Pellegatti believes writing is on the wall for Pioli: “The situation is now unmanageable”

By Oliver Fisher -

Carlo Pellegatti has revealed his belief that Stefano Pioli’s era at AC Milan will come to an end once the 2023-24 season draws to a close.

There continues to be a lot of speculation regarding the future of Pioli despite the fact he is under contract until June 2025. Results for the past two seasons have been up and down, with the momentum of the Scudetto win seemingly lost.

As it stands, barring a deep run in the Europa League where the likes of Liverpool and Bayer Leverkusen await as fierce opponents, the Rossoneri will end Pioli’s almost half-decade tutelage with one trophy to show.

Carlo Pellegatti spoke on Radio Rossonera and he stated that Pioli will leave Milan at the end of the season, at least according to what filters, and that change is now inevitable despite the fact there are still obvious shortcomings in the squad.

“Let’s start by remembering that in the previous nine games we won game and drew two. I didn’t find any big differences with the match against Rennes and Napoli, especially in the first part of the match,” he began.

“Against Monza, Milan were very slow and cumbersome, Adli played the worst match of his season and Bennacer is still not at his best. We must also blame the movement of the forwards – they didn’t allow for the ball to be moved vertically.

“The midfield doesn’t break things up, Kjaer and Gabbia seemed to have patched it up. It was a mistake to put Thiaw out there.

“They [Milan] made a mistake in not signing a defender in the January transfer window, the defenders will return but will need time to regain their fitness. He could have put Theo at centre-back, but it’s easy to say that after.

“In a certain sense I’m relieved. I have understood that if a coach brings you to a good position in the table and at the first false step criticism rains down – which is legitimate – it’s right that Pioli leaves at the end of the year. We can’t continue like this.

“Even if he won the Europa League, then with the first injury he would be back in this situation. I hope he finds another team, because on an environmental level the situation is now unmanageable. The management of the two competitions was also poorly done.

“We need someone who knows how to manage certain situations. With the draw we would have said other things, we would have said what a feat from 0-2 to 2-2 in 10 minutes.”

Tags AC Milan


  1. You can imagine how horrid the situation is in the locker room when even Pellegatti gave up on Pioli. Coach has lost the locker room and no amount of PR form management, players or Pioli himself han hide it anymore. It is over.

    1. What a ridiculous comment. Pioli has not lost the locker room at all. The players love him and always respond when his back is up against the wall. A team who has given up on the coach doesn’t fight back from 2-0 down with ten men to tie the game. The team has been playing really well, this one game was lost by 2 players (Thiaw and Jovic) who made idiotic mistakes. That’s it.

      1. Do you even watch the games? Team has been playing like headless chicken. Milan is sluggish, disconnected, without a clear vision of an idea how to break through even the simplest of defenses. If opponents manage to stop our wings, we are dead in the water because it is all about passing the ball to Theo/Leao or Florenzi/Puli and pray they do something with it. We have zero wins because of our tactics, they all came from individual brilliance of 3 or 4 players, because Piolis tactics fall apart after 5 minutes.

        Stop looking at statistics and start watching games. Milan is playing awful. Its ugly, disconnected, brainles hoofing of the ball. We have no style of play, no character. Right now we are a mediocre club, that does not belong in top 4 in Serie A and certainly doesn’t belong in Europe.

        Even journalists, experts and analysts agree that Pioli needs to go. I mean, did you even bother to read the article above?

        1. I think you have a fundamental lack of understanding of the game… If you think Milan plays like headless chickens or ugly, awful, disconnected, brainless… or whatever other dramatic adjectives you used, then you are clearly following the wrong team or watching the wrong sport altogether…

          Pellegati sells articles and generates publicity. That’s what Journalists do. What was he saying when Milan kept winning?

          Milan clearly has room to improve but to call this club ugly is an indication of a complete lack of understanding.

