‘I will pack his bags’ – Denials arrive after allerged Scaroni comment on Leao

By Isak Möller -

Paolo Scaroni has got himself into trouble with a comment about the future of Rafael Leao, suggesting that ‘I will pack his bags’ in the event of a hefty offer. A far from smart remark to make, especially at this time. 

Milan fans are already on edge after a disappointing 2023-24 season and the imminent announcement of Paulo Fonseca’s arrival. With that in mind, Scaroni probably should have kept his mouth shut.

Update: In a message sent to the media outlets, Milan and Scaroni deny the comments published.

Intercepted by Dire, as cited by Sportface, Scaroni was asked about Leao’s future and the rumours suggesting that Milan could get around €150-175m for their star. The president certainly showed his true colours with the response, having never been particularly bothered about individuals.

“Leao? If they give us 150 million I will pack his bags for him,” he stated.

Milan have made it clear that they will evaluate any big offer that arrives for one of their stars, which certainly makes sense. However, to openly state that you happily would get rid of one of the stars – albeit for a lot of money – is never a good idea.

Above all, it’s a lack of respect as Leao most likely will read the president’s comments, and suddenly he’s just a number instead of a human being and Milan player.

Tags AC Milan Paolo Scaroni Rafael Leao


    1. I agree. This senile mofo does nothing good to the club. What has he ever done to deserve to stay, eh? Fire him already.

    2. From Gazidis and Maldini we’ve gone to Scaroni and Furlani…so much for upgrading the team

      And yes, I believe he said those words otherwise they would have sued

    3. I really couldn’t care less provided we don’t sell Leao or any of our other stars.

      If we do then I’ll be calling for heads.

      I go for actions over words.

      1. Scaroni is a man of limited intelligence as shown in his latest statement so I understand the owner’s strategy
        Scaroni should apologise to the owner, player, and the fans and football world.
        Huge ACM embarrassment

  1. Hello American supporters hello – do you see what Redbirds real intentions are. Dejan boy and the others hello?? Is this how we are supposed to keep our best players – no this is how you build a stadium for free and resell 🤡🤡 And this sh*tang is just a pawn as well but stupid enough to speak out loud!! There are few of us here who actually see thru their real intentions but we are labelled as cry babies 🤡 let’s hear how you support Redbird now , how you can sell the second best winger by stats after Vini jr and replace him with this TONS OF MONEY!! 🤡🤡

    1. Do YOU not understand that it was your prior, Chinese, owners that put him on the board, and that he was the former CEO of both Enel and Eni? He’s about as American as President Xi.

    2. Scaroni:

      1. Is not American
      2. Joined this club when he was appointed director by Yonghong Li
      3. Is a business executive by training and practice and is not “football man” in any sense.
      4. Exists to run the business side of the club.
      5. Makes dumb@ss comments all the time.
      6. Can’t be blamed on “the Americans” or Redbird or “Moneyball Moncada”.

      The guy runs numbers, he should stick to doing just that and keep his mouth shut about footballing matters.

    3. Right, because why take 150-175mil for one single player and improve the entire team? Only clowns do that. Like Barca, when they sold Neymar…

      Short sided comment from you again, just to fit your anti American narrative?

      1. Your missing the point. Doesn’t matter how much you would make – he shouldn’t comment on football matters or openly state they would sell players and “pack their bags”. That is not how to build a club nor loyalty.

        Everyone has a price and nobody is unsellabe – BUT – you keep that behind closed doors and don’t go out public ally and make such foolish and disrespectful statements.

        Would you support it if a player – Theo, Leao, etc…came out and said publicly WHILE STILL UNDER CONTRACT – “if another team offers me more salary I would gladly pack my bags and leave”??? NO. We would call that player selfish and disrespectful to the club. So the same should apply to a fat old bastard Scaroni

    4. Seconds best winger after Vini Jr ? 🤣
      Show me those stats. Cause I’m pretty sure Mbappe, Son, Rodrygo and etc are wingers too.

      1. There’s an argument to be made that he was only the second best winger on the TEAM.

        Leao might be a top three talent, but he cruises through too many matches, and is NOT a top two or three winger.

