Ordine analyses if Milan should sell Kalulu to Juventus: “It solves a problem”

Pierre Kalulu could potentially be on the move shortly with Juventus looking to add the Frenchman to their defence, and Franco Ordine has offered his say about whether AC Milan should part with the defender.

It is difficult to evaluate Kalulu, a player who has been regularly troubled with injury, and a player who, seemingly, has no place within the current squad, and so this poses a difficult question.

Juventus have approached Milan with the idea of a loan, with an option to buy the Frenchman, and although the terms are still being finalised, there is a growing possibility that he will leave the club this summer.

Whilst he missed last night’s game against Monza, reports from this morning confirmed that the defender was back in training with the squad this morning, albeit with the fact that some ‘decisive hours’ were upcoming.

Ordine spoke to Derbyderby.it about the potential transfer and his words have been relayed by Milan News.

“Let’s line up the essential aspects. First: Milan solves a problem for Juve, a guaranteed rival in the championship. As Silvano Ramaccioni said in his time: “You can make a mistake buying a player, not selling him.

“Second: Kalulu is not a starter for Milan, a fifth central defender, he would not play much and he knows it. Third: he is coming back from a season full of injuries, the first of which -at Napoli- left some worrying marks. Fourth: the valuation of the Frenchman is correct and would allow a rich capital gain. Fifth: the chosen modalities [a loan with right of redemption] are the weak point of the deal.

“An obligation under certain conditions would be needed. A deal should be concluded but changes must be made.”