Moretto: Milan yet to make a renewal offer for Calabria as free transfer looms

By Isak Möller -

Davide Calabria’s contract will expire next summer and a free transfer is no longer impossible. According to a report, not only is there no offer on the table, but AC Milan are not even in talks with the defender’s entourage.

Since losing the likes of Hakan Calhanoglu and Gigio Donnarumma for free, Milan have been very keen on securing renewals early. As we speak, work is underway to renew Mike Maignan and Theo Hernandez’s deals (expire in 2026), with an agreement close for the former.

With this in mind, the reports from Matteo Moretto this evening are a bit surprising. Calabria, who is the captain of the team, has a contract until 2025 and Milan are currently not in talks with his entourage. Initial talks took place ‘months ago’, but nothing has happened since.

The situation is currently completely on stand-by and considering that Calabria will be a free agent this summer, a bidding war of sorts could ensue. Several teams expressed an interest in the summer and Galatasaray were the closes, but the right-back refused this option in the end despite a hefty contract offer.

It remains to be seen what will happen in the coming months but the fact that negotiations aren’t even in progress is worrying.

Tags AC Milan Davide Calabria


  1. Are we just intent on getting fined for having no Italians left in the team? Those imbeciles upstairs know it’s a regulation right? Shambles…

  2. Meanwhile they have no problem giving Origi or Loftus 4mil per year but can’t give Calabria who has served us for 9 years even 3mil. Screw this management. This kid has always given everything for the jersey.

    1. Good of you to like him and then regulate him to back up.

      Fans like you are very much part of the problem.

      You can’t half support the club captain.

      1. He’s great for the locker room and a good backup. You cannot be serious in thinking he’s a starting RB. Every game there’s an issue with that specific position. You clearly do not watch the games. Oh wait, let me guess, 3 years ago he had a good game again Kvicha, right. Just stop talking because you’re blind and go watch your boyfriend Krunic rotting away in Turkey bc he’s a bum like you.

        1. I am deadly serious.

          He’s one of the best 1v1 FBs in the league.

          We’ve seen how the Great Di Lorenzo played for Italy.

          What’s happened is that because he’s not ‘special’ or ‘new enough’ for you, you set these imaginary expectations (ones that don’t apply to new signings like Pavlovic), which are impossible for him to reach.

          The double standards being applied to Pavlovic’s role in shipping 4 goals and Calabria’s role (2v1) in shipping 3 goals are just so obvious.

          Everyone loves a novelty.

          But I am also serious that Milan are going nowhere with this attitude.

          To win titles teams have to fight for each other, and if the club and fans show a complete lack of respect for the club captain and other long standing players, then there is no fight, just stupid water cooling arguments.

          1. Calabria is still good enough for this team. People just got spoiled with Theo on the left. So now they think that by standard thats how a full back should play. Theo is world class and to have a RB of same calibare the team will need to spend like 60+ mil for RB. Which won’t happen. So not sure what this people want. All the other RB that they brought thru the years were not able to match Calabria, who despite all the critics has still been one of the top RB in Italy, year after year. So you are right.

        2. Cafubria’s a backup squad player, at best. Say that on here though and you’ll get Heir, Rossi, Ted etc jumping down your throat like you’re crazy.

          1. He is a backup player and yet somehow after years of getting RBs, the only one who can sometimes dislodge him is Florenzi.
            People want Calabria out but we’re supposed to be happy with…..Emerson ?

          2. No prob you got Emerson now. When he fails same as all the other RBs that were brought thru the years you will see that you were wrong again. Im not sure how many RBs need to fail for you people to understand that Calabria was actually doing a decent job.

          3. @Giga94 – I didn’t want Emerson (I don’t think any of us did). What we should have done is gone for Santos or similar and finally stop shipping 1 million goals a season down the right flank.

          4. @dejan10: While I don’t have a lot of esteem for Fonseca as a coach (and it’s not improving), but for me there’s a bit of a yellow flag (so a less than a red flag) when a player previously coached by him doesn’t even make it to the final list of transfer candidates. So I think Santos (and J.David for that matters) is actually less good than people think if Fonseca who coached him doesn’t even want him.
            Also, if we’re really than pesistent on replacing an italian player from our youth academy, who played for years for the team and is the captain, with a player that’s going to take some of the budget, take one of the foreigner’s place and doesn’t know the serie A, it should be a massive upgrade, someone like Walker, Hakimi, Arnold or Frimpong (but I find the later way too offensive).

  3. Oh no problem; we got an excellent RB called Emerson Royal; he’s beloved by our winner of a head coach! Oh wait! Actually Royal is horrible and the coach is mediocre. Ugh.

  4. I can understand the need to upgrade Calabria because he is not very good but to dump him on the scrap heap, as no less than club captain, for a player as bad as Emerson Royal?

    This is the problem with accounting tricks at the end of the day because they’re fake. Problem is that fake accounting still has real world consequences.

    So while a club gets the benefit of amortising the cost of the deal for Emerson Royal, it does actually get stuck with him for Emerson Royal for 5 years, loses a club captain in the process, still needs another player and will spend the next 3 years trying to find a set of operators who are even dumber than those at Milan who will hopefully take on the ridiculous contract (while paying us enough to ensure that we don’t record a loss which represents the not-fake value of the transfer).

  5. 100% sure , he will go out free transfer with florenzi at 2025 . I dont mind about florenzi out but calab are ACM academy and treat him like this only give bad experience for the youngster in milan futuro. Just give him 2,5m euro nett + bonus 500k euro and he will sign for ACM 4 years

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