        God forbid he gets his head on straight and concentrate on his football, he COULD be a top three winger, but he’s not there.

  2. He’s a leaky-brain geriatric egomaniac, like Trump. Both of them need to keep their gobs shut permanently.

    1. How can you compare him to Trump? He’d be the Biden. Trump may be the only sane person left in America. The remaining Americans are all idiots wanting WW3, hoping to make profits off it, just like our RedBirds here.

      1. So Americas most sane person is also the most egotistical, vile unsympathetic lying piece of human trash who doesn’t care about anything but himself. Add to that criminal on top of that.
        I’d say put the dog down.
        Biden might not be my taste of politican but at least that guy has worked in politics for decades and his action for improving society speaks louder than that foul mouth on trump and his demented maga supporters,

          1. To be fair it was politiczed by Sam at first and i didnt intend to let that go unheard but i nevertheless disagree with MC Mikers statement because trump is in his own league of idiocy.

          2. Incredible isn’t it? People I’ve had perfectly reasonable conversations on here with getting nasty over Trump 😵‍💫 sheesh.

        1. Did you know even SNOPES came out recently to admit that Ashley Biden’s accusations against her pops are true?

          1. Did you know that trump was caught lying around 30000 times while being the president ? did you know that he basically incouraged an insurgency many months before the magas attempted to lynch a bunch of politicans ?

            I also said that biden isnt in my taste either but certainly a better option than trump

          2. I wouldn’t vote for either of them so that is hopefully not a jibe at me because fact is that america never has had a president that i would really want to vote for but still biden nevertheless seems like the better and safer choice to bet on.
            Him being a pedo is a rumor as things stands and probably one made up by the far right who clearly don’t give a damn about the truth as long it suits their views.

          3. You working off disinformation emanating from a stolen diary there?


            Trump is not a laughing matter or should not be the subject of false equivalence.

            He’s a clear and present threat to the US and western democracies so your usual one liner snide remarks are not appropriate for this subject.

          4. Ok I feel strongly I need deal with accusations that the US President is a pedo…

            So Snopes story (fourth hand) comes from the story (third hand) about Ashley Biden’s diary being stolen by two people (not just second hand, second hand who are the type of people who steal diaries…) who tried to sell it to the far right activist group, Project Veritas, who TURNED IT DOWN…they were then caught and tried and Ashley Biden (first hand) made the entirely unsurprising statement that:

            ‘I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online.’

            and Snope used this quote to reclassify the URBAN MYTH as from ‘unproven’ to ‘true’.

            That’s the basis for your claim.

            We’ve just seen a jury find Trump guilty of falsifying documents (the actual crime committed, paying ‘hush money’ is not a crime but the media (the MSM no less) can’t stop trivialising Trump illegalities).

            But apparently that doesn’t cause you any concern. Instead the ‘truth’ you seek is fourth hand from a dodgy website that misinterpreted the words of the victim of a crime???

            What is wrong with you?`

          5. The fact you are a Trump supporter explains a lot. You have never been a reasonable commentator. At least now we know what kind of person you are

        2. Thanks Martin ❤️

          The very same guy who said we should inject bleach in our veins to cure Covid 🤣🤣🤣

          1. No problem as i think its ones duty to speak out against the lunacy, People can have their view on immigration, taxes, infrastructure or whatsoever but that man is dangerous for the entire world.

            😀 Yeah I dare him and to take a zip of it himself and even better drink a full bottle.

          2. That’s a better idea than the clot slot everyone was forced to get. You remember get the vaccine and you’ll be protected and then it was it would make your symptoms less severe and now everyone knows it was all a lie and a huge money maker for big pharm. Nothing in our living history was more authoritarian than what our governments did during Covid.

        3. I like how trump is the only president that didn’t start wars but ended them. Personality and all that aside, he did an ok job running that circus that is murica

          1. That is one positive ill give him that but that is pretty much a drop in the sea of bad and nasty choices he also made, If anything he developed it into a freakshow.

          2. I like how Biden’s a pedo who takes showers with his daughter when she was 11 and no one cares because mainstream media doesn’t report on it obv. Anyhoo….

