portuguese could fulfill his potential.

Tags AC Milan Rafael Leao Sergio Conceicao


    1. Agree – I do find it strange how much hand-holding he needs though… Don’t remember these issues with Pirlo, Seedorf or any of the greats from the past.

      1. That’s just modern life I’m afraid….look how Pep turned Grealish from a luxury player to a player running 70 yards tracking back and winning the CL

      2. Also, pirlo was a bit of a wanderer until Carlo put him as a deep lying play maker…he was too slow to be a no10 at inter, was ok at Brescia but that was deemed a lower level. Sometimes a player can have talent in abundance but not realise it. Gareth Bale from LB to one of the whet attacking talents in the world another example.

        Seedorf just had big balls of granite and didn’t give a f@ck…that’s why we love him 😂😂

          1. Yeah, he needs consistency, the talent is unarguable, if Conceicao can get it out of him every week and on big occasions like Seedorf he’ll be on of our all time greats

      3. I agree with Drew here, Pirlo needed some proper coaching to actually use his full potential, he was wasted at inter. Seedorf, well…
        Also in the past, as in prior to 2010ish, the systems allowed creative players (the 10s generally) to focus entierly on offense, while nowadays everyone is required to defend to some degrees.
        And finally, Theo, Leao and even Pulisic are at best contenders for top 10-20 of the year. Pirlo and Seedorf are all time greats.

      4. Different generation. The kids/players these days are so much weaker mentally. We’re having to decode social posts to figure out what’s going with a player… Ridiculous.

        Go back 20years – different breed altogether.

        1. Yes you’re right. We now live in a world where you can’t critique for fear of upsetting or offending..Simon Jordan speaks a lot of sense on this.

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