Parma 2-1 AC Milan: SempreMilan watchalong and live commentary

By Isak Möller -

Following the draw in the season opener, AC Milan have a clear goal of claiming their first win as they take on Parma this evening. Follow the action with Ahmed’s watchalong as well as our live commentary below. 

Paulo Fonseca has named a strong XI for the game, with Noah Okafor up front, and the likes of Theo Hernandez and Tijjani Reijnders are also back from start. Of course, there is only one thing on the players’ minds today and that is to claim the first win of the season.

SempreMilan watchalong with Ahmed

Live commentary

Starting XIs

Official Milan XI (4-2-3-1): Maignan; Calabria, Tomori, Pavlovic, Theo Hernandez; Reijnders, Musah; Pulisic, Loftus-Cheek, Leao, Okafor.

Bench: Torriani, Raveyre, Emerson, Gabbia, Thiaw, Terracciano, Bennacer, Fofana, Chukwueze, Saelemaekers, Jovic.

Official Parma XI (4-2-3-1): Suzuki; Coulibaly, Balogh, Circati, Valeri; Estévez, Sohm; Man, Bernabé, Mihăilă; Bonny.

Bench: Chichizola, Corvi; Del Prato; Camara, Cyprien, Hainaut; Almqvist, Cancellieri, Haj, Kowalski, Mikołajewski.

Tags AC Milan Parma


  1. Why have we chose to push our 3rd kit today with our keeper clashing with the parma players. Gonna be a long match. Long season

    1. Yes, that is why we didn’t do anything for 18 minutes, because of Leao and Calabria. What are you talking about? Midfield didn’t show up, all have 1 rating in first 20 minutes.

      1. what i talking? i watch game,calabria cant against this parma guy,he joke with calabria and Leao just walk. If you think they both good then i cant tell nothing more then enjoy at game 😂😂

          1. They both sucks calabria and theo,but at goal first mistake make calabria. We play against Parma not against Barca,so they all sucks.

        1. Parma dominated Milan, Calabria and Leao can’t be responsible for that. They are all bad.I think only Reijnders got a passing grade for 1st half

    2. Y’all keep pointing fake fingers. Was Calabria meant to keep up with two players? Why was Theo a defender 2 steps behind?

    1. Pioli is already gone, atleast now stop blaming him.

      Do you remember, us getting only one points after first two matches, under Pioli’s tenure?

      Pioli isn’t the best manager in Milan’s history. But one thing for sure: if Pioli had been here, we wouldn’t have succumbed to Torino and Parma.

  2. Horrible. Bad coach, the defender we signed is on pair with Thiaw, just a leftie. Pavlovic reminds of super clumsy and way worse Materazzi. Hopefully Fofana can get this midfield alive because this is beyond sad. Gameplay again is give ball to Leao and pray. Tactics like we manage the team from the comments.

    1. On second thought, we could do better. They got a mediocre coach and we are hoping for something. Pioli is a spaceship for Fonseca.

      1. He did, twice. Not on the goal. He can’t even pass the ball properly, just watch. I saw him at Salzburg a lot, he is as clumsy as it gets.

        1. Plastics like you are the most annoying pests on the planet🤦‍♂️just whine and cry about EVERYTHING with nothing positive. Sit down already

          1. Thank you for your opinion, now please comment below. Write your own comment. Ok? The most annoying pest is people like you, trying to tell other how and what to think. I don’t really care about your opinion. Goodbye!

        2. Thanks for proving my point, snowflake. You’re just a whiny child, nothing more. Now hush until you have something of worth to contribute

          1. Of course Ian, I am the whiny child and not the guy that insults everyone that doesn’t agree with Ian. I mean how childish can you be from 1 to Ian? And you really think that your 9 year old vocabulary is insulting me? And your 6 year old insults? Hahahahah, just piss off.

      2. and Pavlovic and Tomori have to make sure they cover the second ball…..he didn’t! Even if Theo had made a tackle the ball could go loose in the 6 yard box…he wasn’t switched on enough neither were

    2. Are you watching the game in bucket of water?
      Pavlovic far better than Thiaw. Your negativity is not needed here. He saved us from a second goal got 2 great header in. The problem is the midfield we lack creativity and proper holding midfielder. TjR is doing good but RLC isn’t helping him. Pulisic is under performing on the right.

    3. Believe it or not we’re missing Giroud Leo and Pulisic plays better with a mobile striker. Your analysis is based of feelings and not actual analysis of the games. Childish

      1. They’re all playing cr@p. Leao allergic to playing a simple 2 yard pass simply. Reijnders is the only bright spot out there

  3. Is Theo still on vacation or something? His defending has been ATROCIOUS. That goal literally doesn’t happen if he isn’t lazy and stays with his guy…🤦‍♂️

  4. Musah cannot play defensive mid…his timing is simply non existent. That’s never been his strength anyway so why’s he playing it? He’s best carrying the ball forward

  5. Didn’t Fonseca mention that they were going to better at winning the ball back?

    God lord Man and Mihaila are killing it

  6. I’m sorry, but if Theo is simply gonna refuse to run, he needs to come off. Watching him jog back on every counter attack, especially when the first goal was his fault, is INFURIATING…at least saelamkaers will try

  7. This coulibaly is a beast. I want to see leao take it personally and try and burn him but he’s got no fight in him. Doesn’t want any part of it and Hernandez got his head in the clouds. The pres season bullsh!t off the back of tournaments really is taking its toll they just look tired and unfit

  8. Thank God for Tomori and Pavlovic.
    Every time Parma gets the ball they are on the counter. Milan 2 full backs and 2 wingers have been Milan worst players in the 1st half. Pulisic, Calabria on the right and Theo Leao on the left are the worst players on the pitch.
    Also, there is no difference between Jovic vs. Torino and Okafor vs. Parma. Both got/getting ZERO service.
    Bring on some subs

    1. that’s it, service..Okafor hasn’t played badly, he’s run the line pretty well, but if i have to watch one more of those lazy lofted crosses into the box from Leao that is just bread and butter for the keeper…..

