Pellegatti claims Adli can become Milan’s captain: “He has everything”

By Euan Burns -

Journalist Carlo Pellegatti has claimed that Yacine Adli could be the AC Milan captain in the coming years given the quality he has been showing on the pitch this season.

Speaking on his own YouTube channel (via Pianeta Milan), Pellegatti was incredibly forthcoming in his praise for Adli who has had to work incredibly hard to win his place in the Milan squad.

Having been signed from Bordeaux and then immediately sent back on loan, Adli then spent last season barely featuring at all for the Rossoneri.

Many assumed that he would be shipped out in the summer either on loan or permanently, but he has stayed and fought for a place in the team and now seems to be a player that Stefano Pioli trusts. He started the match against Atalanta despite Tijjani Reijnders being fit and available.

As Pellegatti explains, this determination that Adli has shown gives reason to think he could be a Milan captain in the coming years.

“Enormous credit to Adli who now, from being an outsider, can be considered a starter in this Milan team. He’s carving out a space for himself in this team, he’s doing very well and, above all, something as objective as the statistics prove him right,” Pellegatti said.

“As a personality, attachment to the jersey and all that, I wouldn’t be surprised if in a couple of years he could wear the Milan captain’s armband. Also because he embodies the soul of Milan, he loves the Rossoneri colours and has proven it many times. He went from being an outcast to wanting to stay, from being an outcast to winning his place. He is a player who feels the game. He has everything to give a lot to this Milan team.”

One of the ways he has been able to impress Pioli is by reinventing himself as a deeper-lying midfielder, something Milan have had more need for recently than an attacking midfielder.

Tags AC Milan Yacine Adli


    1. I don’t understand. I thought it varies from team to team. So the players choose while others the coach, etc.

      Could you explain more?

      1. It varies from team to team how they decide on the Captain, but in Milan it’s a tradition that the players with most appearances as the club is also the Captain – Hence why Calabria is now Captain. Sometimes it works out like with Maldini or Ambrosini, but other times it’d a bit controversial like with Calabria who really isn’t a proper Captain…

        1. Why isn’t Calabria a proper captain?

          And why do people think Ambrosini was one of the greatest midfielders of all time as opposed to being about the same level of Calabria???

    2. Captaincy is not decided by who is the leader?

      What a strange thing to say.

      This is not a participation trophy to be handed out by a number of fixtures played…..

    3. “The captaincy is decided by the number of fixtures, not who is the best leader, or most dedicated to the jersey, etc…”

      You haven’t played sports, now have you? 🙂

  1. He certainly has a bright future, if his recent performances are anything to go by. I am more concerned about him getting the minutes and developing further than him being captain material. We have been missing a conductor for a while in this team.

  2. Adli is certainly a feel good story at Milan but his performances have been inconsistent. I do hope he improves his game and becomes more consistent because his passion is certainly there.

    Currently Calabria isn’t really captain material in my opinion as he displays neither leadership nor any gravity on the field among his peers. Theo is OK as vice but not as captain.

    Adli could certainly become one but he has to be an immovable starter on this team. And for that he needs to be playing better and more frequently.

    1. Inconsistent? LOL. Say that word to the Leao-fanbois and they’ll go nuts. EVERYONE in Milan has been inconsistent. But Adli is the one who has been improving match by match basically. While playing out-of-position.

      1. Adli has actually cost us goals and there seems to be a general consensus that our midfielder is our weakest link….

        Leao on the other hand actually played a crucial role in our successes to date.

        It’s absolutely bizarre that the same fans can glorify Adli and criticise Leao (or any other Milan player).

        1. When was the last time he actually cost us goals? Months ago! He has been improving helluva lot defensively since those days and only an ignorant & blind person can’t see that.

          1. Well considering we keep conceding goals and our midfield is the weak link….

            But hey I’m sure when we weren’t conceding goals it must have been someone’s fault.

        2. Absolutely bizzarre? Not really. People who esteem hard work will see things differently than some people who only care about the shiny, bling-bling things.

          1. He does work hard (as does Leao and most of the players who have helped Milan win).

            You don’t win without hard work.

            It’s not so much ‘bling bling’ things but I like direct and fast play.

            Actually one of the great things about Krunic was how quickly he moved the ball.

            Leon moves it quickly as well (most of the time).

            Adli holds onto the ball too long.

            Have you ever played alongside players who hold onto the ball too long?

            It’s impossible to time runs.

        3. “Leao on the other hand actually played a crucial role in our successes to date.”

          And he did only good things during his first 20 matches for the Rossoneri? LOL. It’s absolutely bizarre that people have different standards for different players. Am I right? 😀 😀 😀

          1. Well no it’s bizarre that proven winners are dismissed and players who have yet to win anything are celebrated (prematurely)…

            But facts and stuff.

          2. “Well no it’s bizarre that proven winners are dismissed and players who have yet to win anything are celebrated (prematurely)…

            But facts and stuff.”

            Leao hadn’t won sh*t during his two first season. Why do you keep moving the goal posts?

    2. Tell us about the time you played alongside Calabria….

      How can you possibly know from watching the TV what leadership characteristics he displays?

      It’s just a made up opinion no different to your favourite colour.

  3. I’m genuinely lost about the Adli hype.

    He’s had a few good games but he’s also been a liability. And he can be so slow with his decision making.

    I’d love it if he turned out to be as good as some people and the media says he is.

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