          3. Even if it is true, it doesn’t really exclude trump being a nasty and dangerous man does it ? The guy has mocked disabled people and caused bigotry against large groups of people for the mere fact that they are from specific countries and even did it while cameras was rolling if that doesnt cause concern then i dont know what will. Then there is project 2025 but dont get me started.

          4. Neither of them should be running a country. That’s for sure.. old people should just be retired or have some advisor role.. not actual power.

          5. Even though there is a danger to say that you shouldn’t be allowed to be candidates because of age America certainly should be able to find better candidates than both of them.

          6. a) Trump did not start wars directly but he created the conditions for Putin and Netanyahu to butcher people. He also started an insurrection.

            b) Biden is one of the most successful post-war presidents – he’s helped drive down inflation, raise wages, and spent over $1 trillion on green transition. None of this gets talked about because the media gets distracted by Trump.

          1. So you think because im a Dane his ridioculous nonsense doesn’t affect the rest of the world or what ‘? it does.

        4. If you think that oof Trump then what do you think of our politicians? Because everything you make trump out to be is in fact Berlusconi, and we loved Berlusconi.

          1. To be fair I was ten years old when i became an AC Milan fan and had no idea about politics and if I had things might have been different for me. Now I’m 45 years old so even though I liked Berlucsoni as a club president for 2/3s of his tenure I pretty much detested the politician Berlusconi. As I see it its a bit of a simplification of things because I can obviously appreciate what he did for the club but that doesn’t mean I have to buy into his politics which I find rather disgraceful. I’m not Italian by the way and Italy isn’t really a beacon of light to be followed in my view.

        5. What has a politician done to use YOUR tax dollars to make YOUR life better. Almost all politicians (both sides) are in it for themselves. To make themselves wealthy and stay in power.

          Now use that as a source of truth and you’ll see how evil this world really is.

          1. So working for better schools, hospitals and improvement of human rights doesnt matter, all right thats fine but don’t try to sugar coat a fella whos 2025 project reminds everyone of the crystal nacht.

          2. Don’t bother with Martin he reads only lefty lending news and repeats lines he heard from watching the view.

          3. Never watched the view and even if im left wing its not like i cant see things from a different perspective so keep making up bs Krunics Heir .

          4. So you are telling me that my wife’s blood disorder that randomly showed up after the shot is made up? Thanks mate you are a real one. I work at the university in my city my wife is a high school teacher I know all the left lending attitudes on everything.

          5. If that is a reply to me it definitely takes the price for the weirdest one i’ve ever seen on sempremilan.

            What does that info have to do with the discussion, im curious to hear your explanation so please do elaborate.

    2. Typically old school Italian attitude, like Lolito and ADL… these guys and those like them are holding seria A back and will carry on until the even the French league will have a higher status then seria A

    1. Is he being honest or ignorant?

      We sold Tonali are midfield is in pieces despite the reinforcements, was that honesty too.

      Theo & Leao on the left is the one part of AC Milan that is world class…that’s the honest truth

    2. How is a Milan blog a place to talk absolute trash about American politics? What is wrong with you people? What does AC Milan, 7 times European champions, second ONLY to this great Real Madrid ( guided by Milan legend player + coach Ancellotti), have to do with fucking Trump, Biden or any American histrionics?
      Respect AC Milan!!

    1. So, many old people don’t know what they say. I wonder why u guys are taking him so serious and insulting him. He’s an old man. Let’s respect that first, and secondly, we all know all he talks about is stadium development that as never come to reality which I try not to read when it drips here. The management are to blame for making him the president and letting an old man out to talk about the club…. He’s only saying what they already discussed amongst them

  3. “In a message sent to the media outlets, Milan and Scaroni deny the comments published”… so did he say it or didn’t he say it? Either way this is approaching a Biden level gaffe.

    1. It’s kind of hard to take anything you say seriously anymore given you seem to believe the “all of Trump’s opponents are pedos but the MSM won’t talk about it” line.

      The MSM famously ignore supermassive scandals!

