Pedulla: Milan verbally agree deal for Torino defender – counterpart could be involved

By Oliver Fisher -

AC Milan are pushing to try and sign Wilfried Singo from Torino and they have essentially agreed a deal for him, according to a report.

According to Alfredo Pedulla, Torino seem to be preparing for Singo’s farewell because Milan have taken concrete steps to sign him, essentially verbally agreeing a deal for the full-back whose contract expires in less than a year.

The possibility of a meeting next week to try to close the deal cannot be ruled out, and the two clubs are talking on the basis of a transfer fee between €10-12m with possible inclusion of bonuses.

A counterpart could be used too, given that Ivan Juric has a liking for Junior Messias which has existed even before he went to Milan.

Messias could also be a separate negotiation, while the Granata would also like the return of Tommaso Pobega who as things stand will leave with the squad for their tour of the USA.

Meanwhile, Torino ARE also thinking about Singo’s replacement AND they like Marcus Holmgren Pedersen of Feyenoord, with a valuation between €7-8m.

Tags AC Milan Wilfied Singo


      1. Captaincy aside Calabria has been inconsistent and isn’t at the Top in his position. So yes, we need an upgrade. Be objective.

        1. Objectively singo isn’t better. He is a huge defensive liability. If we inky want offense then yes he’s objectively better. That’s it

          1. Defending can be learned – prime example is Theo. Offensive skills cannot – hence Calabria’s limitations. Teach Singo how to defend as we did with Theo and he’s a steal for 10M and we will form a formidable RB/LB attacking duo and wont be so one-dimensional with Calabria. Singo is also homegrown. This is a great deal IF true. But I will believe it when Romano posts it

        2. Serious question: were you one of the ones that was upset about Tonali leaving? Can’t remember. Because if you were, you were upset because he “bled for the shirt” and was a “milanista at heart” and “sacrificed to come to milan”, etc. Not because he was a world class midfielder. He was good player, but he was comparable to Ambrosini at best, so hardly not expendable. So then what’s the difference here with someone who actually came up through our youth system?

          If Tonali was such a Milan hero for what he “stood for” in his three seasons with us, how can Calabria be anything less? Oh wait, it all actually just boils down to the perception of how “good” a player is on the pitch after all. Oh well. No tears for “sh!tty” Milanista players at heart, just the good ones.

        3. There’s no putting captaincy aside and every single human being is inconsistent.

          You want consistency go play computer games, and remember to switch all abilities to 100 and play on Easy level.

  1. Messias + 3-4 million seems fair in my mind. As far as Calabria, no he’s not seeing his career end. We just need a better set of players. Rotation is critical when you’re competing in multiple fronts.

    1. Well said. Singo brings competition to the right back position; the best in anyone of them that would start on match days. It doesn’t mean the end for Calabria at Milan.

    1. Being “crowded” isn’t the same as “being competitive”. The midfield STILL needs upgrading. And one can’t really count Bennacer as one of the midfielders this season as he MIGHT reach his level in April or May.

  2. Good swap imo if it means Salad will be the backup right winger. And there’s still a locker at Torino with Pobega’s name on it.

  3. I think non of you know the milan captain Calebria, You guys don’t how good he is. He is underrated. The guy deserves better than all this criticism. Do you know how many player’s this man bench,de scglio, conti,dest,kalulu,alexia,Florence…. couldn’t bench him, you all thought they were better until… u see them playing in this same team u now understand how good is my precious captain @calebria. I can bet you zingo is too small to bench calabria. Only De lorenzo can try for now but considering age… David will bench him….. I will advise Milan not to waste money on zingo. He can’t bench this calabria.

    1. I for one like Calabria and have never sh*t on him. But let’s be honest – you’re talking like he’s Cafu or something.

    2. Singo will only serve to motivate Calabria even more.. It would be the loveliest sight to see the two compete. It would be good indeed for Milan.

      1. Singo would be an upgrade only in offensive. Defensively he’ll be nowhere near Calabria’s level. I hope this pushes Calabria to improve his crosses and attacking plays.

  4. Good signings if true.
    With Pioli considering Kalulu as a CB we only have Calabria as a RB. Florenzi is unreliable or he is only reliable to have some kind of surgery at some point during the season.

  5. I realise that many people don’t think Calabria is a good player. I mean, he’s unspectacular but he’s solid. He got the assist to Giroud in the crucial win over Juventus not long ago. He managed to shut down Kvaratskhelia most of the time, which is impressive. Calabria has 1 goal and 5 assists while Singo had 2 goals and 2 assists. Calabria is and will remain il Capitano and a starter.

    1. I personally don’t see the issue of having Calabria and Singo. We have three competitions. We need better depth. And I like Calabria too.

