Pellegatti makes claim over Zirkzee’s agent commissions: “They have changed over time”

AC Milan journalist Carlo Pellegatti has claimed that the commissions being requested by Joshua Zirkzee’s agent are much higher now than they originally were.

The saga involving Zirkzee and Milan has gone on for longer than many expected given the player has looked intent on making the move and Milan would only need to pay the €40m release clause when it becomes active on July 1.

The reason for the deal taking so long is that Zirkzee’s agent Kia Joorabchian, is asking for €15m in commissions to help facilitate the deal, a figure that Milan do not plan on getting close to.

Speaking on his YouTube channel (via Pianeta Milan), Pellegatti explained that as far as a source of his is concerned, Milan thought that the commission would be €6m when they first started trying to sign Zirkzee.

The request has then gradually risen to the point where Milan are extremely annoyed with the situation and that is why so many links are emerging to Romelu Lukaku and other strikers.

“Why did the reports come out about Milan being ready to pay the clause and having an agreement with Zirkzee? And didn’t they know about the commissions? According to my source, maybe it’s not the truth, at first the commission requests were 6 million, then they went up to 9, then 12 and finally 15. If this indiscretion were true, it is clear that they [Milan] were blown away. They probably thought the commissions were 6 and not 15. The commissions have changed over time, a bit like last year with Taremi,” Pellegatti said.

Milan are still said to be very keen on signing Zirkzee and the player prefers the idea of joining Milan and staying in Serie A to joining Manchester United in the Premier League.

Tags AC Milan Joshua Zirkzee


  1. If this is actually correct i would immediately abort this transfer as there is no reason to have to deal with that clown agent in the future as he clearly isn’t trustworthy.

    1. I was suspecting the same thing, with Man United being interested in signing him I knew the agent would raise his demands. It would be best to look for other alternatives like Gimenez who will cost us something around the same. I can’t say regarding the commissions but I heard his father is his agent so maybe we can negotiate a better deal with him.

      1. Yeah if its actually true then i would also look elsewhere as it unsustainable working with such agents as he will just cause issues for us down the road and Gimenez wouldnt be a bad option instead and is a more proven goal scorer than the dutchman so I wouldn’t oppose that idea..

      2. In a way, it’s a backhanded attempt to price us out of the transfer. Many teams would pay the 40M release, but how many would pay 55M with the commission tacked on? It’s an artificial inflation of the overall cost of the operation to price us out so that his destination is narrowed down to the PL or PSG or something like that. It’s so slimy.

        F- it and move on, because in 3 years when he’s got 2 years left on contract they will ask for astronomical wages and another huge commission. We’ve seen this movie before.

        1. I can’t remember who posted a list here on SempreMilan recently of the most expensive agent commissions in the sport and the 15 mil apparently demanded of us would make it the 6th most expensive one so its definitely a steep one most clubs wont entertain if the numbers holds up to scrutiny.

  2. I would have thought this was obvious – if it had been known the whole time I doubt the deal would have gotten so far. 6m is still crazy high commission, how greedy can one guy be to take advantage of his client to this extent?

    1. If all of this is correct then i think Zirkzees character is also up for question because who in their right mind would accept an agent to potentially ruin a move to ones favorite destination while extorting your potential new workplace.
      I at least doesn’t understand such mindset.
      In the end lets just hope that all these commission rumors is iust makebelief and that the deal is dragging out because of his euros commitment but yeah even 6 mil is too steep for my taste as well.

      1. Because I suspect the contract Zirkzee has with his agency allows them to set and collect their own commissions. I have a suspicion though that Zirkzee might well be waiting to see what other offers he gets and the agent is happy to use this as a smokescreen to take the heat off the client. See if Man Utd, Chelsea or Tottenham decide to throw bigger money his way.

        I don’t expect much movement on this one for a while sadly.

        1. You mean inbetween the agent and the player ? if so I would suspect it would be highly illegal and could maybe even be penalized with a prison sentence as it would at least be borderline fraud and tax evasion.

          He would be a nice acquisition but in my view it wouldn’t be the end of the world either if it doesn’t materialize to anything,

          1. Isn’t that illegal then if they actually do that as it seems like evasion of taxes and fraud at the same time ?

          2. It is against UEFA’s Financial Fair Play regulations (to be honest I don’t even know what those rules and regulations are anymore) the FA took this to the European Court of Justice to introduce agent CAP but if I recall they lost the case and the new laws proposed by FA weren’t approved.

          3. Doki there was an article here on SempreMilan recently that made it clear that contracts signed before October 2023 i believe agents can demand whatever they want to but afterwards only 10% i think.

            My gripe here is if zirkzee and his agent actually were demanding such exorbitant commission to split it in between the two which must be fraud and tax evasion and which would go beyond football rule but national rules which in fact could be penalized far worse than any fa can do.
            For example in my country you can only gift a certain sized ammount of cash to someone before yoy will be taxed and you cant move certain sized money in between countries like for example airports around the world confiscate cash above certain limits if not declaring it and that is to avoid money laundering, An agent and a player splitting millions of cash between them woud constitute such moves from what i can judge as one part would seem to avoid paying taxes on it then,
            I might be wrong though but it would seem shady to me.

          4. Kia is not a registered agent hes a “consultant”

            Given he has been involved in owning players (3rd party) like the famous Tevez case, it wouldn’t surprise me if he has a similar arrangement here, where he holds some %.

            Or as R says, it could be away to delay negotiations incase Zirkzee gets a better offer from Arsenal or someone.