      1. Hmmm – I tend not to argue with blue pilled folks like yourself on this. You tend to be completely unwilling to listen to any facts that lie outside of the mainstream narrative. It’s like arguing over a movie that the other person hasn’t seen yet – so let’s stick to football. All will be revealed soon enough…..

        1. ‘Blue pill’.

          Oh dear.

          I really thought you were more sensible than this.

          But seriously why is it always pedos with you people?

          Pedos and pizzas!

  4. If you have found that this comment from Scaroni is not true, the article should be removed and not just add a little sentence saying they are not true.

    Although I would pack Leao’s bags too for a large offer.

  5. So milan only value leao bellow that? I guess they basicly will agree transfer for mere 70M and PSG definetly will sign him this summer.

  6. This is the result of what kind of Administration and Management we Have they see only 💲💲💲💲💲
    I am dreaming of PIF Buying MILAN. And we get rid of this garbage of presidency….!!!!!!!
    I❤️MILAN. And you President Scaroni???

  7. Unless all the cancer in the club is completely eliminated, this will be the result every single time. You get to see the management’s real intentions and goals right here. Milan supporters could only hope an Arab takeover saves the future.

  8. I still don’t know what Scaroni brings to the table that actually helps Milan. The answer is absolutely NOTHING. All he does is earn a fat paycheck and create controversy. Disgrace. Like Maldini said, he’s only there for the photo ops

    That fat old bastard should be removed ASAP.

        1. I agree plenty and to be clear I’m not defending him, I hate this guy. He’s around for the free buffet. He was at Berlusconi’s funeral with all the other public imbeciles of his generation to appear on the pictures.

      1. And what good have those “connexions” brought us? Investigations. Stadium delays. Nothing good. Get rid of him. Now.

  9. Not surprising coming from the same guy who stated that AC Milan’s purpose is just to get to play in the UCL each year.
    Well, I think this tells even more about what are our direction’s actual “amibitions”.

  10. I’m glad they have a douche like him on the board, he at least tells us about their true intentions.

    They can deny all they want, it does not mean he didn’t say it. Fact is, it came out and damage has been done.

    Thank you you ol’ saggy clown

  11. Sometimes I wonder what type of people support our club from around the world, and clearly this comment section proves we’re attracting the wrong crowd. Some very idiotic comments. Some very gullible people, who don’t understand the Italian media. Some who don’t understand the structure at the club, some who don’t even know who Scaroni is. If this is who we attract then there’s something wrong, also some weird comments about him being like Trump, as an Italian and a Milanista that’s no problem, Berlusconi was the real Trump before Trump, and we love both of them. If you want to insult anyone insult Joe Biden. If you criticise Trump then you would’ve hated Silvio.

    1. You can appreciate what Berlusconi did for the club but still dislike him as a politician. You really think each and every AC Milan fan would vote for and buy into Berlusconis political career ? seriously that is a well beyond laughable notion.

      1. Berlusconi used the club as a toy for his ego and as a propaganda tool, without making it into a viable business. This is not a secret. Once he was out of politics, he stopped caring and let the club go into massive debt. Then he offloaded it to Chinese scam artists. He was also into teenage girls.
        Trump is similar in many ways, except he inherited his wealth and wasted most of it. Then he became a traitor. He’s been trying to undermine democracy by lying about his election loss and sending a mob to prevent the certification. That’s in addition to disgraceful comments made about veterans, women, disabled people, immigrants etc. But struggled to disavow neo-nazis.

          1. I don’t know why fans are surprised by Scarloni’s comment. That’s what they stand for including cardinale, these guys are not in Milan for football but for business and only to make money, so any hefty bid for any of our players will be considered by these guys. Have we asked ourselves, why the fired Maldini and Massara and promoted Furlani and Mocanda? They don’t want anyone that would be reminding them what Milan is and stand for (winning trophies). You can already see, that serious clubs have signed serious coaches, but Milan who knew Pioli will be leaving are to announce Thiers, despite signing a less impressive coach. I just hope next season is not as worse as this past season.

          1. You taint the name Kaka. A man who is very religious and would never condone the type of hate that Trump spreads. Slanders women, other nationalities and races, disabled people etc. Aside from being a liar, a hypocrite, a traitor and a criminal.