    2. Indeed. And Singo has to improve quite a lot if he were to steal the starting spot from Calabria. Calabria is one of the most underrated players in Serie A. At least amongst Milan-fans.

  6. It will be a shrewd signing. It was plain to see that last season, Calabria wasn’t the best, often being caught out of position. He had his moments but not consistent enough. Personally, if he comes, I don’t think it will long before Singo is given his chance and the armband goes to Theo..

  7. I like Singo a lot! His Performances against us were always good.
    But what will happen to florenzi, if Singo arrive?

    Do we Go for Dominguez AND or OR Musah?

  8. He’s no upgrade. Upgrade in attack for sure. Downgrade in defense also for sure. I mean he just has so many suitors everybody is after him!!

    So overrated it’s wild. Just watch our games against Torino and how poor he is defensively especially positionally, there’s holes non stop. Now if we’re talking wing backs, he’s far better than Calabria

    1. Moncada interview from 2020.

      “On Theo Hernández: “He is a player we know from Atlético Madrid’s U17/U19. It was a work that lasted 4-5 years. And the opportunity to get him came when he was in a bit of trouble at Real Madrid, who had just picked up Ferland Mendy. We had seen his games as a young man, his progress at Real Sociedad on loan and we had talked to his agents. Theo is a train. He destroys the left wing. In today’s football the fullbacks are like that and we want them like that. The modern fullback in a great team has to be a train, to run a lot like crazy. We were already following him at Atlético Madrid and then at Real Madrid and then he went on loan to Real Sociedad and I said to myself how is it possible that no one is interested in him?’  And the truth is that we didn’t have much competition when we got him.”

      Just because there is no competition doesn’t mean someone is not a good player.
      Singo is very similar to Theo. Theo was great going forward but his defense was not up to par, but right now he is awesome at defense too. You can teach someone how to defend but both of their athleticism cannot be taught.
      Singo can be Theo on the right side of the defense

      1. No he is not awesome at defense. Theo is one my fav players here right now and has gotten better defensively but you’re smoking crack or just have super low standards if you think he’s good defensively.

        1. Defense can be taught – offense cannot. You either have the talent offensively or you don’t. Singo does and Calabria does not. Period. Make the deal.

          Your just upset because Singo is not Italian lol

          1. Singo sucks. Pure and simple. Plus if you hate italians just watch a different league. It’s really pathetic how many supposed milan fans love to see italians fail. It’s like a sick self hate thing. Absolutely strange. If we’re getting a quality RB with potential our Fresneda links are far better. He’s going to be 2x the player singo is, singo is absolutely clueless, 0 brain. But hey he is fast so fifa kids like that I guess…

  9. Except for a few matches, Calabria has been pretty poor this season. A lot of mistakes. I respect him a lot, and would like him to stay as a backup right back. But for me, Singos potential seems higher.

  10. What a waste of time, money and effort.

    This is the worst type of signing since it disrupts at least 2 other players in Calabria and Kalulu.

    So we’ve killed two birds with one stone.m

    It’s like when we signed BOTH Bonucci and Musacchio. Both players were fine by themselves but signing both of them meant neither played at their potential.

    Even signing Stam all those years ago was a mistake because it broke up the Maldini-Nesta partnership, and randomly pushed the former back to LB in his late 30s.

    It’s not about having world class players. It’s about having a team that fits together, and players that aren’t stepping on each others toes.

    But all of this gets lost on the never ending need to sign new shiny players.

    These are supposed to be elite athletes. They can’t just sit on the bench most of them time and then produce moments of magic.

    The more players we have the squad the less time they collectively get on the pitch which means none of them perform at their potential.


    1. Do you even know your own team? I’m serious. Kalulu plays as a CB mainly. Rarely as a RB. Calabria had a poor season. Learn about the players of the team first. And disrupting lol? Calabria has had his fair share of injuries. I don’t think he’s being disrupted by anyone but himself. And I like Calabria. But get real. Get a grip.

      1. Do you even like your team?

        Why do you dislike the club captain of the club you allegedly support given the captain actually represents the club?

        Players can and do play in more than one position and it’s actually essential to minimising disruption.

        Stones played RB, CB and DM for Man City. If it’s good enough for Man City…

        1. I state the facts. You clearly don’t even know what positions players play in nor do you know anything about form. I stated I like Calabria, but we need better depth in that position. Nobody is disrupting anyone, you joker. You just don’t want anymore depth because you think it’s a threat to your precious player.

          I look at the overall team. Not individuals.

      2. Now why would you suppose I don’t know my team when I named players in said team and talked about the other positions that they can play in?

