MN: No Fullkrug, Abraham or Depay – Milan decide not to sign a Morata deputy

By Oliver Fisher -

While it was AC Milan’s defending that drew the most concern again after the defeat to Parma on Saturday, the decision not to sign another striker has come under scrutiny as well.

MilanNews asks the question: if there is no Alvaro Morata, who scores goals in this team? It is difficult to cling to the numbers of Christian Pulisic and Rafael Leao, two quality wingers but not capable of scoring like a central striker, yet the management have so far not signed a deputy to the Spaniard.

Milan probed various options such as Niclas Fullkrug and Romelu Lukaku, even flirting with the idea of signing Memphis Depay on a free transfer or Tammy Abraham on loan from Roma. With Morata’s injury, these choices by the Rossoneri management have all a ‘flavour of regret’.

Why? Without a real replacement centre-forward, the problems with relying on Noah Okafor and Luka Jovic from minute one as starting strikers has been shown. They are good players, but they are better off the bench or to play off another forward.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic put an end to the idea of signing another striker, declaring that it would block the pathway for Milan Futuro. That in turn begs the question about how far away Francesco Camarda is considered from being first-team ready.

For the immediate future though, with another 50+ game season beckoning, the decision not to sign a more ready striker must remain under the microscope.

Tags AC Milan Zlatan Ibrahimovic


    1. Last season Ommorodion 9g, 1a in 2000 minutes.
      Last season Luka Jovic 9g, 1a in 1200 minutes.
      15m is only for 50% of his rights.
      If Ommorodion was so good why is Atletico not keeping him, but instead they spent 120m on Sorloth and Julian Alvarez?

      1. Luka Jovic is still 26, just give him more minutes and Milan attack should be fine.
        Fonseca also needs to show ability to adapt and recognize players strength and weeknesess.

    2. Same old same old.
      Jovic is better..signing a kid for a backup is pointless because he won’t play and won’t develop.
      Jovic might be limited but that’s mostly because we aren’t playing to his strengths

  1. I hope this doesn’t come to bite us.
    While Jovic and Okafor were very useful coming off the bench in the last 30 minutes of the game, so far none of them proved to be very efficient as a starter.
    I hope that with time and some tactical improvments, this aspect does improve.

  2. We don’t need a striker. A top quality AM would be great though. RLC is not it in that position. Pulisic or Bennacer if he stays please.

    Chiesa would have been nice. I won’t mention a right back since we already bought Emerson Royal to be the saviour. -SIGHS-

  3. Zlatan statement already confirms we are not aiming for top spot but a rebuild with next year being Camardas breakthrough. The amount of pressure this kid will have. Imaging placing your bets on a 17 year old. IMO he should be heavily intergrated now but not leading the line for 3 years so we really should have brought in a striker like Tammy to fill the void for 2 years

  4. Comical.

    But way to save that $$$$ Redbird!!!

    We are now even more profitable – instead of 7M profit we are now 7.1M – whoohoo!!!

    Jovic is the perfect #9 and Okafor – despite never playing as a # 9 is also perfect

    This management team is cooking!!!!🤡🤡😝😂

  5. Not signing a backup striker is a huge mark against this management. Awful decision. Unless the plan is to throw on Jovic and Okafor on together as alternative to Morata.

    Guess we haven’t learned anything from Giroud’s time here.

  6. We should have signed Fullkrug alongside Morata… he was not so expensive, not so old, and he’s a striker that certainly can deliver the goods.

  7. It doesn’t matter who you bring in. If any striker gets the amount of service Jovic and Okafor got they will score exactly zero goals too.

    1. Exactly. They can bring 10 strikers and still without a proper am they’ll get 0 goals. No service and creativity whatsoever.

    2. Well… E.g. Giroud would have scored from the cross Okafor placed way over the bar against Parma. That was basically a sitter for a goal scorer such as him.

      1. Giroud had some howlers too. No one is claiming Okafor or Jovic are perfect but to suggest they are the sole reason goals aren’t being scored is ridiculous. The midfield is the biggest issue.

  8. If you watched Jovic’s and Okafor’s movements in the box you’d realized why they did get any service. Their runs were terrible. Neither take the option of cutting in front of the defender to receive a cross. Watch Morata or even Giroud last year; they often try get in between the defender and player crossing the ball. Both took the easy way out. Even on Pulisic’s goal, why was he the one who took of the position in the box when the striker should have been there? Reinjdeers did a great cross but where was Oakafor? Nowhere to get the ball in the net. ACM need a real striker as a backup. A mistake not getting Tammy from Roma or another striker.

  9. Why do we need a striker when Milan has Jovic and Okafor meanwhile there was Nasti and Colombo who has been looking and begging for an opportunity.
    If Milan wants to sign a striker as Morata’s backup Jovic or Okafor needs to go.I think the point here about these two is formation a good manager will see the strength n weakness of his players n utilize them properly for me to get the best of Jovic n Okafor is to play both together Jovic is a box poacher like Pipo or old fashion striker while Okafor is a drop deep striker so using the both together they will compliment each other like in the days of Sheva +Pipo and a great creative/attacking midfielder behind them like Kaka just like Don Calo’s diamond formation which he uses in Madrid.Play Jovic with Okafor and Reijnders /Pulisic behind them,using either as a lone striker will make them useless,In there National team they both play with a striker partner,Not every player or striker can play a lone one even if they play as a lone striker they are being supported with a creative player n a box to box midfielder while the wingers have to be inch perfect with crosses n delivery inside the box but here do Milan have those or do the manager ever understand how to bring out the best of his players?
    One thing is a manager knowing how to get the best out of his players another is the players knowing how to play football.
    Remember there is a difference between being a football team manager and a football team coach.So which one is Fonseca?cos Pioli is a manager that manages his players who are talented but cannot improve a player that’s y he struggled to give minutes to academy players and create an intelligent tactics to win games but he rely more on individual players,That’s y players like Leao etc have not improved.
    (1)RLC shouldn’t hv been bought cos he will not improve this team what he only brings is physicality he lacks creativity and lacks ideas.
    (2)Chuks shouldn’t hv been bought cos he only has one style of play which a good defender will make him useless in the game just as it’s been done cos Italian league is about technicality not fast pace.
    (3)Like I said earlier a change of formation like playing two strikers from the start of some games will make Milan unpredictable (Jovic +Okafor)
    (4)Reijnders should be used as a creative midfielder up the field not as a double pivot while Bennacer who is left footed can be used as an eight supporting Leao a box to box player or maybe RLC could be used there cos he is a box to box.
    (5)Leao should be made to know he is not guaranteed a starting player cos it might bring the best and better attitude towards games and he should be unpredictable n reduce unnecessary dribbling and holding of the ball.
    (6)The Management are very lazy and incompetent in negotiations and buying of players including being slow cos there are better players in the leagues than abroad with a good negotiation u can get them again Milan youth players who are doing well can be brought back With less money Milan had opportunity to get back Locateli,Brecianini,Bellanova etc to improve the team even buy better players like Lazar,Bourgeono etc but they went abroad to get mediocre in Adli,Salemakers,Thaiw,Emerson etc again is it about ego or what?
    Why sell your support system(best players)to start again to rebuild?With Tonali Milan can add Reijnders+Pulisic would hv sold or swapped Pobega for Lazar get players on Laon with obligation to buy with performance players like Bourgeono would hv come in place of Thaiw Milan could hv gone for Bellanova instead of a bench warmer in Emerson.
    Again where did Atalanta get the funds they are using to strengthen their teams without selling most of their core players?

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