Momblano references Zlatan’s denial while doubling down on Conte-Milan story

After revealing that AC Milan’s next manager may be Antonio Conte, Luca Momblano has once again offered his thoughts on the future of the Rossoneri head coach situation and touched on Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s public view of the topic.

After dropping the bombshell that Conte would supposedly be Milan’s next head coach, another update has been given about the situation.

In its current position, the managerial debacle is somewhat stalemate. The club have reinforced, through Ibrahimovic, that they are happy with Pioli, and there was little else given. Even Pioli has commented on the situation, stating that he is ‘bored’ of the rumours.

The concrete situation is this. There is an awful lot of noise surrounding the Rossoneri, who their next manager will be, and when this may be, and there is seemingly no way of silencing this.

Speaking on Andrea Longoni’s YouTube channel, Momblano spoke about the links between the Diavolo and Conte and the dismissal of the rumours from Zlatan Ibrahimovic, and his words have been relayed by Radio Rossonera.

The Conte situation…

“No braking. I must say that it made quite a fuss. I don’t care about social media, which I follow with affection and attention, but I am talking about journalism. I thought this crazy domino at the journalistic level could lead to sources taking a step back.

“It happens sometimes because one gets scared or maybe lets a few too many words slip out. Instead, no step backward. I realise that talking about the coach on 7 February is early, but we do our job, and when we have news, we put it on the news list. And this one holds up very well,” he said.

“From the point of view of Pioli and Milan, it’s early, and the management is long. It’s fine for him to dislike this situation.”

Ibrahimovic’s denial gives an insight into his role…

“It’s since 2016 that he hasn’t interacted with Antonio Conte, right? I know that it’s not true, but there is a slightly awkward position. Weak, not clumsy. Ibrahimovic did give us one piece of news, though: he does deal with the coach. Otherwise, he would have said he does something else. Instead, he says they are happy with Pioli. He talks about the subject.”