Maldini aims dig at Cardinale and foreign owners in Serie A: “Don’t have the tools”

By Isak Möller -

Paolo Maldini parted ways with AC Milan in the summer of 2023 after five years as a director at the club. He hadn’t spoken at length about that time until recently, aiming a dig at Gerry Cardinale and foreign owners in Serie A. 

Milan and Cardinale decided to terminate Maldini’s contract as the parties failed to reach an understanding on the future of the club. Chief scout Geoffrey Moncada was promoted to technical director, while the chief scout of the youth sector Antonio D’Ottavio was promoted to sporting director.

Maldini was interviewed on the AKOS podcast a few days ago and among other things, he was asked about managing pressure as a director. He stated that the players need a lot of support and that this is something that foreign owners aren’t capable of providing.

How important was managing pressure?

“I had to manage alone, if not with the help of my family. When I was a director, having had 25 years of experience and remembering what I felt in the difficult moments of which there were many, I tried to make the most of this experience and try to support those who are very young kids (19, 20, 21 , 22, 23, 24 years).

“[I was] Still without a real structure to deal with certain burdens that you carry with you doing this profession. You always see the beautiful thing, but you don’t see the pressure point of view. In my opinion, there is still a lot to work there and it is still unexplored territory, because the many foreign owners don’t know the topic well and don’t even want to face that type of problem because they don’t even have the tools to do so.

“We know very well the importance of support for players, even on a moral level, both before and after matches and during training sessions. It is also important to see how they train to be able to understand who we are talking to. I always say that these are intangible things, but they make the fortunes of clubs.

“And the intangible things, which can hardly be explained in an Excel sheet to new owners, are out of an owner’s reach or ability to control. It seems like you have a magic formula, but it’s not, it’s something that made you successful if you had it. Success doesn’t just mean winning, it also means trying to do the best you can,” he stated.

With Zlatan Ibrahimovic now back at the club, the players will probably be feeling more of the ‘Maldini-esque’ treatment as the Swede likes to be close to the team. Next season will certainly be crucial to understand where Milan can go next.

Tags AC Milan Gerry Cardinale Paolo Maldini


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  1. I still don’t undertsand why we fired him it doesn’t matter if he wanted more money give it to him he got us Ismael Bennacer, Rafael Leao, Theo Hernandez and Franck Kessie in one season stupid company

    1. They fired him because he wanted full control of the transfer market and Cardinale refused. Redbird wants Moncada and Furlani to have an input in the players who are signed.

      Maldini was offered another position similar to Zanetti at Inter and he turned it down and that’s when he was fired.

      I respect Maldini as a legendary player at Milan but the truth is he sucked as a director. Signing Origi on such a long term contract while he was unfit and injured is beyond crazy.

      Wasting 35m on CDK instead of signing Dybala on a free transfer and use that money to sign Amrabat as Kessie replacement would have made more sense.

      But Maldini doubled down on CDK signing which was a flop. Also, the Brahim Diaz contract agreement was stupid.

      We should have signed him the same way we signed Theo.

      1. “Maldini was offered another position similar to Zanetti at Inter and he turned it down and that’s when he was fired” – I had the temerity to point this out the other day when Ted said Maldini was “kicked out the back door like a dirty hooker” or something and everyone lost their sh*t 😂. It’s really quite amusing seeing how emotional people get over this stuff – with no sign of it letting up either.

        1. Again – going from sporting director who brought us Scudetto and CL semis to parade around and play a circus clown for Gerry.

          Would you?

          1. Come on dude you know full well I was just pointing out the difference between your hysterical take “being kicked out like a hooker” and him being offered a different role. The two ain’t the same thing.

          2. Without a doubt. Maldini make milan great again in last 10 years. With him trophy is possible. With him milan go further in semi championship league.

            Without maldini, winning is boring. No great achievement.

