Mediaset: Milan plot Reijnders-esque signing of Feyenoord midfielder – the price tag

By Isak Möller -

AC Milan are looking to bolster the midfield this summer, especially in the defensive phase, and several targets have been mentioned lately. Mats Wieffer is one of them and it appears he’s at the top of the wish list. 

Milan conceded way too many goals during the 2023-24 campaign and one of the reasons for that was the lack of a defensive midfielder. Ismael Bennacer was injured for half the season and when he returned, he understandably wasn’t in the same shape.

As such, the Rossoneri are expected to sign a defensive midfielder this summer and according to Mediaset (via MiIanNews), Mats Wieffer is now the first choice. The Feyenoord midfielder’s contract will expire in 2027 but he has his heart set on a departure, which the club directors are aware of.

Milan have initiated contacts with the Dutch side, with a starting price tag of €25m, and this is something that the Rossoneri are trying to lower. It could be an operation similar to the one that brought Tijjani Reijnders to the club, which cost around €20m plus bonuses.

Wieffer is currently recovering from an injury, having missed the last games of the season, but should soon be back in action. He’s not in the Euro squad, though, with Reijnders playing the key role in midfield instead.

Tags AC Milan Feyenoord Mats Wieffer


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  1. Good player and a different mould to fofana. Unlike fofana he is able to drop deep to act as the third CB adding stability to our backline. He is elegant on the ball and his stature is a little similar to van bommel. I don’t think Feyernord are in a hurry to sell unless big transfer fee is paid. Would be a good signing if we can replace pobega will him.

  2. If they say his price 10m I’m sure they will try to go and lower it again. If he’s a real target just pay the damn 25 and be over with it. It’s not like he cost 50m

  3. Finally management is going after a defensive midfield. everyone in this blog has cried for a DM. For the 4-3-3 Pioli wanted (which fits a lot of our Mids) you need a strong DM. We didnt have one and that’s why Pioli went back to his 4-2-3-1. I’m going to blame it on Pioli for thinking Krunic could do it. LOL.

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