Project Redblack – the holding company that controls AC Milan – communicated a change of company shares.
The news was broken by Felix Raimondo on Twitter, and he notes that essentially there was a change is shares in Luxembourg between the Genio Investments LLC and King George Investments LLC, who make up the holding group of Project Redblack.
King went from 4,079 shares to 4,199, while Genio went from 1920 to 1800. In practice, the two American firms exchanges 120 shares, equal to €120.
“The usefulness of this maneuver is still to be deciphered, but it is better to keep the antennas straight,” Raimondo said.
Project Redblack, scatola che detiene indirettamente la proprietà di AC Milan, ha comunicato in Lux un cambio di quote societarie tra le stesse società attualmente proprietarie pro quota della stessa Project, ossia King e Genio, con sede in Delaware e riferibili ad Elliott.
— Felix (@FeliceRaimondo) July 2, 2020
1) Dipende dagli scopi della società, quindi è impossibile saperlo in questo caso, ovviamente la speranza è quella di tutti, ossia che il movimento sia collegato in qualche modo a novità societarie; 2) Si, è la prima volta da quando c'è Elliott.
— Felix (@FeliceRaimondo) July 2, 2020
Responding to a fan on Twitter, Raimondo added…
“1) It depends on the aims of the company, therefore it is impossible to know in this case, obviously the hope is that of everyone, that is, that the movement is connected in some way to club news; 2) Yes, it’s the first time since Elliott has been there.”