Ordine questions why Milan fans romanticise Tonali: “Why are the regrets now?”

By Ben Dixon -

It has been a difficult year for Sandro Tonali and AC Milan, albeit for different reasons, after the midfielder left the club. However, Franco Ordine has questioned why some fans are regretting his departure now. 

Looking at the past year, there are very few positives to take note of. Milan struggled their way to a second-place finish in Serie A, and the season was generally filled with humiliation, both domestically and in Europe.

Tonali also, very publically, had issues to overcome, and due to a gambling problem, the midfielder faced a year on the sidelines due to breaking restrictions. However, he returned to action last month for Newcastle United and was called up to the Italian National Team by Luciano Spalletti.

In his first game for the Azzurri since his ban, he impressed heavily against a star-studded French team, causing Rossoneri fans to painfully remember the player they lost last summer. However, Ordine has questioned why people are only regretting it now, and his words have been relayed by Milan News.

“Sold off for 80 million I don’t think so, badly replaced is for sure but I ask: how come the regrets come out now and not during the one-year-long disqualification for betting? And how come those who staked out Milanello every day didn’t notice Sandro’s problem?”

Tags AC Milan Sandro Tonali


    1. The irony of all the Redbird fans now bemoaning our failure to secure a proper player for the pivot, when we had Tonali…

      Sometimes you just have to smile

        1. He literally won us games by scoring crucial goals that delivered the Scudetto.

          No need for speculation or imaginary ceilings or armchair tacticians. He delivered. A Scudetto. End of.

    1. You talk like the Tonali move was the ONLY thing you guys have ever cried and whined about 😂. Trust me – it gets tiring when it’s literally every little move management makes…. And you still haven’t answered how Origi and Balo are able to refuse moves but Tonali wasn’t. Could it be that he… God forbid! – said “Yes”??!

      1. Well when everything the management do seems to take the club lower and lower into nothingness then it’s hard not to complain. Football fans have every right to complain. The truth is now seemingly coming out about the management and their non sporting and purely financial project…

        As for Tonali, it’s a moot point, none of us now what was said. For all we know he could have been told by management that we are putting you on the market we are accepting offers, we would like you to accept, we won’t be renewing your contract so it would be good for the club if you accept now and we cash in. How do we know they wouldn’t have done what chelsea did to Lukaku and Gallagher. It is very easy For club owners to make players feel like they aren’t wanted, it’s happens for decades. On the flip side like you say, he may have said yes. Then again like Theo and Rafa, if 3 years ago you win the scudetto and are full of hope and then slowly and surely the management take that team apart, sack the figurehead of the club, and the incoming replacements are on the whole just average cheap buys, where is the desire to stay purely from a career standpoint. As much as Tonali loves Milan, he does have to think of his career, just as Robbie Fowler, Ian Rush and Michael Owen put their love of Everton aside for the good of their careers…

        1. Yeh I get that people should complain- I complain when RB don’t do the right thing too – I just wish we could all discuss things normally without throwing childish insults around like the geniuses below. And yes I called Bart a commie in reply to him calling me a dickhead out the blue so my bad 😂

        2. Yeh I get that people should complain- I complain when RB don’t do the right thing too – I just wish we could all discuss things normally without throwing childish insults around like the geniuses below. And yes I called Bart a commie in reply to him calling me a d*ckhead out the blue so my bad 😂

          1. Never happened, you called me Che and I said you were a Trump fanatic, which obviously you are. I didn’t insult you. You live in some dark fantasy.

          2. I tend to adopt the attitude of ‘talk to people how they talk to me’..I always find you respectful, measured and articulate so enjoy conversation with you even if we have opposing views. I too get embroiled in the insult game, it’s a shame, I was a moderator on a Milan forum from 2003 to 2011 and there was none of that..

            Back to football…Above all else, and with all the problems we have, I can’t help thinking 90% of them…maybe more would be solved with a proper elite manager…..just look at how the likes of Walker, Sterling and Grealish went from rough lazy diamonds to world beaters Under Pep…

      2. Yes the person who was posting conspiracy theories on a football website about Joe Biden being a paedo based on lies posted on the internet about the contents of a stolen diary, gets to make smart comments about others…

        You’ve got zero credibility.

    2. Tonali wasn’t just a great quality midfielder. He was a milanista through and through. He could have replicated what great players of our golden era did. He was the leader of the team. A good owner who understood football like Berlusconi would never have let him go because the money we got from selling him can never replace what we lost.

    3. Come on, be honest. Let’s say we didn’t sell Tonali last year and we start the season with him and in October, we stay without him for the whole season because of his mistake. All of you who are whining today would be cursing him with all the living things he has. Stop being a hypocrite and support what we have. Well, that Kessie who kicked us in the first two seasons was very bad, and today you don’t want to give Musah a chance. There, it’s you.

      1. What you just said is just what if.
        He hasn’t won any titles for Newcastle, after a year out, their supporters are still cheering for him, had he stayed at the club, I’m sure Milan supporters would still be cheering for him too

      2. We’d be in no worse position because Musah and Reijnders have done nothing.

        What I’d have done was offered Krunic a pay rise and a renewal because he was our best midfielder ahead of Tonali.