        Not to totally blow your mind but Calabria also played LB and CM for Milan, and the match he played in the latter against Juve was one of my favourite performances of his (apart from a mere few months ago when he marked Kvaratskhelia out of the game).

        But apparently that’s not good envoy for “fans” like you.

        And why is it that Stones can play RB, CB and DM for Man City but apparently Milan need 2.5 perfectly formed players for every position?

        This is to play in a less successful team in a less physical league with a Christmas break???

        The issue is you can’t see past the transfer market so you just think “oh goodie another signing”.

        1. You clearly don’t know your own team. And you’re clueless when it comes to form or depth. You are just upset that Calabria may not be guaranteed the starting spot anymore. His form has been poor. He was far too inconsistent the last season and got caught it multiple times, but since you’re so clueless you judge everything based on one match.

  11. I like singo. He reminds me a lot like theo, he’s raw and defending isn’t the best but he’s fast, strong and determined. With training he can improve on his defending and be a great addition.

  12. I see this as more were improving the depth in the rb area and selling off messias because we will have too much in the rw. Adding more depth in areas

  13. Singo provide competition in RB to calabria , i wont count florenzi , his contract most likely will not be renewed by AC Milan . Singo basically are florenzi replacement ( florenzi contract expire in 2025) . Junior messias + cash 7m euro are fair offer for torino to get singo

  14. I see that so many fans underestimated Calabria,the reason you all see an underperforming AC Milan Captain last season was due to lack of competition for him but I assure you signing Singo will be a great addition for AC Milan but you will see a reborn Calabria I betcha.He always comeback with a better version of himself basically he’s the King of comebacks haven’t y’all noticed and if you haven’t go check history of your Captain fantastic then.

  15. i think the management is replacing Dest and also getting a quality full back to rotate with.
    in the event they sell Toure, Florenzi mostly will move to left back, if injured then Calabria will be the cover for Theo.
    Basically w hv 3 full backs for 2 position which is fine Calabria, Theo, Singo

  16. I’ve been criticizing Calabria a lot this season, especially when he appeared to be caught in no man’s land in multiple occasion. Coupled with the fact that he’s our captain, I think he should’ve had more discipline.

    HOWEVER, I would still stick by him. I think it was just a matter of overconfidence (like how Krunic suddenly tried to dribble past players in front of our penalty box) and the fact that our team was struggling at the time, he was being a captain, and who knows, he probably think he gotta do something.

    He’s a solid player, defensively good and probably could still improve as he gain more and more experience. He’s just lacking discipline at times and appeared to be too eager to join in the attack. That’s what needs to be addressed. The addition of RW or Pulisic playing there might probably kept him calmer and quieter.

    BTW, he’s like the last Italian standing on our starting line up, isn’t he?

  17. When Mourinho gave his first ever press conference for Chelsea (the one where he announced he was the “special one”) the most interesting comment he made was in response to questions about what signings he wanted (this is in 2003 when the transfer market was only starting to get out of control).

    He responded as follows:

    “I would say if all the names you wrote in the last few days are correct we would have a 50-player squad and I hate to work with big squads,”

    “I want a small squad – 21 players plus the goalkeepers and no more.”

    Mourinho went onto break records with that “small squad”.

    The secret to Mourinho’s success was always about having a really tightly knit squad usually built around a couple of leaders: back then Terry and Lampard.

    It’s fair to say nether of these players were great. They went on to do great things – for Chelsea – but they could easily have tanked under a different manager, or turned into journeymen.

    Mourinho used them as a base. Calabria (and formerly Tonali) were that base for Milan. It’s not about quality. It’s about what they represent.

    And the other key part of Mourinho’s approach was that tightly knit squad. In their most successful season he interchanged Robben, Duff and Cole for the two winger positions.

    Look at those names. Robben was probably world class, Cole always had potential but that could’ve gone either way,’and Duffer!

    You can rate players. They’re too changeable depending on the conditions. Some players perform better for this manager than that, at this club than that, at club level but not at international level. It’s not a beauty contest. It’s more complicated than that.

    And the other key part

    1. Jfc. Calabria isn’t the next Cafu. These diatribes need to stop. It’s almost sad. You seem against the idea of even having depth or rotation. By the way, the captain armband will simply go to Theo or Mike… get over it.

      This is a team. Not one player can consider themselves above the team. And maybe that’s something you should learn.

      1. He doesn’t need to be the next Cafu.

        That’s the whole point.

        You don’t need a team of Cafu’s. You need a team.

        What needs to stop is the never ending need to change the squad, and to build long term stability.

        What other business do you know that changes 25% of its workforce every few months?

  18. Well said. Some people just think real life is like fifa the video game where all that matters is speed and strength..

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