MN: Milan exploring other avenues as Buongiorno’s price surges

By Ben Dixon -

On the approach to January, one name rose above the rest for central defenders AC Milan were interested in – Alessandro Buongiorno. However, they were unsuccessful in their approaches, and this summer could repeat that trend. 

The need for extra defensive cover has been clear for some time, and the January window was when investment was expected. Matteo Gabbia returned, and attempts were made, both permanent and temporary, to add additional cover, but Milan were unsuccessful.

Fear did not prevail, though, and Gabbia’s recall is arguably one of the best incomings of the season – he has been solid consistently and aided the Rossoneri on several occasions. Nevertheless, the need for cover remains, especially with Simon Kjaer departing.

As Milan News writes, Milan have been watching Buongiorno for several months, and they have been very interested. There is a setback, though. The current price being quoted by Urbano Cairo exceeds €40 million, with the likely chance of rising if the defender plays minutes at the European Championships.

Therefore, the Diavolo will look elsewhere, and the idea of Lilian Brassier is growing once again, especially after he aided his club Brest in achieving Champions League football for next season – the interest has existed since before January.

Tags AC Milan Alessandro Buongiorno Lilian Brassier


  1. Well this was always going to happen especially with the Euro’s getting closer and the likelihood of him being a starter. His value will continue to rise as the year progresses.

  2. Let me guess without even reading the article. Its some nobody from France ? At this point even mid table Italian teams have better scouts than us.

  3. I always wanted Boungiorno to arrive if it was for 30-35 Million at the most, but more than that, I prefer scalvini who is young, technically good and can improve a lot, he is worth the 40 Million.

  4. Well my initial post was deleted from here…clearly you can’t speak freely against the management…

    40m in January isn’t such a stretch now is it…

  5. We all know that Milan will not spend that kind of money on a defender…the strategy has always been buy low on young promising players and grow them. They are likely to go that high 40 to 50 mil on a striker which is a necessity this season

    1. Problem is that gets you nowhere against established players every season. Most important thing is players that know the league. We had a missed opportunity in January with Buongiorno

  6. If only we were serious about winning and paid the asking price back in January. An idea to save money might have been to include Colombo and Pobega in the deal.
    This new ownership is soooo cheap. What did they think was going to happen after January, the price to go down or get lucky winning a scratch off ticket to pay the higher fee?

    1. You need to stop with this part-ex nonsense, Torino aren’t going to take mediocre players like Pobega and Colombo.

  7. Trevor Cholobah is going to be sold by Chelsea, likely for lower numbers than this – I’d hope we are looking into that.

  8. He could be our next Nesta. But the owners just want someone they can sell for profit before his first contract runs out.

    1. And your evidence for this lazy, clichéd rubbish is? The owners have sold one high profile player for a huge profit and invested most of it on PROVEN internationals. Don’t be a moron like the other idiots that blindly criticise owners.

    2. And your evidence for this lazy, clichéd rubbish is? The owners have sold one high profile player for a huge profit and invested most of it on PROVEN internationals. Don’t be a simp like the otherw that blindly criticise owners.

      1. I will wait until September for my final verdict but somehow I don’t think there’s even the slightest chance of Milan buying a bullet-proof CBs for high price over any “this kid’s got potential” for candy money. Let’s get back to the topic in a few months, eh? I want to be proven wrong here. Trust me. 🙂

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