Ordine explains why Milan not hiring Motta or Conte was an ‘opportunity deliberately missed’

By Oliver Fisher -

Journalist Franco Ordine has revealed his belief that AC Milan ‘deliberately missed’ the opportunity to hire Antonio Conte or Thiago Motta as their new head coach.

As soon as it became apparent that Stefano Pioli would not be continuing as the head coach, the newspapers and other media outlets wasted no time in linking Milan with both Conte and Motta.

After all, they tick boxes that would be appealing for any club. The former has won trophies nearly everywhere he has been – including with Juventus and Inter – while the latter took Bologna to the Champions League and is regarded as a top young coach.

In the end the choice seems to have fallen on Paulo Fonseca, who is expected in Italy within the next fortnight to sign a two-year deal with Milan and begin work.

Speaking live on Radio Rossonera,Franco Ordine expressed himself on many issues that revolve around Milan and he was asked about whether not hiring Conte or Motta is a ‘wasted opportunity by Milan’ or a chance to pull the rabbit out of the hat, by appointing a surprise name.

“It is the great opportunity deliberately missed. Because the others were not better, available faster or more generous. It is deliberately lost because Conte does not fit into the format of the current Milan coaches,” he said.

“And I must say frankly that the famous duo of the technical area, Boban-Maldini, had also adapted to this format. I remember that they chose Marco Giampaolo. With one difference, in my opinion.

“After seven rounds, Boban above all understood that the choice had been wrong and took very little time to correct it and find the replacement who proved to be the trump card: Pioli.

“Now you have to understand, if by chance there were an identical drift, which cards they will have available to possibly correct a wrong choice. This is the unknown of next season.”

Tags AC Milan Antonio Conte Thiago Motta


  1. The optimist in me: they grabbed Fonesca temporarily for when Klopp becomes available.
    The realist in me: I have no idea why they chose Fonesca.
    The pessimist in me:

    1. I would say you should lower your expectations to rock bottom, even Roma and Atalanta are more ambitious than us.

      1. Sadly you are correct, Inter are also keeping Barella and Lautaro. Juve already moved for De Gregorio and Calafiori, this next season we might be 5th again.

    2. The realist is, they have a coach that would be cheap to fire. Since only 2 years are guaranteed, next summer it would only cost a max of 2.5mn to fire him (and likely less if he were to take a job elsewhere)

      Yes maybe the availability of Klopp / Guardiola in summer 2025 is a bit optimistic but we can hope. However I feel like they didn’t want to spend big bucks on a new coach from day 1. If Fonseca proves to be a massive success, they can always reward him with a more lucrative contract later.

      So its just risk management from our board. To us the fans, it’s not very exciting but it depends what they do regarding the squad. If they’ve gone cheap on the coach, then also miss out on the likes of Zirkzee / Sesko at no.9 then the fans will rightly be a little upset. Gotta give them at least a few weeks of the mercato before we really vent, I’m hoping they’re not completely clueless.

    3. Klopp is a joke
      He needs of expensive Players and time! I like Kloppo but He is for the Bundesliga or Liverpool or a national Team! I think Klopp will Never Coach a Team anymore!

      1. What tf u talkin about. 2012 BVB which had young rookie Lewandowski, they had Schmelzer, Kehl, young prospect Gotze, they werent expensive players… And BVB did well with Klopp.

        1. Klopp arrives with with Pool the cl final three times. He Said in an Interview Money makes goals
          Klopp for Milan is a joke Not the personality of ihm is the joke! Klopp has nothing to do with the Serie A
          I like the Person Klopp in Germany and Pool but Not in italy

    4. Guess we’ll find out what type of players will be recruited in this summer windows then. If the recruits are lacking in quality, safe to say that they’re not looking to get top coach to continue the projects.

      But hope springs eternal, if the mercato underwhelms; surely the optimist in you would say that they’re saving the funds for the better recruit in the following windows 😛

      Personally, I think this is a low risk, high return gamble. I meant for getting us top 4, probably Fonseca wouldve been sufficient. So, why pay more if we are not going (or in a position) to compete for the title? If Fonseca outperformed himself and got us the second star, everyone and their dogs will say how revolutionary it was to appoint him.

      1. Makes sense with Fonseca being a low risk option. But if he performs better than anyone expects, do they keep him despite Klopp being available? Or do they point him either way according to plan?

    5. Klopp hhh thse stingy m_fu’kers can’t even hire Motta for 5ml then you are talking someone earning in year 25ml

        1. Let alone klopp they can’t afford Motta we know thse people they didn’t come yesterday to this club they being here for long time Elliott/Redbird believe cheaper is better

          1. We can afford Motta.

            We just decide not to. (or Juventus reach agreement first), but we definitely can afford him if we truly want him.

    6. Again, it didn’t make any sense on the Klopp thingy. They can keep Pioli for another season and it’d look more logical.

