MN: Milan in talks with Chilean club over late January deal for winger

By Oliver Fisher -

Further confirmations have arrived after news broke earlier this afternoon that AC Milan are negotiating for teenage winger Dario Osorio.

Journalist César Luis Merlo – who works for En Cancha and TyC Sports among others – reported earlier this afternoon that Milan have made an offer of €5m for Darío Osorio of Club Universidad de Chile, and negotiations are underway between the two clubs.

He added that Milan fully intend to get the deal done before the January transfer window closes, perhaps matching up with the news that Nicolo Zaniolo and Hakim Ziyech are currently very unlikely to arrive as per widespread reports.

MilanNews have done some checks on the reports from Chile and they confirm that Milan are negotiating with Universidad de Chile over Osorio but the amount is less than €5m.

He would take a non-EU slot providing he were registered with the senior side, and the Rossoneri are negotiating directly with the Chilean club at the moment, therefore without intermediaries.

Tags AC Milan Dario Osorio


  1. Ha! From zaniolo to ziyech to Saint maximin… And we’re linked with this guy… And we complained about zaniolo. Let’s keep wasting the limited millions we have on below average players

  2. Hahaha what a classic Milan move. First Zaniolo who has a ton of potential, then on to Ziyech who is good but older, now onto this noname joke. Awesome. We are doomed. Ownership is trash.

    We were linked with Dybala, Enzo Fernandes, Botman, Zaccagni, Frattesi, Zaniolo… yet we got Thiaw, Vranckx, and Adli… yep this is milan

    1. Bennacer was great for Empoli before joining. He played in Serie A and was already good and showing potential. Yes every once in a while some players will surprise you but by and large they don’t. It’s just pathetic this is what milan has become.

  3. And people blame 100% Maldini. He tries to make moves and gets turned down and has to settle for transfers like this and when they don’t work out he’s to blame. If I were him I’d callout Gerry for the fraud he is

    1. And Cardinale, with the help of Elliott will pull out all the receipts of Maldini’s poor work at Milan.

      He has autonomy what to do with the money the owners give him to spend on the market.
      He misses on one target he wants, and he doesn’t have a plan b and goes into panic mode and spends it on a wrong player.
      The money that is available is what’s available .
      If the owners can only provide 50 mil over the summer then that’s what he has to work with. If he can’t work with just 50 mil, than he needs to step aside and let others more capable than him to do it.
      Napoli spent about the same amonunt of money last summer and they are by far the best team in the league, while our fans keep looking for excuses to defend Maldini.
      Napoli needed a CB just like Milan and they signed Kim for 15 mil and he has been very good, while Maldini since he didn’t get Botman who went for 40 mil, decided to go into totally different direction with the money and sign CDK for 35 mil, even though during the negotiations everything we heard from people from the Belgium league was that he is good but he isn’t ready to move to a club like Milan and that he needs another year in Belgium.
      He had enough money, he spent it on the wrong players.
      We needed a DM , Enzo Fernandez was available for 10 mil, Maldini went after Renato Sanches for 15 mil , got neither.
      Kolo Muani was available for free , Maldini and Massara went and signed Origi on a much higher salary.
      The money was enough compared to what the club revenue is , it was just invested on the wrong players
      I do wonder if our sporting director had a different surname if people will be so eager to turn a blind eye on all of this

      1. Exactly ! Kim for 15, Enzo for 10, Kvara for 10, Muani free, fully fit Belotti free. All linked with Milan more than any other club. Thats 15 left to probably to spend on a decent backup GK. All problems solved with the same 50 mil budget.

        1. And to be a great scout, you have to have foresight.
          All Maldini has to do is actually listen to his chief scout, who is one of the best in the game.
          That’s Moncada who BTW recommended and did the ground work on both Enzo and Kolo Muani

      2. If your talking about scouting it’s not Maldini who does that. I don’t ever recall being reported to Kim and kvara, etc.

        If Maldini goes in on a player and it’s taking weeks of negotiations its because he’s trying to squeeze every penny out of the owners to get that man and in the end they turn it down. Tries again and same thing. Who do we get after that?

        When it comes to contract situations we don’t hear everything but if somebody like Kessie was dmnong 6m I’m sure Maldini knew about that when Kessie stated he’d stay. Who didnt want to offer him the 6m Maldini or the owners? If I were them I would have given them exactly what they wanted even though they couldn’t afford and sell them on for a profit instead of letting them walk but let’s not be naive to think Maldini couldn’t get the renewals done.

        Is Maldini perfect? No. But he’s been in this for under 5 years and has signed many fantastic players, Also bad ones. But don’t tell me the reason we can’t get half these deals done is because of him. It’s the tight asses above him that won’t allow it and he gets the blame for it

    2. If Maldini managed to get 100m in funds from sales like he’s meant to, you know we might have better options

      but no lets let everyone leave for free

  4. God this is embarrassing. Back at the bargain bin. Another cheap player from some second rate league who Pioli will rightly not trust to play any minutes and just sit the bench. From Zyech to this? If they took all the money spent on these cheap signings (Vranckx, Thiaw, Adli,Pobega, Origi, etc.) that don’t help the team at all, and just spent it on 2 really good players that can actually step in and help the team win they would be much better off. I think it’s called “penny smart, pound foolish” That would describe Milan right now.

  5. I dont hevean understand this management every time average player look at inter roma dybala is free transfer we loose him to roma origi is injury player charls never get him self now were looking for 4$million player again this is too much

  6. @K, this guy is better than Junior and saladmaker put together, better than Diaz and CDK , he’s quality. I wish Milan signs him

  7. And considering Maignan even came for around 15 mil, you could have gotten one of these Italian GKs who were looking for moves for less, and spent the rest on a decent LB backup.

  8. How many SECONDS did the ‘doom & gloom’ morons who are already all bustling around dissing the guy in fact watch him play? This type of ‘fan’ is a disgrace to the club, indeed to football and sport as a whole!

    1. And if Milan don’t sign him, he goes to another medium or big club and explodes, the same gloomers will be in here crying about wHy DiDnt MaLdiNi SiGn HiM

    2. Based on the video compilation, he’s got a talent for sure. The big challenge is that he comes from a very different league and continent. But at this point, I’ll take anyone over our current RW department.

  9. If his videos are anything to go by, he might be a future star for sure…and I know we need immediate solutions, but there’s no harm in bringing him in to be groomed.

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