SM: Milan’s stance and PSG bluff rumours – the latest on the Renato Sanches situation

In the last few hours conflicting news has been bouncing around the future of Renato Sanches, with media from different countries reporting various angles.

In both Portugal and Italy there is talk of a general agreement reached between Lille and AC Milan over a transfer fee, but there are also rumours from Sanches’ home country and from France that Paris Saint-Germain are concretely interested. Our colleagues at provide the latest news.

PSG: bluff or reality?

The Portuguese newspaper Record speaks of a clear stance by Sanches who – in order to go to PSG – is strongly rejecting the contract offers put forward by Milan. In Italy, on the other hand, Tuttosport speak openly of bluffing by PSG, set up by the player’s entourage in order to get as much out of Milan in salary and commissions.

The situation

The economic power that PSG have means that sealing a deal potentially worth less than €15m for Sanches should not represent a major hurdle, especially given it represents a quarter of what they Parisians invested over a week ago for Vitinha.

The player was signed from Porto for the same role as Sanches would play, which underlines how their sporting directing Luis Campos is evaluating other options without showing any real interest in accelerating for his former Lille pupil.

Milan have always been keen and have an agreement with Lille, a club they share good relations with. Meanwhile, Renato Sanches visited Milanello in May to view the facilities up close.

What happens now

Now things seem to have changed also due to the greed of Jorge Mendes, in stark contrast to Milan’s policy which is still reluctant to heed to the demands of agents. With Mendes, however, the Rossoneri will have to maintain as peaceful relations as possible because the negotiations for the renewal of Rafael Leao beckon.

The future of Renato Sanches and Leao therefore remain nebulous but Milan are not giving up: in the next week the ‘status quo’ should change, one way or another.

Tags AC Milan Renato Sanches


  1. Jorge Mendes is taking over Raiola spot in the hearts of all Milanisti.
    Between his prolonging Leao renewal talks and making up false interests in Leao and Renato Sanches from teams like RMadrid, ManCity and PSG just to extract as much more money possible from Milan for players salary and his own fees.
    More and more footballers and athletes in general will follow Ziyech example, get rid of the agent and taking control of their own careers

    1. No, they will not. The agents is there to secure the players the best deal they can get, players understand that and pick the top agents for that reason. Agent doesn’t work for the club, so obviously he is there to hold the players side and get as much as possible. That is why you have never heard a single player say anything bad about Raiola. Not a single one.

      1. Lukaku and Insigne are just 2 that come to mind at this moment.
        The agent looks at the best interest for himself as well not just the player. The more money the player makes the higher the agent percentage is. Also, the fees that agents demand during transfers ( especially free transfers) are not benefiting the player in any kind of way but they have major influence in what club the player will go.

    2. And why do you think ziyech is doing it now when he is 29? That’s not really difficult and not loads of clubs want you especially Ziyech. He ‘s good but people aged 20-26 need a agent much more and agents do much more to them then when they are 29.

      1. You are right , he is doing it at 29 because he is a grown man and can make decisions about his own career, unlike most players 20-26 who are mostly immature and are led by their agents. Typical example is Donnarumma who isn’t playing for Milan anymore because he told Maldini “I’ll do whatever Mino tells me”.

  2. When there are clubs willing to spend cash, Mendes will seek them..Its business to him.
    Regarding Leao do you all think the 7M euros per year that Mendes is asking, is a large amount?? Guys…Milan has to start investing money into larger contracts.
    Take a flash back into Silvio’s era and check the amounts that were given then….

    1. “do you all think the 7M euros per year that Mendes is asking, is a large amount?? Guys…”

      If you don’t think so, you must be out of your mind. 7M€ for a boy who performed well for 2-3 months? 7M€?! Take a look at Milan’s finances. Take a look at the FFP rules. Take a look at the possible sanctions for breakin the FFP rules AGAIN.

      THEN come and tell us that Milan should start paying 7M€/player.

      1. @bb obviously you haven’t a clue.
        How much did Zlatan earn when he came from LA?
        The price tag also depends on the value of the player in the market.
        Obviously AGAIN,you must be around 15 years old and haven’t lived through the old and genuine Milan….Milan is not what we’ve seen the past 10 years….

        1. LOL. 15? Try again. I’ve been following MIlan closely from the van Basten/Gullit/Rijkaard era. So don’t tell me I don’t know the old & genuine Milan.

          “How much did Zlatan earn when he came from LA?
          The price tag also depends on the value of the player in the market.”
          – Eeeexactly. Zlatan has proven his worth. Many times. Leao has played well for 2-3 months and you want to give him Zlatan-money? What a joke.

  3. Maybe not all the problems are in greedy managers after all. I don’t see English clubs having that kind of problems! If we’re being honest, Milan is trying to get the most out of the situation for a minimum of money. We are talking about both, the price of the transfer and the salary of the player. Perhaps it is not surprising that these things happen to us, and that we have problems with the representatives of the players!