      2. You know who is stupid? Not Maldini. It’s you who are stupid. Maldini had to work extremely hard with the transfer market because Cardinale only gave him limited funds to buy players so Maldini had to go with low price options. He got some flops but who doesn’t? He got many amazing signings in Theo, Leao, Kalulu, Kessie, Bernaccer…

      3. U are a fool wit ur stupid opinions and ideas do u think u know better than maldini idiot like u, u are saying he sucks as a technical director because of only 2 errors is anything wrong cdk? Is it not ur stupid pioli that doesn’t know how to make use of him d cdk u are blaming him for is now an Europa league champion while others are are still struggling wit d local league u are talking nonsense

      4. Dybala was older and demanded massive salary at the time. The owners never gave the green light to sign him. The mandate was to sign young players on low salaries, except if they are free agents.

        He sucked as a director yet he won the director of the year when he won the Scudetto. You are so funny 😆

    2. You are not that bright if you don’t understand that Ibrahimovic screwed him behind his back to take his place.Its not complicated at all.

      1. So your reply to a comment is “ Yeah but you are Jerry’s balls licker…” and yet he is the one that isn’t bright? LMAO!!!

        Dense biscuit.

  2. While more and more foreign owners are buying Italian clubs, Italians, instead of getting their money up, or putting their money together and buy these clubs, they are busy criticizing and finding flaws in the foreign owners.
    They don’t know this, they don’t understand that, they don’t have the tools for another.
    Half of the clubs in the league are foreign owned and serie A has improved, especially in European competitions, specifically those owned by foreign owners. They must be doing something right, don’t you think?
    Great strategy to get your name in the papers and stay relevant. Nothing more than that.

    1. He didn’t even mention Cardinale. He spoke in general sense and not limited to Milan.

      “Aim dig at Elliot” would be more accurate as the title considering their presence was way less than Cardinale.

  3. What is this now? Just nasty, bad practice from you guys in this site.
    You had the full interview posted, we read it and whoever felt like commending, did so.
    But no, you take one part (Maldini said many many interesting things in this interview), make a new story out it (with a provocative title) and more importantly, tease people to start arguing – as if you don’t know the reactions on this topic. Shameful.

    1. Exactly. Media thrive on polarization and intense feelings, mostly hate. Nothing new since Le Bon evidenced the psychology of the mass audience but it’s always sad to see it in practice.

  4. Quite dishonest article, Maldini speaks about his own experience. He was at the club under Berlusconi, an old school owner like De Laurentiis, close to the team and knowledgable. Then he worked for foreign investment funds that obviously don’t care about football operations but just “excel sheets”. Juventus’ owner the Agnelli family has been doing this for years. Owners buy clubs and give the reins to executives, that’s it. Maldini is just making a statement about the evolution of football clubs as corporations/brands.

    Regarding the people in charge of football operations in Serie A, the most successful sporting directors these past years are Beppe Marotta (Inter), Cristiano Giuntoli (Napoli, now Juventus), Tony d’Amico (Atalanta) and Paolo Maldini & Frederic Massara. All Italians. Geoffrey Moncada might be one of the worst sporting directors ever so the problem is when the owner hires the wrong person.

    1. Exactly. Anyone with a sound mind should listen to someone speak who has 25 years of experience and learn from that. It’s such valuable education and the club has obviously missed it. He went through many eras of Milan and many cycles of football and can speak to many things. I simply don’t understand why one wouldn’t want to listen to such history. The interview should also be read in its entirety to understand the context in which he said there’s things. It’s basically highlighting different perspectives

      1. Italian owners have more Knowledge about Football than americans ! No normal european can deny it!
        I am interessed where the Users here come from!
        I think that there is a big danger owners and Management will kill the Spirit of 1994. 1994 : Best final ever!8 italians in it from the beginning! Today the Are 0 italians from Milan and 1 Spaniard from Real at the european Championship! It is a crying shame!

        1. A lot of people here are from countries with no football culture, or never played football in their life, or assimilate sport to business and/or entertainment. SM is a US-based website.

          1. I’m French but I live in Milan 😉 I was living in the US and the football/sport culture is very different.

          2. Bartholomeo if I may ask and just of curiosity how come you live in Milano as I actually at some point looked at apartments in Milano and the main reason for that was to be close to the club.

          3. Martin I came here for a temporary opportunity 🙂 By choice because I like Milan as a city, and I met my girlfriend who is Italian so I stayed longer than expected but we’re thinking about moving out of Italy now, the housing market is insane in Milan and Italian wages are not very attractive.

