Pellegatti explains the economic ‘issue’ of Pioli’s exit: “We always underestimate it”

By Oliver Fisher -

Carlo Pellegatti has suggested that AC Milan and Stefano Pioli will need to sit down and negotiate the terms of his exit, something that is ‘underestimated’.

A state of confusion exists surrounding Milan at the moment and more specifically the issue of who will become the new head coach to replace Pioli once the 2023-24 season. However, the one certainty does seem to be that it is time for a change in the dugout.

It is not just as straightforward as saying goodbye to Pioli and welcoming someone in though, at least not in financial terms, because the current manager has a contract until June 2025 and therefore it would fall under early termination.

Speaking on Radio Rossonera today, Pellegatti analysed the problem relating to Stefano Pioli ‘s contract and how this may impact the choice of the next coach.

“Today Il Mattino said that Conte is between Napoli and Milan. During the day I received yet another denial from Milan. Even for Conceicao they keep telling me no. I always hoped for Thiago Motta but they tell me that he won’t be a ‘very good’ coach,” he said.

“In my opinion, the Pioli issue needs to be resolved, we always underestimate it. If he doesn’t negotiate a severance package with Milan worth 1/2/3 million… we don’t know if we need to pay him 8 million euros or not.

“It’s one thing to find a coach with a net 5 [million salary] and then a 3 [million] severance pay for Pioli, it’s another to have to pay the 8 [the last year of Pioli’s deal].”

What Pellegatti is essentially implying, rather logically, is that if Milan are unable to agree a severance deal with Pioli and have to pay the full €8m gross for the last year of his deal, it could well have an impact on the budget available for a new coach.

Tags AC Milan Stefano Pioli


  1. Maldini gifted him with that beautiful contract and a pay raise, he would be crazy to give up on that. Considering his never again getting to coach a club even close to Milan size, he might as well milk it for all that he can.

    1. Conceicao literally won 3 league titles and 10 trophies with Porto with one more final to be played at the end of the month, one season doesn’t define how good he’s done with the terrible financial issues that Porto faced during his time there. He’s certainly an upgrade the Pioli and it’s clear to see.

      1. No one in their right mind would do it. Unless they are like super rich already and have moral high ground to do it, Pioli has neither.

      2. Give up 8M? If he gets a job, let’s say Napoli. He will work, which is something I’m assuming he enjoys. Otherwise he could’ve retired a while ago. He wasn’t working for peanuts up until Milan. So no. I couldn’t give a fûck less about money if I was a football coach. I don’t giva f about money now and I’m poorish

        1. ” I couldn’t give a fûck less about money if I was a football coach. I don’t giva f about money now and I’m poorish”

          I’m not poorish and I still don’t give a f about money. People here seem to think that everyone makes every life decision based on money alone. Ridiculous.

          1. Money is a means to an end. It’s not something you’d hoard and live for.. can’t take it with you when you die heh. So yeah, people going after money are always ridiculous to me

    2. Yeah 3 years contract are too long . Should be just 2 years with option to extend 1 years from ACM . Now ACM must hoping he will take napoli job that offer 3m euro nett ( lower than his salary at ACM )

  2. Or just, you know, keep him.

    What coach are you thinking is going to get miraculously better results than Pioli did this year? Conceicao and his third place in Portugal?

    If we don’t have an obvious managerial target to replace Pioli and a clear vision of what to do then we’re just throwing money in the fire for no upgrade.

    1. Even if the new manager is not far better than Pioli we will still do better, managers have cycles, and after a certain number of years even the best managers in the world start underperforming (if they coach the same club for too long). Pioli’s cycle with us is over, and with Conceição who is at least as good as Pioli, we can start a. New cycle

  3. This is hilarious:

    “ I always hoped for Thiago Motta but they tell me that he won’t be a ‘very good’ coach…”

    LOLOLO. “They” tell me – assuming it’s management – that Motta won’t be a good coach?? LMAO

    Ya – just a fluke. I mean the way they play is horrible I mean who would want a coach that is so creative and can motivate a young and less talented group of players to UCL qualification???