      1. Jovic didn’t play badly vs Torino either. A striker needs service. The roles will probably be reversed today. Jovic will come of the bench and acore a desperate final minutes goal

    2. And what will the subs do. It’s no longer Bennacer? He team is not physical, high press is not for us at this point. Don’t matter who we have in the line up

  9. Same as last season, we don’t really play as a team, it’s a culmination of individual moments, do very little going forwards.

  10. This milan is too slow and easily predictable ..we can’t win good match like this..RLC is nt in the match at all..I think we are playing with 2 midfielder bcos rlc is missing in this intensity that the coach promised we d fans.

  11. we play like this a lot. what would a better st do when there is no service? People keep saying we need a st, we need a st..

  12. Basically Milan has no defense, no midfield, no attack. And no tactical flow. Our transfers seems are done at desperations and panic not like an programmatically strategy with good scouting and analysis . Fonseca seems much worse than Pioli. Our “stars” Leao and Theo looks very indolents, self-sufficients, demotivated, I say again , it would have been better to have sold them both this summer and replaced them with more motivated players. Milan looks very very bad… but it’s not surprising considering what inept management we have in the team, clueless clowns Ibra+Furlani+Moncada.

  13. Pavlović excellent; Tomori, Maingnan and Reijnders good. Everyone else is failing and this time it is not Fonseca’s fault.

  14. I really hope Fofana can balance out our midfield and offer some protection to our leaky defence otherwise it’s gonna be a long season

  15. Horrible so far, no combination play in possession, press is lazy, midfield and wingers seriously need to step up their work and help the defense. Infuriating seeing so much sloppiness and laziness at the same time

  16. RLC is a shit.. just running around the field no single impact. He should be sold for Samarzdic. Tomori and Pavlovic need to communicate better. Well good defensive wo3kwor both we could have been 3 goals down.

    This is not what Fonseca promised us… no compactness no communication no confidence no precision

  17. Instead of the management to hire someone better than pioli they went ahead to hire someone below pioli,I don’t expect anything special this season

  18. I wonder when people will address the elephant in the room. Is Ibra qualified for the role? Or is he just a money-hungry egotistical ___ who’s sucking on Cardinale’s jockstrap?

    The starting line up shows pressure on the coach. Musah and RLC instead of Bennacer makes no sense.

  19. Again and again i will comment like comment before month,this year with Ibra,Fonseca and owners we will lucky if qualificiated for Champions League next year.

  20. Another great game Torino we got lucky to draw and now lucky to lose only 2-1 to Parma. Really great start, the team looks horrible, no tactics, the goal came again by the same old pattern. Give Leao the ball and hope the guy in the middle will not miss. At least Pulisic converts those…

      1. I hope at some point they bring in qualified staff and remove Ibra and Furlani. You know, people with previous results that would pick a good enough coach. I really hope I’m wrong but this season already looks like such a fail.

  21. Cue the post match coach/player excuses of “we need more intensity etc etc…” Nothing-burger platitudes instead of saying we cant play together, we dont have the players with enough intelligence to see a pass and if Rafa/Theo have a bad day we are clueless. This is like punching yourself in the balls once a week 🙄

  22. Management need another striker. It’s not too late to get Chiesa. RLC should be sold Reijnders can’t do it alone. Our wing back need more depth. Theo is responsible for both Goals. Pavlovic and Tomori did their best but it’s not their fault. Calabria was better Than Emerson defensively. Salad should have replaced Theo.

  23. If Juventus wins the match in this stage, it already puts 5 points between them and us, which translates into the fact that we are out of the fight for the title of champion since the second round. Absolute fast record 😆😆. But the biggest problem is the team’s play which does not exist and which puts us in the position of having big problems this season to get a place in the Champions League. Jerry Clowndinale is getting exactly what he deserves for his arrogance in removing Maldini from the management of the club and leave the club in the hands of the embarrassing trio of Ibra-Furlani-Moncada. Look at Juventus, what a serious and well-run club means. They brought in a very good manager Giuntoli and a real coach Motta, with transfers very well calculated to fit into a specific vision of the game, not transfers made like Milan in a panic mode, like a headless chicken…

  24. Unsurprisingly, Loftus-Cheek completely ineffective, Pulisic useless, Leao another stinker, no midfield presence until Fofana came on. Theo is also a waste of space. Pavlovic did OK. Weak performance overall. Parma thoroughly deserved the win. It’s going to be a long season without a striker or an identity.

      1. What a loss. Pinamonti is cheap, just 2 milllion for loan, an also not old. He score a goal already. I think wise management did not want because he is italian.

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