Pioli concludes Milan tenure with heartfelt speech: “You put a fire in my heart”

By Isak Möller -

After the game between AC Milan and Salernitana, during the ceremony on the pitch, Stefano Pioli spoke directly to the fans at San Siro. He thanked everyone, from the players to the fans, and ended with ‘you put a fire in my heart’. 

Milan confirmed the departure of Pioli on Friday morning and tonight’s game against Salernitana, being the last of the season, was thus also the manager’s last. Although the 3-3 result was not ideal, those leaving still got their beautiful farewell at the end.

Following the speeches of Simon Kjaer and Olivier Giroud, it was Pioli’s turn to step onto the San Siro pitch and speak directly to the fans. He made it clear that the Milan tenure is something he never will forget, having achieved so much in almost five years.

“It’s the evening of saying thanks, so I’ll start by thanking those who wanted me here, those who supported me, who gave me the opportunity to coach a fantastic club. Thanks to the owners, to the employees of Casa Milan and Milanello, thanks to my staff, who did a great job, and thanks to my players; you know what I think of you, you are special and certain things will remain.

“Then there is all of you [the fans]. There were so many of you, you encouraged us, you stimulated us, and you have an energy that we tried to put on the field. We lost together, we suffered together, we won and celebrated together. You put a fire in my heart and it will always remain lit: I will not forget you,” he stated as cited by MilanNews.

The 2023-24 season is now officially over, with Milan finishing in second place with 75 points. Pioli and the players would have liked more from the campaign, of course, but at least he and the departing players got the farewell they deserved.

Tags AC Milan Stefano Pioli


  1. Thak you Pioli, you take.this team in difficult times, and get it back in CL and won Seria A title. You earn your place in the history of our beloved Milan.
    Thank you Mister

  2. I can only thank you pioli for everything you’ve done. You brought milan back to the top and for a couple of seasons we played beautiful football. I shed some tears today because although we’ve had a tough season with many up’s and Downs it showed that you made me a fan of you!

    Grazie pioli and all the best in the future! Maybe our paths will cross once again. Forza pioli, forza kjaer, forza giroud, FORZA MILAN!!!

  3. Pioli, I was one of those who held no belief in you. My Dad thought you could be ok, he was right. You won.

    It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

    You made us taste victory again so you will always be a part of the fabric of Milan. You earned it. Good luck.

  4. I would have loved to see him get a full year and training camp with a decent team. I knew he was going to take the fall.

    He made mistakes, monumental ones at times. He also had his hands tied his whole tenure. They never gave him a complete, full, adequate team, start to finish. He wasn’t the only one who had to make miracles out of very little in relative terms.

    Best of luck in your next opportunity.

  5. It’s difficult to dislike someone like Pioli on personal terms. Professional and peaceful. His overall work with Milan was positive and honestly shouldn’t be taken for granted. Changes do happen tho and imo it’s inevitable to look for one after the results and especially performances of this season. All in all he’s played his part well so I’m grateful despite everything I’ve been throwing at him in the past 6 months. Thank you for the years Stefano and the Scudetto was beautiful, grazie!

  6. When I see the level of emotions for his send off along with Giroud and Kjaer, two things come to mind. Firstly, the people in that stadium I truly believe represent the majority of Milan fans (in the stadium and out) who know what a great coach we’ll be losing. It was touching to see the level of appreciation and sadness of seeing one of our best coaches to coach Milan go. And secondly, I’ve realized the media and comments sections are not a true litmus test for fan sentiment. Seeing kids and adults cry for Pioli touched me and confirms what I thought was the true sentiment amongst fans. The whole send off made me realize the family atmosphere we created, in true old school AC Milan style. Our strength was always in that family bond. It got me thinking do the majority of people truly want us to change mister? Anyways, that’s for another time.

    Thank you once more Mr. Pioli. Only Rocco, Ancellotti and Capello have done better according to the commentator (good luck future coach lol 😉). That alone tells you how good a job he’s done. And I cannot stress how much I appreciate that 19th Scudetto 🙏 beyond all expectations.

    This also has the feel of an end of an era.. similar to that of when we sent off our legends, Seedorf and co. Let’s hope what comes after isn’t the same as that one.
    Forza Milan!

  7. Nicely put and I agree the players all seemed to be one big family and gave Pioli a proper sending off. It was a stark contrast to how Allegri left Juve.

  8. Emotional… Mr Pioli did his bit and should have left sooner.. he nearly ruined his good work.. anyways goodbye… U tried but Milan deserves better.. Ok

  9. Very likeable person and great stats. But honestly… He ruined it all by himself by not learning from his own mistakes. Times and times again the same (lack of!) tactics and rotation done extremely poorly cost his job. He could have become the greatest Milan coach (stats-wise) if only he had learned from his mistakes.

    But at least he got us excellent results for 1,5 seasons and the long-graved scudetto. And I’ll be forever grateful for that. 🙂

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