    Surely not a club like us LOLOLOLO

  4. This is hilarious:

    “ I always hoped for Thiago Motta but they tell me that he won’t be a ‘very good’ coach…”

    LOLOLO. “They” tell me – assuming it’s management – that Motta won’t be a very good coach?? LMAO

    Ya – just a fluke. I mean the way they play is horrible I mean who would want a coach that is so creative and can motivate a young and less talented group of players to UCL qualification???

    Surely not a club like us LOL

    1. I guess it depends on who management considers a better option than conte or Motta. Not sure who “they” are. I hopper it all makes sense in retrospect.

    2. What else are they supposed to say to a journalist who blabbers 24/7? No comment would be best but idk

  5. I think Pioli stay with milan for 1 more season. 2nd place already on hand with limit mercato budget for UCL club size and injury series for whole season. Can milan expect more than this for the next milan manager ?? I dont think so…

    1. I think it makes sense to keep him for another season. They never got him a striker and he had plenty of changes in the squad. Many players from the last season were playing their first season in Italy. Chuk and Musah came in late. Our defense was stretched and overworked for 3 straight seasons. With a faster striker and another year training camp to mold the team from the start, I think we can have a much better season with him next year, specifically in Europe.

      1. Because jovic and okafor are goalkeepers, right? Origi, lazetic. Goalkeepers. That log, pellegri, goalkeeper..

        You’re just making excuses why pioli is cràp nowadays, ignoring the man itself..

  6. Two points about pioli:
    1. Is it fun to watch milan play? Definitely NO. Lots of back passes, weak attacks, no aggressive forward play at all.
    2. Can you remember a very good game by milan this season? Only one – against PSG last november – 6 months ago!!!

    1. This. During every match I get irritated because of the lack of tactics and clueless attacking. When they get the ball in the last querter of the pitch they literally wet themselves with the ball as they have no idea how to continue. Everyone stands still and the player with the ball decides to pass the ball backwards. Rinse and repeat.

    2. Of course there are lots of good games (vs Lazio twice, Always vs Napoli, vs PSG as u said, vs Monza, vs Roma with a red card, vs Cagliari anytime we play them, vs Torino early…). Not every game can be great games. Some game s u gotta grind out while others are more easy on the eyes. And that’s going to be true for the next coach too

      1. What will you expect more with limit budget for mercato??! Thuram and hakan joint inter becoz the management dont want to raise 500k for they salary, also with romagnoli. And then they sign 500k for younger kalulu and expect more than romagnoli ? Hehe.. are you kidding. These style remind me with arsenal under Wenger. Buy young players and expect to get raise the price and then sold them with the highest. I think pioli already do it with this method, we just wait until the offer come in. The first example was Tonali.

  7. Milan have at times been frustrating to watch. The lack of an attacking system, overreliance on the creativity of a few players, Leao’s complete disinterest in more games than he shows up for mentally and very little coordinated movement tells me a new coach could perhaps do better eith this squad, but with the ownership who they are I assume we will wave goodbye to at least 1 starter, probably 2, and get in New promising youngsters – For Pioli to NOT play.

    All that said, we end 2nd, we were extremely unlucky with PSGs overtime penalty and some continuity is underrated. Lots of injuries especially in defense but overall muscular injuries en-masse in the fall, much less so since Christmas.

    I don’t know, I don’t really see any manager out there that I fund exciting, and of we switch coach, will we also invest in the squad a new coach wants to build? Will we keep Theo, Leao, Tomori, Thiaw, Pulisic and Maignan, or are we selling off one, two or three of them because their value has increased (Puli), their contract renewals are tough (Mike) or they struggle to reach their full potential at the club and are a bigger financial gain than they are a key player (Leao).

    At the moment there’s a new name mentioned every few days… a new coach without a plan isn’t the way to start a new cycle…

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