            Real men defend people from bad men.

            I don’t care what side of the political divide people are, I do however oppose a tyrant like Trump who is not fit for office.

        1. The fact that Trump and Biden are the ‘best’ two that US could come up with is amusing and frightening at the same time for someone who has no dogs in the race like myself. The politicians are busy bickering when their towns are being taken over by crimes and drugs. Who will the world turns to amidst the current moral degradation of the Western world?

          1. Exactly man, politicians in America are all scumbags. I don’t know why so many ppl go so hard against one side and not the other. There are so many issues that are not being addressed and moral degradation is the perfect phrase.

            With that being said, Forza Milan! Buy Zirkzee and keep Theo!

          2. Biden is one of the most successful post- war presidents.

            I mean leaving aside the fact he had to come in and save the US from covid, he’s also improved living standards by driving down inflation and raising real wages. But because Americans don’t actually have access to news they think it’s the opposite of their own lived experience.

            He’s spent $1 trillion on green investment, issued executive orders to deal with AI, and has even managed to document more immigrants despite the republicans undermining his immigration policies.

            He’s even reduced crime!

            None of this gets talked about because the media can’t stop talking about Trump. I’m sure once he goes to prison we’ll get 24/7 news coverage of him counting down the days in his sell, whilst Biden gets the Nobel peace prize…

      2. Fun fact, I can see Berlusconi’s sht face everyday since his political party is using his image on posters for the European elections haha

        There’s only the old and racist Italian generation that is nostalgic of Berlusconi. All the people under 50, even the Milan fans, dislike him. As you said Martin, people usually become fan of Milan at a young age and nobody picked this club for Berlusconi but for its success and beautiful players.

        1. 😀

          I think you probably are right in regard of the older generations but as i doesnt live in italy its difficult for me to say but it seems fairly plausible. Yeah I doubt many would start supporting the club for other reasons, obviously he had his impact but that is more indirectly.

  12. Pack scaronis bag instead ,rather have milan fans in charge at least u know what motivates them ,Forza MILAN !

  13. Shows where his priorities lies ,disrespect towards rafa and us ,this isn’t some fodder club this is mfn milan , with guys like these we will never get to where Milan belong,$ chasing clown ,did Madrid achieve what they did tonight by selling the best talents in the world as soon as they see some $ ? .Need Milinista in charge of this legendary club

  14. He leaves before rafa,we need Milinista in charge of this club ,does this guy not know which club he works for?

  15. I’m not surprised with that clown comment just like when Furlani, another Gerry clown, comment about there’s no player that off limit aka they can sell anyone whenever they want especially if they received a big offer.

    It’s just clear Gerry and his new management doesn’t give a flying fvck about Milan future. They just wants to sell important players and replaced them with cheaper players because Money Ball is the key lol.

    1. The team needs a solid financial foundation… And with FFP you’re not able to just spend and run into huge losses… The reality is Milan has a limited budget and has to be smart. Look what they did with the Tonali money, they got Puli and Tiji and more and Tonali was suspended most of the season. It’s painful but that’s how you build a sustainable future.

      1. Limited budget sure but Milan already record a profit since last season aka they’re in the black and FFP not chasing Milan’s ass anymore. So there’s no reason to sell our important players that will affect our journey to win a trophy.

        And while Pulisic and Reinders are good players but so far they DIDN’T REPLACE Tonali. Last season we didn’t win any trophy with Pulisic and Reinders either while with Tonali we won a scudetto.

        1. Of course we did! Tonali had seven to one odds on that Scudetto.

          SO TIRED of people complaining about Tonali leaving, when we ALL now know that he was a degenerate gambler.

  16. All this american muppets here cheering for their suga dada Jerry can tell the future of this club.They need this kind of muppets to protect the public opinion about their dada so not too many would start making big waves against this mofo.That is why he dismissed Maldini and put a snake like Ibrahimovic instead to make sure clueless idiots will still stay in line .Ibrahimovic is the main reason for Maldini’s dismiss.

  17. Embarrassing. After M&M got dropped everyone has the mic now. This is not gonna help with leao’s motivation.

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