          4. Bartholomeo oh ok makes sense then, love and work 🙂 I found a small basement apartment that maybe cost a bit below 100k but it wasn’t fancy or anything and the neighborhood probably wasn’t the most exciting one to live in but would at least have been within proximity of easy traveling to San Siro. Never made the move though but it would also be dificult as i only speak very few italian words 😀
            Shame you will then miss watching milans matches regularly as i assume you have a season ticket.

          5. ACM1899, I’m famous east and west of Mississippi for my “putain” haha so Frenchie that every time I go to France I bring back some stinky cheese putain de bordel de merde ! Where are you from btw?

            Martin, Italian is not so difficult if you already know some and you can speak with your hands haha my girlfriend hates when I say this but there is actually a Wikipedia page about Italian gestures 🙂 But Milan is complicated, as I said wages aren’t good and as the economic capital and the biggest Italian city there is a huge competition for housing. The city is great though, culturally speaking, and there are many parks and sea, mountains and lakes are close. Dolce vita 😉

            I don’t have the season pass as I’m often absent during weekends but I used to go to San Siro a lot! Not anymore, personal choice since I disagree with the current club policy. I only went to Milan – Empoli this season because some friends came from France and it was a horror show haha

          6. I dont know many french words but isnt putain the Canadian French word for some gravy fries, maybe ACM1899 is Canadian as I doubt that is common knowledge 😛

            😀 sounds right just look at the actor Roberto Benigni 😀 I dont understand Latin but the words goes through the european languages so it is sometime possible to understand words so I probably could learn it, the right way.
            Isn’t rome the biggest city pretty sure it is but yeah it seemed fairly expenssive at what i looked at.

            Oh ok and that is fair enough, i’d freaking kill to have a season pass though but I can understand the view nevertheless.

          7. Martin, I think you’re referring to “poutine” (which is also the French writing for Vladimir Putin) 😉

            “Putain” is probably the most used word in France and ACM1899 might be American as they know it well. It means “wh*re” but we use it to curse haha

          8. hahaha I was but not about the dictator but poutine and putain, it sounds alike, well then I learned something, i know the Italian word of his insult though then 😀

        2. @Roccy I wasn’t really here nor there wrt if he’s Italian or not. Matter of fact if Seedorf speaks for instance it would be good to pay attention. It really boils down to wealth of knowledge and connection to the club.

    2. …. and Paolo Maldini & Frederic Massara!
      Moncada is 38 years old and in his 1st season as a sporting director.
      Do us a favor and tell us how the great Maldini & Massara did in their 1st season as directors.
      Let’s see.
      They spent 100 million on new players, hired and fired the professor Giampaolo, Milan was 11th on the table prior to Zlatan’s arrival in January and thanks to covid halting the league for few months they somehow cralled back to 6th place in the league, after Leonardo and Gattuso led team finished 5th the previous season, only a point away from 3rd place.
      But yeah , Momcada might be one of the worst directors ever because under him Milan went from 5th to 2nd.
      Neither Maldini or Massara are employed by a club or NT.
      Yeah, what you say makes more sense.
      Keep 😢😭

      1. You’re definitely the most interesting man in the world and a good client for this kind of article aimed at starting fights between us.

        Paolo Maldini & Frederic Massara won the Best Sporting Director of the Year award at the Globe Soccer Awards in 2022. They built a team from scratch that won a Scudetto (and went to UCL semi-finals the following year) after only a few seasons. And their starting point was right after the Banter Era, with no top player in the team.

        What Moncada did until now? Milan was 4th with 70 pts a year ago, they’re 2nd with 75 pts this year. The comparison in European competitions is shameful. The team didn’t improve at all despite having more financial resources.

        1. All of that with the silly salary cap. People tend to forget the festivity of last season mercato could only happen with the sale of Tonali. Yes, a player that Maldini got with such a steal deal.