    7. Yes, maybe Fonseca is just for temporary coach. While we wait for Klopp.

      But, still management must buy new players that are good. Not make bet again with player like Reijnders or Jovic.

      So this team already have a strong and good fundamental players.

      But, when we read news, management said that there is no one is save, even key players like Maignan and Theo are sale-able.

  2. This poorly translated quote is not new information, nor is it some kind of an allegation. It just serves to create more frustration and strife amongst us fans.

    “It is the great opportunity deliberately missed. Because the others were not better, available faster or more generous. It is deliberately lost because Conte does not fit into the format of the current Milan coaches,”

    Translation: Our squad is set up for 4-2-3-1 or 4-3-3. Hiring Conte would have meant selling Leao (and then people would be losing their minds about our “lack of ambition”), selling Chukwueze, buying a bunch of centerbacks and midfielders. In short, another summer revolution, which is not needed. Finally, Conte’s wages and proclivity for lasting 1.5 seasons at his clubs before falling out is also not part of our identikit. So, all of this is old hat for us. The Conte-De Laurentiis Show is going to make for an interesting side story next season.

    “And I must say frankly that the famous duo of the technical area, Boban-Maldini, had also adapted to this format. I remember that they chose Marco Giampaolo. With one difference, in my opinion.

    After seven rounds, Boban above all understood that the choice had been wrong and took very little time to correct it and find the replacement who proved to be the trump card: Pioli.”

    -Not sure what he’s trying to say here, or what the issue is vis-a-vis our current management. The old regime made a mistake with a manager and then quickly corrected it? Ok, great. The current ownership hasn’t made a mistake with a coach, because this is their first coach hiring, so let’s see what they do if Fonseca does fail. We’re jumping the shark here. (Also, Maldini and Massara were responsible for Giampaolo? Interesting. Nobody seems to talk about that when they reminisce.)

    “Now you have to understand, if by chance there were an identical drift, which cards they will have available to possibly correct a wrong choice. This is the unknown of next season.”

    -Translation: If we hire Fonseca and he is a fail, who will be left to hire in his place? This is a bizarre question designed to create nothing but unnecessary polemics. Any given signing can not work out, and then you’d have to see what’s available to correct it. This one was a head scratcher.

    1. (Also, Maldini and Massara were responsible for Giampaolo? Interesting. Nobody seems to talk about that when they reminisce.)

      You must not have gotten the memo.
      The credit for the decisions that end up being good decisions over the last 5 years is assigned to M&M, especially PM, the only people that “know football” in the club. The blame for the decisions that didn’t work out is passed to everyone and their mother, except PM.

    2. ‘The current ownership hasn’t made a mistake with a coach, because this is their first coach hiring, so let’s see what they do if Fonseca does fail.’

      They already made a mistake with a coach. By keeping Pioli for another season.

        1. It’s not the fact that we lost (the result). It is more towards how we lost (the process).

          With the current squad, surely we can do better. Conceding 49 goals is one of ’em. On the top 10 of the league, we conceded the most goals. Yes the likes of Torino and Fiorentina did better than us on that matter. Surely they don’t have the squad value and the wage bill like we have.

          Again it’s all about process and progress. And Pioli had stopped progressed after that Scudetto season.

    3. “Also, Maldini and Massara were responsible for Giampaolo? Interesting. Nobody seems to talk about that when they reminisce” Im not sure where you’ve been but that also has been ascribed to them. But also that they knew they made a mistake. Giampaolo was the Motta of that time. It was the most coveted up and coming coach at the time just like Motta now. Some can’t handle the big lights of San Siro and the directors had the foresight to see their mistakes

    4. I will absolutely judge their decision to hire giampaolo.

      Dumb move.

      I will also give them credit for being self critical about a choice they made and correcting it.

  3. if they want to hire Kloop for next season, they should hold Pioli for one another season. so, don’t get too excited about the Kloop coming over.

  4. Not sure what kind of weed people are smoking re Klopp or Guardiola, but I want some. If we’re “waiting” for someone (which is a ridiculous concept when it comes to coaches, since there are so many variables) my guess is that it’s Spalletti. He’s a great coach who has been competitive with squads that are not considered the best in the league on paper and he plays good football. In two years he will have finished his cycle with Italy, having done the Euros this summer, and the WC in the summer of 2026.

    1. Personally, the one I’m hoping for would be Davide Ancelotti.

      I know he hasn’t literally ‘manage’ a single team yet, but he is an influential figure in Ancelotti’s circle, and his CV sure is impressive. He could turn blossom into a successful manager in his own right once Don Carlo retired (might be in a year or two). If he decides to continue as manager, that is.

      Rather than Klopp/Pep, he’s the profile that I think is the most promising, apart from the other names already mentioned by the media.

  5. Simple answer: milan have no money & sign for the cheapest young player before sell for the most price. They only want to big four that generate revenue from UCL. They are not the same team with their long history.

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