‘I will pack his bags’ – Denials arrive after allerged Scaroni comment on Leao

Paolo Scaroni has got himself into trouble with a comment about the future of Rafael Leao, suggesting that ‘I will pack his bags’ in the event of a hefty offer. A far from smart remark to make, especially at this time. 

Milan fans are already on edge after a disappointing 2023-24 season and the imminent announcement of Paulo Fonseca’s arrival. With that in mind, Scaroni probably should have kept his mouth shut.

Update: In a message sent to the media outlets, Milan and Scaroni deny the comments published.

Intercepted by Dire, as cited by Sportface, Scaroni was asked about Leao’s future and the rumours suggesting that Milan could get around €150-175m for their star. The president certainly showed his true colours with the response, having never been particularly bothered about individuals.

“Leao? If they give us 150 million I will pack his bags for him,” he stated.

Milan have made it clear that they will evaluate any big offer that arrives for one of their stars, which certainly makes sense. However, to openly state that you happily would get rid of one of the stars – albeit for a lot of money – is never a good idea.

Above all, it’s a lack of respect as Leao most likely will read the president’s comments, and suddenly he’s just a number instead of a human being and Milan player.