Photo: Images of two designs for ‘new San Siro’ leaked

The two designs that are currently competing to land the project to build the new San Siro have been leaked by il Corriere dello Sport.

Paolo Scaroni – Milan’s president – spoke to ANSA after a meeting on Tuesday and essentially confirmed that the plan is to go full steam ahead with the new development.

Thursday’s edition of il Corriere di Milano – as cited by – then offered a hint at what the two competing designs for the ‘nuovo San Siro’ look like.

They described it as a ‘cathedral versus wedding rings’, with the design from American giants Populous featuring glass spires and lots of light, while the Italian firm Manica-Cmr have a design featuring two rings that cross over.

Below, a tweet from @marifcinter – who cites CorSport – shows a rough idea of the two competing designs.