        2. Let’s break down how idiotic this comment is.
          “Milan is playing awful” This was their first loss in 11 matches. They just completely dominated Rennes 3-0 in the Europa League, following a shutout win over Napoli.
          “Right now we are a mediocre club, that does not belong in top 4 in Serie A and certainly doesn’t belong in Europe.”
          If we don’t belong in the top 4, who else is better? And why are we comfortably in the 3rd spot? Is that because Pioli is overachieving with this “mediocre club?” Which is it? And we did beat PSG and Newcastle in the Champions League and finished tied with PSG for second in points in the most difficult group.
          So why Pioli may not be the best tactician, your totally ridiculously negative take on Milan makes you look completely foolish.

        3. Yh,after the scudetto win teams started to notice how to play against pioli and get the better out of his milan side.Now hes just relaying on individual brilliance from players

    2. How you can said Pioli lost the locker room when we’re unbeatable in the league for 9 matches (7 win, 2 draw) plus one very convincing win in Europa League before lost to Monza?

      People like you are so easy to deceive by journalist / media words.

  2. The people who frequent this website fall for the simplest media tricks, it’s sad. You who comment negativity here, reflect on the things you’ve been saying over this past season: it’s clear you cannot think calmly and are very sensitive. You’re drama lovers and in a way enjoy when Milan loses because it gives you an opportunity to explode on online comment sections lol.

    Please watch and support another team, y’all clearly don’t support Milan. Don’t fall for what media people say, their opinions are certainly as volatile as all yours, but the difference is they’re getting paid to talk shit and y’all are just ruining your own day hahahahaha.

    1. I mean if you think calmly about anything. Anything in life, anything at all, you will come to a negative conclusion.

      And that’s a fûcking fact!

      Can’t see anything positive in your comment 4 example.

  3. The team regularly commits big individual mistakes, we just are not better, but at the same time our current level is a huge improvement on were we were pre American ownership.

    I don‘t see a reason why we cannot go on like this until we have the stadium, for our current means we are absolutely ok. Roma have higher squad cost and look where they are. We just need to be realistic.

    On Thiaw: When are we supposed to reintroduce him if not in a game like that? Surely not against Rennes, this performance against Rennes could cost us the qualification, against Monza the damage is limited.

  4. Have to agree with Pellegati here. Seems, at least externally, like it’s an untenable situation largely encouraged by media to be quite frank. 11 games and the first loss becomes Armageddon. It’s crazy. I hope internally they know what they’re doing and that they’re patient though I highly doubt. I can’t picture any other coach handling this whole season as well as he did

  5. I like Pioli and I always say that you don’t rush to conclusions instead wait for the end of the season.
    That said, I think the writing has been on the wall for Pioli since before season started. Leaving aside Pulisic, who was a more known player, the rest of them were gambles, and they were bought because they weren’t as expensive (last year of contract, etc).
    Also getting players like Chuk and Musah and removing players like Messiah and Krunic has made our team less stable. I thought Loftus Cheek might be the stabilizer, but he’s a lot more offensive than Krunic, Kessie and Bennacer when they played AM ). Add to this the fact that we got no proper backup striker (Jovic is not good as a lone striker) or a backup to Theo .

    Removing a director like Maldini with locker-room experience that can help motivate players, smooth conflict and help Pioli in managing the locker room without replacing him with a similar figure was also a problem.

    The biggest problem that I see with Pioli is the inability to motivate players (we’ve had multiple losses or draws against teams that were in crisis and shouldn’t have taken points from us, Monza scored only 2 goals in the prior 5 games combined).
    This slump becomes more obvious in the third year of his coaching and goes forward from there.
    Last year’s Serie A run was pitiful , our saving grace was the CL that has self-motivating games. Also we got lucky since we drew Tottenham being in an injury crisis and Napoli without Osimhen

    The other concerning thing is that I’m not seeing anymore growth in the younger players. Leao, Kalulu, Thiaw, Adli, Musah, Gabbia, Pobega… they all plateaued.

    Short story is that we won’t win Serie A, Italian cup or EL this year, everyone knows it … Most likely they’ll keep Pioli until the end of the season to make sure that we get to a CL place but if we lose the next two games to Atalanta and Lazio, I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets sacked.

    Also I don’t like Conte, but I don’t know who might be other viable options especially if Pioli gets sacked.

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