            It certainly doesn’t feel like they are moving heaven and earth to join Milan.
            We should move on and buy an actual striker like Dovbyk

        2. In case of haaland it is a massive difference, he had a buyout of 50 million, he was worth atleast 150m, for me it is only natural the agent have some say here, since he is the one who made this possible for clubs to acquire him for such a low fee, he was also clear in every choice he made about his future no matter what the agent said. however, Zirkzee is the opposite, he have been opportunistic and his buy out isn’t massive favor.

  3. Crooks. Then we will go somewhere else. If they kept increasing commissions, then we will go somewhere else. 6 million was high enough. There isn’t even that kind of commission on a 60 million euro player.

    Shame for Zirkzee.

  4. Do not trust this jounalist in one go.. All of them have agendas. Some are with milan management and some work as anti milan management. Until you hear from trust worthy resources (F. Romano), do not believe.

  5. Its mad this agent is still operating after west ham had to pay over 20m to because of the tevez deal. That’s when I first learnt of him. Aside from the commissions what could we open ourselves up to by using an agent with his murky ppast. Does he own the rights to zirkzee or just contractually his agent?

  6. He is just not worth it. One season wonder with not even great numbers in this “wonder season”, 17th place in Serie A strikers classification is a joke. He was also not even picked up to be a backup player in Dutch team Euro squad, and Dutch have one of the worst attack in years. He only got there because other backup player got injury.

    Even Jovic had significantly better ratio of goals to minutes played, and Jovic was let go into the pitch mostly when game was stale and nothing happened.

    It it just ridiculous to pay almost 60 milion euro for such a player.

  7. If this was in writing that hes asking for basically 40% of the sale price, then uefa would have stepped in already (now that its out, I don’t think he can do what he was going to, which was drop it significantly for the team he has the most friends at…The players loses the right to pick where to play next and the agent gets it. He has friends at Arsenal…I doubt they will have to pay him anything, he just wants power…And before you say he can fire him, he can’t, this guy is very powerful and not a person that you fire if you want the rest of your career to go well…

    1. Feeling bad for Zirkzee, but from Milan’s perspective it’s a clear red flag to step away from the deal.

      Signing a deal would be first of the problems. Contract for 3 years, after first year making fuss about salary raise, after 2nd year big drama with not extending the contract (Donnarruma v2) unless they get huge raise and another 10mil commission. Milan will be even more desperated then because they would’ve already invested so much money in the player.

      Just don’t do it. There are other players without greedy agents and drama.

  8. The 49m release clause itself is a sign of agent control and power over players against his club. Mostly players in Italy doesn’t have a release clause. 40m is too low for this era’s market with his potential and young age.
    I bet the agent is asking for low release clause in order for the deal to go through but Milan probably wants higher release clause, that’s why the agent keep raising his demands.
    Low release clause will attract more interests in the player in the future which in turn will get the agent the most benefit.

  9. Meanwhile another ‘target’ missed.

    Serhou Guirassy to Borussia Dortmund, here we go! BVB have received the green light from player side after working on this deal for months.

  10. This is a bit far from reality.

    Commission fee will be set when a player is signing a contract and the club setting release clause. So it is a fixed fee valid for contract period of the player.
    Commission fee could increase based on written formulas such as amount of playing time, goals, assists, club winning sth or qualifying UCL. However, it won’t increase in unilateral form based on one party’s thought!

    So again, it’s Milan side who are choosing little bitc attitude and trying to make his agent look like a bad guy but in reality, they failed to do the background check on Zirkzee’s deal beforehand.

    It’s not like ‘Oh, we thought the commission fee was 6 mil and how come it is 15 mil now? ‘
    Even amateur clubs have better specialists in dealing with such cases.

    1. Might be true. The same case with Taremi last season. Where we tried to get him all summer just find we’re negotiating with wrong rep, or wrong commission.

  11. Even 6m euro already high for agent but ACM are willing to pay that amount for kia, that will be ACM club record for agent fee. ACM refuse to pay kessie agent 10m euro fee for renewal , i dont see the reason why ACM must pay kia 15m euro fee. Never surrender to agent demand , let him take his client to MU and destroy his career there

      1. As I pointed out further up someone recently posted a list here on this website and according to that the zirkzee agent commission would be the 6th most expensive one in the history of the sport.
        If I remember correctly milans highest one ever was also 2.9 mil and that wasn’t under gallianis reign.
        Huge difference from the days of galliani then.

        1. Yeah but adjust that to football inflation rates. In Galliani times Italian top gun like Inzaghi costed 35mil EUR (not to even mention earlier times where guys like Roberto Baggio in top age costed 9mil EUR), and nowadays random young guy like Dembele costs 140 milion EUR. Leao who is not even a key player for Portugal has a clause of 175 milion EUR.

          How can you seriously compare that. When transferring Galliani times to nowadays reality, he paid insane agent fees and – as much as I love that guy – truth is he was among the ones that started this madness with agents that we see today.

          1. Of course inflation is part of the equation but its still far from comparable to zirkzees agent commission.

            Sure galliani and berlusconi was frontrunners of these issues but it was also a different market that was equal for everybody as anyone could just spend their own money on investments as they saw fit. Today ffp is basically helping certain leagues like epl who has insane advertisement/tv deals not comparable to any other leagues which warps the competition for targets.
            HUGE difference and 15 mil for an agent simply isn’t worth it for a player like zirkzee.

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