        I’d have kept Brescianini rather than sending him on loan and now to play for our rivals.

        And I’ve have signed ONE midfielder to finally replace the scumbag Kessie. RLC would’ve done.

        We’d have had a midfield of a settled Krunic, and one of Pobega and Brescianini to fill in whilst Bennacer was recovering. Bennacer would probably have come back stronger with a less crowded, revolutionised midfield.

        Given we still had to sign more midfielders this summer, and we still can’t control games, how could it be worse?

  1. Some people are just slower and realize what we lost now. Many were against his sale in the first place. I guess the management belongs in the slower group too lol.

    1. The outcry was loud when he left, every half decent Milanista lamented that loss. And seeing how the midfield has been our Achilles heel in recent times makes his absence even more profound. He will always have a special place in our hearts.

  2. in 2021-22 we had a great midfield we had a real dm kessie sandro and bennacer before he got so many injuries right now we dont have any real dm reijnerds that cant defend and loftus that isnt a playmaker or a nr 10

    1. Yeh we had a great midfield before Kessie decided to fk off, Tonali agreed to help us out with a crazy transfer fee and Benny got fat.

  3. I love Tonali, a true lifelong Milanista. My Milan jersey had his name and number (after he left, which I regret, I had to adapt and now my jersey has Puli’s name and number, another great player).

    Now I’m dismayed to see a large segment of the fan base scapegoating Rafa and Theo and criticizing them non-stop. They are two of the few great players we have left. Once they get fed up and leave (inevitable by now, I think) then these same people will regret it too, as Milan will become worse and worse without them.

    Banter years 2.0, here we come.

      1. I hate people who label people as either this or that. I’m not fond of redbird but I still think selling tonali was the right call. Wrap your little brain around that you dense troll

        1. When the management still haven’t found a replacement who can cover what Tonali could cover on the field, I don’t think it was a sensible sale if you wanted to build a team that can win titles. The 80 million is wasted. They couldn’t make the team stronger with the money I would rather have kept Tonali.

          1. Selling was the right call.
            Midfielders they bought with that cash is a separate issue. Ofc I wouldn’t expect people with feeble brains to be able to separate the issues….

        2. Oooh personal insults… to everyone who has a different opinion..

          Thats a BIG BRAIN Move. lol
          High IQ move in fact.
          VERY intelligent.
          Cant get any smarter than that can ya ? lmfao

      1. O please grow the f up. Think nesta wanted to be sold to Milan back then? NO! But he was.
        Milan needed to sell someone and with hindsight it was a terrific decision to sell Tonali.

        But yeah, you’d rather see scudeto winners Krunic and Pobega play for Milan while benacer was injured and Tonali would have been banned…
        Wasting my time here with this 🤡

        1. You speak as if milan will not exist without that sale. Sorry if you didn’t realize it, the money from the sale went directly to management’s bonuses. The club or team did not receive anything for the sale. We lost a good player.

          1. Right, so the 120M they spend on players that summer. Santa dropped that down the chimney, right?

            Are you really this dense or you just mocking around?

  4. Shocker, Redbird shit the bed and led us to banter era 2.0.

    I hope against hope the rumor that Maldini is bringing a Saudi investment group to rid us of the cancer that is Redbird.

  5. Objectively, we dodged a bullet! Great player but that’s a moot point considering he’d have played less than kalulu over the past season had he stayed as he’d have been banned anyway. And the fallout if he was banned while at Milan would’ve been massive. At Newcastle, another midfielder was banned. At Milan, it would’ve been our Golden boy who would’ve been out! Again, great player but a human being with flaws.

  6. Another bullet dodging BS theory. IF back then, the management KNEW about his gambling problem, the move was pure gold then. But the fact they knew nothing, and only aimed for that money, made the bullet dodging theory is just empty talk.

    That and all, I still take a one year banned Tonali rather than three Musahs. A player who bleed red and black, a player who’s willing to take a pay cut just to make his move to Milan sealed, they no longer make a player like him.

    1. My brother and fellow milanista. I agree with most of your points above.
      However,remember Milan is an infinitely bigger club than Newcastle. Imagine the headlines if our Golden boy was banned for gambling had he stayed. For context, look at the magnitude of drama over Theo and Leao not joining the sideline, petty and sideshows if you ask me. If Tonali Stayed, I shudder to think what the effect would’ve been on us over the sideshow that would have been. Also, we dodged a bullet by pure luck in not knowing about his flaws. The alternative is called fraud! So it’s not a theory that we dodged a bullet. Its a fact! They don’t make players like him, totally agree all said. Maybe handled right when we got him from Brescia, he might not have f*cked up like he did, maybe not. The boy had a major red flag psychology wise without doubt. How else do you justify gambling for pennies when earning millions a year with the world at your feet surely? I still wish him the best of luck and hope he will be back in red and black eventually.

      For now, Yunus Musah is (one of) what we have in Mid and I hope he will develop into a world class player. If not, I hope the management can ship him out in good time. No point filling slots with how good Liberali, Zeroli et al currently look! Let’s revisit next year. For now, forza Milan as always!

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