Leao and CDK insta

Photo: Leao sends message to De Ketelaere – “My boy it’s coming”

Charles De Ketelaere came close to breaking his goal drought this evening but missed a big chance against Monza. After the game, his teammates were quick to support him and Rafael Leao also sent a message on Instagram. 

It’s been a tough season for the Belgian thus far and in the last few games, he’s had some very good chances to get on target. However, he missed another chance this evening and it’s clear that he’s struggling.

Everyone knows that De Ketelawere is much better than this and on Instagram, Leao published a pic of the two and he added the captain: “My boy it’s coming”.

READ MORE: Krunic reflects on ‘perfect week’ for Milan and unavoidable ‘suffering’ in Serie A

Tags AC Milan Charles De Ketelaere Rafael Leao


  1. My boy Charlie Denext Kakaaa..

    1-2 misses can be considered unlucky. 4-5 misses in a row? But rest assured, no matter how many chances you missed (or will miss) there’ll be fans who’d back you up unconditionally (and unlogically).

    1. how funny you are making fun of a player so consistently, you must have too much free time so why don’t you get a job you saddo

      1. It’s not funny anymore when it’s a fact. Bet you’re one of those hypocrites who push Yacine Gourcuff on our line up as well aren’t you Gigilo

        1. And making fun of him makes it any better, as a Milan fan you should know better or else why don’t you do everyone a favour and piss off

  2. Not only does CDK seem to be cursed (several misses within 10 yards) but it has spread to Leao as well. While our defense is almost back to last season’s level, our offense has stopped almost completely. Let’s see if Ibra can jumpstart things…

    1. Maybe because they have all taken defence duties as well… from conceding flurry of goals to zero goals is a pointer to this

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