Photo: Kerkez sparks controversy with since-deleted tweet regarding Milan exit

By Isak Möller -

Milos Kerkez is on the verge of completing a move to AZ Alkmaar, thus ending his short-lived adventure with AC Milan. The left-back, who has never featured for the first team, has sparked controversy on Twitter.

When the Hungarian left-back joined the Rossoneri a year ago, his agent made it pretty clear that they were expecting first-team minutes pretty quickly. However, as that hasn’t happened, the player is now close to AZ Alkmaar.

The deal should be on a permanent basis, as reported by Anto Vitiello earlier today. On Twitter, Kerkez published a message about the move and it has since been deleted, seeing as it sparked some controversy.

“Am very happy for the move I made with my family and agents, time to perform in senior team,” he wrote along with a shushing emoji. He then deleted and tweeted this instead: “Wait until tomorrow!”, also with that emoji.

READ MORE: Agent at Casa Milan to propose Arsenal loanee to Milan – the response

Tags AC Milan AZ Alkmaar Milos Kerkez


    1. Better than Theo? Should be wait 4 years for first team minutes? This was a no brainer considering we have a world beater in the same position.

  1. He didn’t have to throw a dig at the club, quite unprofessional, but I am actually happy that we know the reason why he left. The management would not have put this information out in the open. They keep taking the fans on a ride. FUCK this shit. We can’t even sell right.

    1. I would also be salty if I saw that guy play in front of me, who wouldn’t? Imagine if you watch the match and see that guy and they consider you behind him, I’d go crazy.

    1. No way man …. krunic can replace Theo when they need it , krunic is great back up. So why milan needs to sign a new CB cos krunic can play in that role very well, thanks to Mr. Pioli …..

    2. Potential doesn’t mean he will magically play as good if not better than Theo the second he play for first team.

      Seriously stop this act like you train the kid everyday and know everything about him than any coach in Milan when you just a keyboard warrior live in your parents basement!

  2. Not really sure why didn’t they give him a few chances and we have Toure instead. I would also be salty if I saw that guy play in front of me, who wouldn’t? 😀

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