Ordine believes Cardinale may ‘bet on an Italian’ Fonseca replacement – the details

With Paulo Fonseca’s future at AC Milan looking bleak, replacements are already being discussed and Franco Ordine believes that RedBird may bet on a domestic option, rather than an international candidate. 

Fonseca arrived in the summer to questions, and those questions have only been amplified in recent weeks. The summer tour of the United States made things seem somewhat positive, and there was an excitement about seeing Fonseca-ball in motion.

However, this has not translated to the Serie A season.

Instead, the team look unable to play in the same manner as they did during the summer, and whilst the opposition was weaker, the principles and execution should remain the same. Of course, it hasn’t though.

Because of this, Fonseca’s time at the club seems like it will end shortly, and reports have already suggested that a decision has been made to sack him. It seems he will still be in charge against Inter, though, which is slightly questionable if a decision has been made.

In an editorial piece for Il Giornale (via Radio Rossonera) Ordine spoke about the present situation.

“The orientation to already think about a radical turning point at Milan without waiting for another shipwreck in the derby has emerged. The club almost indirectly felt the need for an immediate and sensational change.”

“We will have to listen to Gerry Cardinale’s opinion, and it is not excluded that the shareholder and owner may bet on an Italian replacement, aware of the fact that a possible second mistake would lead to repeating the same disastrous season of Napoli last tournament – no Champions League.”

Given Maurizio Sarri is the reported favourite for the job, perhaps, this may be what Cardinale and the management are thinking.

Tags AC Milan Gerry Cardinale Paulo Fonseca


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  1. Hiring Sarri would be exactly like hiring the Italian Fonseca.
    Besides the coach, Milan has a problem with the behavior and attitude of some players. You need a coach who will put those players in their place. Sarri couldn’t even get Kepa to get subbed out of a game.
    Allegri, ugly football and all, is exactly what Milan needs based on the current situation with the squad.
    You don’t have anything that even resembles a leader in the squad. At least hire one that will lead from the sidelines.

    1. Conte, Motta, de Zerbi are long gone… you have 4 good coaches that you just need to figure out who will succeed…

      Sarri, Xavi, Sergio Conseicao or Tuchel… the latter means that these clowns are finally ready to actually make this team into champions

      1. Tuchel a good coach?
        Bayern was dominating Bundesliga for a decade and had 6 wins from 6 games in the group stages of UCL playing vs Barcelona and Inter under Naggelsman. They fire Naggelsman for no apparent reason to hire Tuchel and that was the end of Bayerns domination.
        Xavi has zero experience in serie A and he comes from a Barcelona school of football. Milan doesn’t have the players to play his style.
        Conceicao has never coached in serie A.
        Sarri is an old man who takes a year to implement his system. As I wrote, in his 1st season at Lazio, his team gave up 58 goals in 38 games. Milan biggest issue is the defense. How is hiring Sarri the solution for that issue?
        Don’t just throw names out there.

        1. I don’t disagree entirely but Allegri is a bandaid. How long do you bring him on for at his inflated wages? Sure his defense shores up the team this season, and then what? Same dreadful football next season? And he isn’t exactly a diplomat with the players. How many times have we seen him on the side line foaming at the mouth ripping his clothes off? LOL!!!

          He isn’t the worst option. Neither is Sarri. But the players we have would suit Sarri’s system more with the 433 rather than Max’s. The problem with Sarri is the player management – he resigned at Lazio supposedly because he couldn’t get the team to do what he needed them to.

          Teuchel is an ambitious choice. Not necessarily one that jumps off the page, but this group needs a proven coach, someone who commands respect. Pioli was limited but his player handling was father-like and that’s why the players took to him.

          1. The players need to grow up and become men. Pioli babysitting them is the reason why they threw a tantrum when the new coach tried to treat them like men and hold them accountable.
            Don’t forget that even the biggest player’s coach Carlo Ancelotti said that if he coached Leao he would hit him every day.
            Milan needs a coach who isn’t a diplomat.
            Do you think Pep is a diplomat? How about Conte?
            Don’t judge Allegri from his time at Juventus the last couple years. He had awful squad. Milan has the players more suited for him than for Sarri. Sarri relies on a regista player like Jorginho. Milan doesn’t have that kind of player in their squad.

    2. @Z. Totally agree. Sarri and Terzic are two coaches who shouldn’t be under consideration.

      Allegri is the only solution to this problem at Milan. If Milan management doesn’t see that then they all need to be fired.

      1. Are you serious? Allegri? The solution? Allegri is the worst possible candidate, with that haram ball. It also wouldnt suit any of our players, Sarri is definitely a better option.

  2. Sarri has had success everywhere he goes. Made napoli into a top team, won the europa league with Chelsea, juves last scudetto and even made an average Lazio team finish in second place and go into the knockout of champions league.

    Milan is best suited to sarris tactics since he was at napoli so maybe he could make this team play beautiful football

  3. There is nothing wrong with Sarri’s ability to hold the team together. Players will try their luck, even the great Pep is not immune to that. There will be a fallout between a player and coach but if the team don’t want to play for you then you have a bigger problem. If nothing else Sarri will at least give them an identity…a style of play. This headless, unguided, unstructured play we see is not a good omen under Fonseca.

      1. LMAO

        Because populism isn’t happening in Italy at all and infrastructure isn’t to a point where there is a real danger of losing the world cup?

        C’mon man. Come visit. I’ll put you up for free and show you we are no different than you (whatever your ethnicity) when it comes down to it.

        (But yeah, politically we are a poo fling, cannot deny it)

  4. What is all the Terzic dumping?

    BVB is a club like Milan. Limited financial resources. High individual talent. Buys young potential, not established talent.

    I’m not saying I like it. I am saying that is our current reality and it can/should evolve.

    Terzic took BvB to the ucL final in that situation. Given our players are individually better, why would he not do as well at Milan?

    Yes we should be winning trophies every year. No, one acquisition (player or coach) will not change the fact that this year the Copa and Super Copa are our best such hopes.

    Could we maybe think along a 2-3 year horizon? You know … A _project_? One that accounts for where we are today even given we arrived here through various mistakes.

  5. somebody should make this photo a meme by adding fire to the spectators behind and give title to this empty looking man ‘Clueless owner who destroy a legendary club.’

  6. The sad reality is that the coach won’t and will not be better if given more time or even if we win inter, is CV says a lot yet we decided to gamble, I would tell you of a better gamble is Inter’s coach that was just an average manager in Lazio with limited resources but when room and opportunity presented itself we can clap for him at Inter today, so let’s just give room to a coach with less fanciful football and more determination to win like Parma coach or a class coach like Tuchel

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