MN: Why Camarda cannot play against Borussia Dortmund in the Champions League

By Oliver Fisher -

The hype around Francesco Camarda after his debut has led some to question whether he might even take to the field against Borussia Dortmund on Tuesday night.

However, as MilanNews report there are several reasons that he cannot be called up against the Bundesliga side. Firstly, he got a red card in the UEFA Youth League game against PSG and that ban applies to all European fixtures regardless of level.

There is another aspect that should be underlined too: UEFA do not allow exceptions, as happens under the jurisdiction of the FIGC, with regards to the age of players who can be called up. He would not be eligible until he has reached the age of 16, and he must also have signed a professional contract.

These three things mean Camarda will not be able to play against Dortmund in either the Champions League or the Youth League because he must serve the suspension, and then wait a few more months.

Tags AC Milan Francesco Camarda


  1. I’m sure that not everybody around here who consistently complaints about pioli etc. and who doesnt read this article will complaint on tuesday “why the hell pioli didnt call him up and that he is ruining his confidence blah blah”
    Mark my words its gonna happen on tuesday.

      1. True, even yesterday someone was complaining why Pioli didn’t bring on Adli, like the guy hasn’t caused us 3 goals due to his individual errors.

        1. I often avoid commenting here as people seriously iritates ne with their ridiculous narrative and quite frankly im starting to believe they are out to make me question my sanity and test my faith in humanity 😀

          1. I try to play both sides, but it’s mostly about our recruitment and coaching staff. I also like how people want more Italian in our squad, but they need anything just to criticize Pobega and Calabria.

          2. Doki Critique is one thing but some of those commenters simply doesn’t bring anything to the table except their obnoxious behavior and constant whining and usually only comes out of their caves when things isn’t going absolutely perfect in their views and then keeps regurgitating the same old mantra of theirs.

        2. Bro there are people on this site that their life revolves around either Krunic or Adli. Like they cannot make a comment without the word Krunic in it (not naming names hahaha 😂😂😂). Its like if they actually transfer Krunic, they might not be in the site anymore LMAO 😂

      2. Absolutely and propably will also throw in a slopega and krunic comment in it as well while also complaining why simic hasnt been called up even though he first joined us last year in august and isnt elibile to play in cl.

    1. yes he is available for the cl match, he was banned for yesterdays match and the one next weekend against frosinone as well

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