          “I could have sold him for three times as much to Barcelona, ​​then to Inter. But it was right to give him to Maldini, who did well. I gave up on money that I would have needed, but I had a debt of gratitude with Milan and I paid it off,” – Brescia President

        2. “Paolo Maldini & Frederic Massara won the Best Sporting Director of the Year award at the Globe Soccer Awards in 2022. ”

          And Milan’s physio team (or the main man) won the award for being the best physiotherapists that year! They just gave all the awards to the winning team. Or are you REALLY suggesting Milan has had the best physio team recent years? 😀 😀 😀

          1. I had to check on google to find out that the “athletic trainer” was elected that year by his medical peers. So I was not suggesting anything about the physio team haha I was referring to the Globe Soccer Awards, which as its name suggests is a global ceremony to reward players and actors in the entire world (of course it’s mostly about European football). Again, some people remember well the Banter Era and are grateful to the people that worked hard to build a team able to escape from it and win a Scudetto in a few years only. They are the ones that made Milan what it is today, clear of debt, with a core of world class players.

          2. Yeah but my point was that (most?) awards are given to people who don’t necessary deserve it though. Remember Messi’s last Ballon d’Or?

  5. It’s very cringey of you guys to just try to dig up stuff to paint narratives. We all read what Maldini said but instead u guys want to brew things that cause friction. Clip a part and call it negative. This was not even a dig. It’s basically highlighting issues of how meaningful support and care for players based on his many years of experience. This article was clearly intended to divide. But you’ll get your clicks and comments. A whole interview and this is the clipped part? Nothing about all the other stuff ? Training, technique, history, coaching, fitness/injury prevention seeing as the host was a physio. Nah, Just rehash the ol’ Gerry vs Maldini trope

    1. Haha it might exceed SM’s expectations here as people are starting to insult Italians now. Maybe it’ll evolve to a new feud over Donald Trump and Joe Biden like the other time. Well done SM.

  6. It’s obvious! Most Italians hate foreigners, you can clearly see that in Europe. The foreigners you all are referring to are the ones who are trying to take the “obsolete Serie A” to the same level as the other European Leagues. Inter, Juventus, Atlanta, Roma,…are all owned by foreigners or foreign funds. They are the only clubs in Italy with a somewhat European level. Open your eyes! Italy fail in everything because of this “old Mussolini mentality”. USA, France, England, Spain, Germany are all open to foreigners, look at where they are now compared to Italy. The world is a global village now.

    1. Current top 25 europa ranks according to transfermarkt, june 2nd 2024

      1 England
      2 Italy
      3 Spain
      4 Germany
      5 France
      6 Netherlands
      7 Portugal
      8 Belgium
      9 Türkiye
      10 Czech Republic
      10 Scotland
      12 Switzerland
      13 Austria
      14 Norway
      15 Greece
      16 Denmark
      17 Israel
      19 Serbia
      20 Croatia
      21 Poland
      22 Cyprus
      23 Hungary
      24 Sweden
      25 Romania

        1. Yeah i know i was just reacting to this part of his comment ” USA, France, England, Spain, Germany are all open to foreigners, look at where they are now compared to Italy”

          1. Martin: I am a convinced European an I hate Nobody
            This Form of AntI—Italianism is Not good

            Bartho: Thanks for your answers. I think you could tell us what is going on in France with special quarters!

          2. And neither do I hate people because of their race or ethnicity, gender or sexuality as it wouldn’t do me or anyone else any good. In fact it will only do harm. We are all human beings.

    2. It depends on the foreigner. If you are a rich foreigner, they love you and will hand you “golden visas”. If you are poor (and non-white) they will try to sink your boat before you make it.

      1. Not that i condone such actions Vero but to be fair some of the southern European countries are constantly dealing with refugees and immigrants on a daily basis so is it really so surprising that some people isn’t welcoming them with open arms as its not like it doesn’t cost a lot of money for them to accomodate them in their countries. I suspect it would be the same if it was a reversed situation.

        1. Not untrue and understandable, but nobody is addressing the root cause: the conditions in the countries of origin that lead people to leave everything behind and take unseaworthy boats across oceans or walk across deadly deserts and jungles in search of a better future. People don’t do these things just for fun. Most countries in the global south were wrecked by colonialism and imperialism and are now being ransacked by their own elites. Wars also contribute to migration. This is where the world needs to focus solutions, not building walls and shooting at already sinking barges. That won’t stop people from migrating.

