‘Moving in Arabia’ – Journalist makes claim about possible Maldini return and takeover bid

By Oliver Fisher -

Paolo Maldini is hoping to secure a return to AC Milan through a new buyer of the club, a journalist has claimed, and it is in Saudi Arabia that there is particular interest.

Periodically rumours seem to sprout up regarding the idea of Maldini’s return to Milan after the departed the club at the end of the 2022-23 season, with the suggestion almost always involving a takeover bid from somewhere in the Middle East.

They pretty much never come to anything as the usual denials filter out, but that doesn’t detract from the idea that eventually RedBird Capital might look to cash in if they get a huge offer for the Rossoneri that they cannot turn down, and that a new ownership group might turn to a club icon to help them bed in.

Journalist Fabio Santini spoke on the YouTube channel of Calciomercato.it and he made some rather bold claims regarding Maldini and a mission in the Middle East, as well as regarding the future of Theo Hernandez and Rafael Leao.

“In such a delicate moment, the most representative man, Ibrahimovic, is not there? The coach is already on a collision course with the dressing room, Leao and Theo who make that scene that seemed like they were waiting for the bus. Called back into the group by the latest arrival, Abraham. And the next day the manager Furlani says it’s a non-event,” he said.

“Fonseca? We are moving towards a resolution of the contract that will come sooner or later. It is said that the deadline will be the derby with Inter after Venice and Liverpool. But in my opinion it will be even earlier, because if Milan unfortunately do not shine against Venezia… Who will arrive? The names are Allegri, Pioli, Bonera.

“Milan fans have the devil in their bodies, they can’t take it anymore. They see a great club, glorious, managed by people who show frightening flaws of incompetence. They had seen it last year too, but in any case Milan had come second with Pioli who in his humility, in his being an everyday man, had created a certain balance.

“I have some solutions: that Theo – who Real like – and Leao leave in January and Milan with what they earn make two purchases. That they can bring Demetrio Albertini into the club, a real sporting director like Igli Tare, unemployed and very good, and maybe a consultant like Fabio Capello.

“Maldini? If he comes he wants carte blanche on everything, he wants to be the only regent and he wouldn’t be allowed to [at present]. And I can say that Maldini is moving in Arabia to find partners who can take over the majority shares from Gerry Cardinale, 51 or 52 percent, or one hundred. And sooner or later he will find it, then he will return to Milan.”

Tags AC Milan Paolo Maldini


  1. Let this happen… oh god let the oil money rain on this beautiful club, with Klopp and 40M+ ST, CAM, CM, RB all joining next year and Tammy, RLC, Emerson all getting the door…

      1. Well u are supporting it now when we’re being run by an usa country is it really that bad .
        I advice u chill and have fun watching the game cz we are not any better than them i think we are worst with all of the stuff we cz’ed the world

  2. Nice fairytale story. Sigh! If this does happen in the real world then we are still screwed if Maldini has full control of the transfer market. Smh

    For Milan to be successful we still need experience competent people in management and not past players who don’t have any experience in building a successful winning team. Milan scudetto winning team was built by Gazidis who was the one in charge and making all the final decisions.

    When Gazidis and Elliott left Redbird gave Maldini control of the transfer market and he wasted 35m on CDK instead of using that money to sign Amrabat to replace Kessie and get Dybala on a free transfer.

    Maldini also didn’t take the recommendation of Moncada to sign Enzo Fernandez, Julian Alvarez and Kolo Muani. On top of that Maldini wanted to replace Pioli with Pirlo. What a disaster that would have been. Sigh!

    So at this point I don’t want any more past players at Milan who don’t have any management experience and skill set to build a winning team.

    Inter’s best transfer was getting Marotta from Juventus. It was the beginning of the end for Juventus and the beginning of a new era for Inter.

    There is a difference between Experience and Inexperience management and that is the currently the problem at Milan.

    1. While I agree Maldini was far from perfect, he was hampered heavily by a very strict budget. Especially under Redbird. Makes the job a lot more difficult than it would be under a potential Arab owner

      1. Milan would still need to respect FFP rules, regardless of who the owner is. Whatever they make in revenues will be what they can spend on the Market, no more than that.
        Milan’s revenues aren’t going to suddenly shoot up just because they got a new owner. Business and Finance doesn’t work that way.