    1. Dortmund pays 33 year old Mats Hummels 10M per seasons and Milan can’t pay Leao 7M. What do English clubs have to with that? I can give even funnier examples. Dimitry Payet has over 7M at Marseille, Gonçalo Guedes has 6.3M at Valencia and so on. I can go on with mid range clubs that have players that are paid close to what Leao is asking.

      1. In the last 5-6 years Valencia has lost 323m and Marseille has lost 200m. AC Milan is on an opposite trajectory. Understand the project is sustainability and profitability in the long term, not to spend their way to trophies. I know most fans don’t care as it’s not their money, but if you care about how the club will be in 10, 15, 20 years as well as next year, you should support this strategy.

        1. Yeah I definitely agree with you that fans should fully support a project of sustainability and profitablity but only if they can see it being translated into things such as improved player contracts ( when deemed deservedly necessary) and improved fan experiences or even purchasing a player who’s more commercially viable than most. The profits shouldn’t just be used to line the pockets of the owners, shareholders and the executive branch of the club.

          We’ve already proven last season that we won’t and don’t have to spend our way to a trophy but we’ve also seen that with that said trophy there’s also commercial success that tags along, so there’s definitely more money to go around and as I said, that should be reflected in the clubs ability to retain it’s best players from vulture clubs as well as offer fans greater experiences, not to mention the odd big signing to keep the fans animated.

          1. I agree with you also, but we are still digging out of the hole left by previous ownership. We won’t go from Scudetto to final 4 in UCL in one season. If their strategy brought us a Scudetto in just 3 seasons I think they should be given the benefit of the doubt for at least another season or so. Now if we crash out of the group stages again and don’t challenge for Scudetto…:it’s a different story.

      2. In this new deal, Payet has accepted take a 50% haircut on his existing salary, which is reported to currently be €500k a month.

        Eyraud added: “He has accepted to reduce his salary by 30% for 2021/22. On the two additional years in his contract, he has accepted his base salary to be reduced by between 40% & 60%. He has also waived his right to qualification bonuses for European competitions and a very big part of the remuneration in the final two years of his contract will only be guaranteed if he is in the starting XI, if he is not in the position to express himself on the pitch, then his remuneration would be extremely reduced for a player of his experience and quality.” stop talking crap

        1. “stop talking crap”

          That would mean he’d have to shut up completely… Not going to happen as he loooooves the bedtime stories he tells here.

    2. “I don’t see English clubs having that kind of problems!”

      That just proves you don’t understand the situation at all. If you think Italian and English clubs are on the same level financially, you’re in for a shock! =)

    3. “I don’t see English clubs having that kind of problems!”

      That just proves you don’t understand the situation at all. If you think Italian and English clubs are on the same level financially, you’re in for a shock! =)

  4. Some people on here sound like teenagers who haven’t had a job, never owned a house or a car. Clueless. This is not a video game, this is real business with real finances. Us Milan fans need to accept that there is no more sugar daddy Berlusconi or Santa Claus. We cannot directly compete with the spending power of English clubs or PSG. Hell, even Bayern, one of the best run clubs in the world is worried now because they can no longer compete. We need to make very smart transfers, and Maldini is doing exactly that.

  5. There has always been a place for agents in sports and some would even argue that they are a necessity within the industry. I however have very little concerns for them but I fully respect the role they play in relation to their clients because clubs and corporate execs would chew these kids up and spit them out alive if they could have their own way. They would easily exploit these young men at any given chance, so I understand the hardball negotiation style that some of these agents adopt. Regardless though, I think a line has to be drawn somewhere, because an agent works for their clients and it shouldn’t be the other way around but sadly we’ve seen that it’s becoming somewhat of a trend especially since covid.

  6. If we get renato, we will either loan out or sell Pobega. I would take Pobega over an injury-prone gamble of a player who NEVER Succeeded in a big club.

    Milan’s approach is perfect. We made an offer, it’s on the table for Renato, take it or leave it. I wouldn’t pay a cent over the 3.2mil wage we offered. he is not worth that much and we don’t need him that badly.

    If he wants to rot in PSG bench over playing in Milan, I think we should just retract the offer and bet on Pobega.

  7. All of this, Renato an his agent are lying. If PSG bid for him by now he would have being in PSG. They just want to exploit Milan. To me Baka is not finished yet, if he can improve his game, pobega is there Ben and tonali so what is the haste. Krunic can alternate for the double pivot, M and M knows this that is why they are more focus on getting CDK than Renato. Milan are even willing to take a risk on him because his physical condition is not even guaranteed. Baka had a bad season he can improve if he is willing to work same was how his last loan was but later he became a beast in the heart of the midfield. The difference between now and then was the bar has been set higher so he doesn’t have room to improve on the job. Tonali wasn’t really impressive in his first season but last season he improve a lot. With pobega and tonali there we can get a new midfielder by January so the odd is against Renato not against Milan that is why maldini and masara are calm. Baka still have a lot to prove that is why Gatuso is after him.

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