          1. I sympathize with them and their ordeals but europe cant save the entire world either and european countries has also given vast ammounts of money to help 3rd world countries and still does and there is a constant flood of immigrants. I cant speak for spain, italy or greece but in my country we have a welfare system with free schools and hospitals and universities if you have the right grades. Why should we risk losing all that because financially and safety speaking we have build that up over many generations. Denmark has been a safe society for many years but nowadays we deal with gang murders and crime on almost a daily basis and a great deal is coming from immigrants or refugees who become gang members. I’m obviously not saying that the majority of people is like that as they isn’t but there is a clear and huge problem with people who doesn’t give a damn about the society that has embraced them when downtrotten. That simply breeds animosity and tolerance is easiy lost then and i assume its the same issues in other countries. Ive been stabbed twice once by an iranian and once by someone from the balkans and theathened with a knife by an afghan but i dont blame all people from there as it wouldn’t help anyone and also has an iranian friend,
            In the end it will only get worse with global warming and wars that will follow so europe simply cant be taking in so many people as its both costly and societies lose cohesion and im saying this as a guy who always voted far left politically speaking,

          2. @Martin. 100% these are real issues, and of course this is a difficult topic. Unfortunately the solutions are not easy. But we must find a way because only building walls and turning back boats simply won’t stop it. I’m sorry to hear of your stabbings, that’s insane and scary!

          3. I absolutely agree but I think the issues probably is sorted out the best locally with support for the countries, tougher strains of grains etc and better political leaders and so on but you are definitely right its a difficult and very complex topic but glad we can nevertheless have an adult discussion about it not that i expected anything less from you Vero.
            Thanks for the kind words, the stabbings happened long time ago though but the threat with knife happened last year or something but the stabbings definitely caused me a lot of psychological issues that probably to some extent will stay with me for the rest of my life but what can you do it happened its just about to try to get the best out of things.

        1. Thanks I also think most Danes take pride in the society that has been build for generations as its a great country to live in and most people will gladly pay their taxes to preserve those benefits. I think a lot of countries should look towards the scandinavian countries in regard of the welfare system.
          Yeah malmø and sweden in general has a lot of issues nowadays but also in stockholm people are getting killed by teenagers with bombs and machine guns, its absolutely crazy considering that scandinavia is deemed as some of the most secure societies in the world.

    3. Benson: Are you Silly? What give you the Right to attack every Single italian? Where Are you from? Are here italians who attack your Country? It is enough! I live in Germany There ar too many aggressive foregners— no Model for the south or East of Europe!

      And: The Part owner of Bergamo ist a Canadian

  7. I don’t understand the accusation of foreign owners not having the tools. I’m not sure what being foreign has to do with it. The statement “[w]e know very well the importance of support for players, even on a moral level, both before and after matches and during training sessions” is ambiguous, to being with. What is “support” specifically? Then this, if I think I understand what he’s saying, is not something unique to football. It’s universal to all athletes in all sports. So these “foreign owners”, clearly meaning our American owners, are not fully devoid of this understanding, having had involvement with football already before arriving at Milan, and also other sports. So this statement seems to me to be somewhat disingenuous at worst, or poorly translated at best. If there is an issue here, it’s not because they don’t have the tools, but simply because they’re just doing a bad job of it. The result may be the same, but the point of departure is completely different between the two, because the former casts aspersions on a wide group of people, while the latter is simply about the job you are doing.

  8. Can we move on from this already? I don’t know why we need to keep rehashing these polarizations… the fanbase needs to heal and move on. We need to unite around the team, the be coach and to move forward.

    We don’t need to be continuously reminded of the separation of Maldini from the club. It doesn’t matter who was right or wrong. What’s done is done. We don’t still dwell on white left the club, do we? This is no different. Two different schools of thought.


    1. Very true – and that comes from someone of the “different school of thought” ;).
      Very cheap shot from SM, so disappointing that people over here just fell into this trap.
      SM just proved that they don’t care at all about the club’s benefit, just for their own clicks and engagement. They had no problem to make up a story – almost out of context – to divide again the fan base and indirectly harm the club. Just because they could use the extra clicks.

    2. I’m not even commenting this topic anymore if I’m not called out because I’m really tired of it. This and Tonali sale. Of course I don’t support RedBird and their ordeal but that’s for me a separate topic where I know I can be irritating cause I don’t really hold back. But I always supported the team, even last season I didn’t miss a match.