          1. It will not be 300 every year but it will go from 70m to 120 or 150 atleast every season.
            And most importantly we will not have cheap coaches or managers in the top.

            First big thing is we will get rid of redbird, let Jerry play golf or basketball in America.

    2. Then how do you feel about the new management spent 15m on Emerson, 20m on Musah, 28m on Chukwueze? And don’t forget each of them has a higher salary than CDK.

      The same list can also be created for Marotta or any other manager, but some people can only repeat CDK, CDK, CDK…

      1. Milan can afford to make these signings now because their financials are healthier today than 2 years ago. It’s not that hard to understand. At the same time, just because some new owners come in, does not mean that fans will likely buy more Milan merch (and hence give the club a boost in their revenues) and the club can suddenly go from buying 20M players to buying 60M players overnight.

        It took us several years of loans + options with Maldini before we even reached the point of buying more than 1 player for 25M+ each Mercato and higher wages for players.

        It will take more seasons of improved revenues before we can bump those numbers up further. New Owners won’t immediately change anything.

        1. At the same time, don’t go cheap on players that you already are buying… Emerson Royal isn’t a player that was worth that time and 15M

          we went -38M this year and are getting upto 40M from 3 loans and Brescianini resale clause deals next summer, if Bennacer shines his 50M clause will be matched or even 40M will be paid… 4 players were needed to match Juve and Inter squads and we went cheap on 2 (RB and ST), took a bad bet on RLC’s skill and ignored depth after selling Adli and Pobega (regista and CAM)

          1. Bring it on! This furlani and Co. management resembles Kindergarten Management in high class world
            board room.
            Furlani and Ibra employed a middle of the road manager who has failed in Italy with numerous clubs. Their plan was to strengthen from last season. The result from their deplorable efforts display a weakened Milan football structure.
            Maldini/Arab financed venture can not be any worse than what we’ve seen at present. Milan struggle domestically and in Europe, and we will see this against Liverpool and Inter very soon.
            Cardinale maybe successful in his own right, Milan will not do it for him relying on Furlani, Ibra and Moncada.
            People forget and blame the two players for Lazio draw, but they entered the game and gave us a draw. The football world should look at both sides of the fence with Fonseca at the centre of the problems!
            If Leao and Theo leave and do not resign then the management should be SACKED and maybe a sale to the Arab’s will be ever so closer. Welcome Maldini

      2. If its only 3times for cdk, cdk, cdk it’s better. They tell this all their life and they didn’t see how many goals and assists he scored last season. The problem is the manager and pressure that was put on him.
        Even it’s Elliott management who waited all Mercato to give money for Mercato. Some people don’t see a problem but blame on just 1person.
        Without him they couldn’t have signed Mike, Theo, Leao, kalulu, tomori, Kjaer, Zlatan, tonali, Bennacer, Saelemakers, giroud, cdk etc.,

    3. Hmmm. Ur take is hilarious… Milan didn’t take Enzo..Chelsea took Enzo and Chelsea is where? Not even in d UCL places! Milan didn’t take Alvarez, city took him as a sub, athletico took him as a starter and what has he done? Maldini took CDK and we sold him after one season preferring Musah d gateman and chukwussias… Maldini built d scudetto team… Get it straight

    4. Enzo, Julian Alvarez all that Maldini wants but Milan have no money.they still have to respect financial agreement with Uefa. Enzo end up to Chelsea almost 100m, that amount would never be Milan standard mercato.

    5. Bro wow you just nailed it big time, you said it all. Maldini was a disaster couldn’t even project is own son to Play for the club Enzo and Alvarez would have been Milan Stars by now stupid dude 😎 with no ideas.same things happening now bad choice of coach . Well sad to say the whole locker room wants the new coach out of the club it’s obvious

  3. I can’t believe that Jerry will sell the club before the Super League.

    European football is a mess right now. Most teams are in debt and the value of the top clubs are way below that of the NFL franchises despite football being the number 1 sport in the world (3,5B estimated fans). US football has 400M estimated fans but 30 of the 32 NFL franchises are in the top 50 of the most valuable sports teams in the world. Real Madrid as the first football team is 11th. The Indian cricket league has adopted the NFL model of a closed league sharing TV revenues at its inception in 2007 and it’s the fastest growing sports league in the world. And cricket has 1,5B estimated fans.

    Imagine the value of the top European football clubs if there is a closed European league with the 20 most famous clubs in the world sharing the revenues for TV rights sold to 3,5B people across the globe. Milan could be worth over 5B€ and Jerry knows that it’s happening soon.

    1. It’ll never be accepted in Europe, meritocracy is a big thing in European sport…it’s why Europeans can never understand why Americans call their sports tournaments ‘world championships’ or ‘the World Series’. Fan pressure will always put an end to the European super league, even if they are trying to usher it in through the champions league

    2. Football has never really been profitable business unless you are a selling club like Benfica. Those who win title spend money for glory like Berlusconi and Abramovic. I only saw Dortmund and Arsenal during Wenger era when a club can be both profitable and decent, but even they can only challenge title once in a while.

    3. That’s also what Gerry and moneyball Bill got it wrong with a European club like Milan thinking buying players from other leagues outside of Italy won’t bite them back. There’s a big difference buying players from foreign clubs and leagues in Europe compared to buying players in closed leagues like in USA.

    4. True.
      40days of Indian premier league do the more business than 10month long English premier league EPL.
      (League system was much better also, all teams have fixed budget so it really comes to your bidding choices and tactics of your team than just big players)

  4. anything is better than Red Bird. but I’m not passionate the vision of turn over club by Middle East company. however, who else could make that bid? probably only Elon Musk presented a bit similar values as don Silvio Berlusconi and have got enough of sources to buy AC Milan. because who else?
    currently Milan has got some communist agenda. every transfer windows show to fans that is not anymore Italian team. is not anymore team that is worth sth more to players than club. it’s just club which build their careers.

  5. Seems a bit far fetched…with all his love for the team I don’t think Maldini will conjure up such a plan. But maybe the red tape surrounding San Donato might just push Cardinale into selling.

  6. They make it sound like he’s king Richard or something and what, Theo is robinhood lol? I mean, given the current situation, I’m open to it. Come save us from the terrible prince John!

  7. Igli Tare at least has some respect in the world of football and dealing business with other clubs. I really cannot understand how Cardinale is dead afraid to be overshadowed by a sporting director and instead let an amateur scout and Wall Street key account manager run the whole show.

  8. Igli Tare at least has some respect in the world of football and dealing business with other clubs. I really cannot understand how Cardinale is dead afraid to be overshadowed by a sporting director and instead let an amateur scout and fund key account manager run the whole show.

  9. so jeri, scaroni & furlani is rothschildren,
    Maldini calling Arabs come to Italy “tho house of Pope”. Wow.. this is no longer about sport anymore

    1. You are too damn stuck in the 9th century and crusades my religious-bigot friend.
      Take your meds..
      hope your meds bring ya back to 21st century if possible..at all.

  10. Use the oligarchs to build a stadium and revamp Casa Milan, etc. Sign the best coach and all the best staff from Serie A to Milan Youth. But do not use them to buy every other overrated player in the world for too much money and to become another soulless club.

    The priority has to be to build Milan from within. Look at how well it has served Barca. Milan can recreate that particularly with what the gene pool delivered in Lombardia between 2004 and 2008. That’s the first gen, the Xavi, ect.

    Use the money to give Maldini the room to build what he was building and I’m fine with it.

  11. Furlani needs a clean shave, a long shower and a strong kick on his backside so we won’t see him any more.
    Ibra needs to have his ponytail cut and his big ego deflated and sent back to sweden.
    Moncada needs to go back to his scouting activities with some serie C team and get out of the way.
    Cardinale needs to concentrate on his US business and forget all about milan.

  12. I don’t think oil money is the solution… Attitude is, where is the days when milan was feared by the greatest clubs. 1st mistake was letting Maldini go, 2nd mistake letting pioli go. Now you spend money, and failed 3 games in securing 3 pts, how do you lose to Parma, and draw 2 games out of the 3. Football became a paycheck, so the oil money can guarantee that, but is the attitude going to change?

  13. Hope this is true, doubt it though. Mostly because cardinale has surrounded himself with amatours. We need someone who can appoint the right, proven managers and not amatours like furlani, moncada, ibra etc.

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