  9. Rocky. Ti’s is not the first time Italian politicians, and others in Sports and music try to blame foreigners for everything that goes wrong in their daily lives. Spotmans, investers, musicians, refugees. Cardinale is from Italian’s parents but he’s not too Italian enough to invest in Italy.

    1. You mentioned foreigners in genereallly and named all italians rassists! There is no Investment like the Katars do! There is no Right to come to Europe ! There Are so many violett foreigners in Europa! We nee a Break to handle it!

  10. Benson: I can Not See where Are the named countries Are much better than Italy! Football? Spain give the Ball the Best role but the other countries Are Not better than Italy! Politics? We have all the same Problems! To many violett foreigners belong to This Problems! I

    1. Roccy: When I mentioned these countries, I was referring mostly to their sport infrastructure lifestyle and economic level. Look at the quality of life in Italy compared to these countries and you’ll understand. You based your idea on the UEFA standing but what has an Italian club won in Europe besides Roma ( Europa conference league)? The truth is, Italian football don’t have the Mafia money of the 80’s and 90’s anymore.
      Here you go again, foreigners have to be blame for Italian mediocrity.

      Martin Bernhard: You said Europe can’t save the world. You are talking about the African migrants but you can want USA and Canada to rescue Europe because a lot of European citizens are lining up everyday to the USA. And you also want USA to save you from Russia/ Putin.

      1. I haven’t said I want USA to save Europe but you should also understand that destabilizing Europe isn’t in USA’s own interest. The difference between Europa and USA is that one nation is build upon immigration from predominantly Europe and the other continent is full of clans and a potential barrel of TNT ready to explode and has showed to be so before therefore it makes some sense to actually preserve some stability, In fact Europe has never been in a better state ever in the recent decades up untill Russia trying to destabalize things and you are seriously arguing that its only in our own interest when it isnt. I’ll add that most European countries to my knowledge has agreed that they will have to pay 2% of their bnp to NATO , one of the few suggestions Trump came up with and an actually fair and sound one. Europe is by the way more united than ever after the Russian invasion of Ukraine which also makes us stronger as a group of countries.

        1. It is wrong to compare the Europeans going to the US with the migrantischer from all over the third world going to Europe! The Europens Are better educated than the Americans — They were and Are a big help for the american Economy! In Europe There Are Most migrans which Are a burden for our Society! More criminality, effirts and so on Are the Problem! Football is Not the same Like This!

          1. USA is our Not always intelligent Kid! We Are Not Family with northafricans! Where Are the foreign owners of american Basketball —Teams.? The foreign owners in italian Football do Not really improve the System! They Are average! PSG, Mancity OK! Liverpool ist overratet— napoli and Bergamo were able to Beat Liverpool?. If you want to have foreign owners in Serie A give me Saudis or Kataris! One Single Word: The Cines of Inter were better than american Owners!

  11. The management are bunch of clowns who don’t know how to run a football club. Starting from the owner , who doesn’t know anything about football and not welling to spend on improving the quality of the team. Continuing to the “Milanista” CEO, who is acting as puppet for his pay masters. Also the clown who scout the players and wants to turn the second most successful European Team to a cheap version of Ligue 1 teams. The sad thing is for Zlatan to goin them, which shows why Ibra uses his ego more than his brain

    1. Clowns who don’t know how to run a football club? They’ve wiped out debts, increased revenue and are building a new stadium. In addition to that, they had one of the best mercatos in history, with Musah the only player signed for a high fee that flopped. They also spent over €100 million, so, as with everything else you wrote, claims about them not willing to spend are a complete lie. They know how to run a football club, you don’t know how to tell the truth.

  12. While it’s true that italian has more knowledge how to win football with their coaches, methodology, and tactical acuity. Recent decades also shown their failure to built football economical aspects which hinder their league. So, in this aspect, i trust Maldini more than Zlatan.

  13. How badly we miss this true gentleman!!!! And to remember that we now have a bunch of clowns and incompetent fools at the top …. furlani who? moncada who? Reminds me of old song: BRING IN THE CLOWNS.

  14. This article title are scam . I read full interview , he never mention red bird or cardinale or other foreigner owner name like friedkin etc. Just normal interview.

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