RedBird founder Cardinale after Milan takeover: “With Maldini we are going forward together”

By Euan Burns -

RedBird founder and director Gerry Cardinale has addressed the media for the first time since the takeover of AC Milan was made official. 

Speaking to the press on Wednesday afternoon (relayed by Milan Eye and Sempre, Cardinale kicked off by putting an end to any speculation around the future of technical director Paolo Maldini.

The former defender’s contract is up at the end of June but it seems RedBird will be keeping him and talks will intensify for the extension very soon.

“With Maldini, we are going forward together,” he said.

Cardinale also made it clear from the off that he is not just there to guarantee financial stability for Milan, saying: “I don’t like losing, I want to win.”

He also apologised for the fact that he does not speak Italian yet and was quick to congratulate those involved in the Serie A title win last season.

“I apologise for not speaking Italian, I am ashamed since I have Italian origins. I congratulate Elliott, Paolo [Maldini] and Ivan [Gazidis] for what has been achieved last season and last weekend.

“I invested in sports for 25 years but what was achieved last weekend was truly incredible.”

Visiting the Milan museum

“We visited the Milan Museum this morning and saw how much this club has done and how many successes have been achieved.

“We have the role of managers of what has been built so far. We must do it with humility and recognising teamwork and group that we have reached together.”

Building for the future

“When I started in the world of sports it was different: today there are many interests involved, business and capital, there is a different commitment but always with the same feeling and determination to win.

“The future will have to be built on the successes achieved so far with determination and the will to win.”

Relationship with the fans

“Last weekend I experienced it all [the title celebrations] with a fan’s soul by participating in the festivities: it was an extraordinary spectacle.

“I lived through the spectacle of the World Series, of the NBA Super Bowl, but nothing gave me the enthusiasm, the excitement that I felt that Sunday.

“The relationship with the fans is very special: we must give them back everything they give us with their passion and enthusiasm. I hope that the spectacle experienced on Sunday can be relived many more times with our fans.

“I started my Italian lessons and the first words I learned are: Forza Milan!”



Tags AC Milan Gerry Cardinale Paolo Maldini RedBird Capital


      1. No they are not. Berlusconi has more money (his personal wealth) than the whole Redbird investment, he is worth more than that whole company . The guy representing them (Cardinale) has about 200M. Berlusconi 9 billion €.

        1. Right, and it’s not the individual running RedBird who bought the club, but Redbird the company. So the fact that Berlusconi has 9bn is meaningless. Otherwise, why was the club 300m in debt when he sold to Chang Wang Li? Why couldn’t Berlusconi have just dropped 200m to buy Messi? Oh wait, because even Berlusconi owned Milan through a company which was in turn owned by another company (Finninvest). And oh, you just can’t funnel money into clubs like in the old days, it has to be legit income. And oh FFP is about to require that clubs spend a maximum of 70% of REVENUES. A capital injection is not reveneue. So yeah, 9bn vs. 200m means nothing really.

        2. Lmao oh crorossonero you full of bulls* 🤣

          No way Berlusconi have €9 bn in his pocket 🤣

          Berlusconi is NOT that rich and his ass lickers like you need to face the reality 🤣

          1. @urban king 🤯. Really, 🤯. I do hope you understand net worth is very different to how much money he has.

    1. Well don’t know how rich he will be personally but he must be having billionaires investors counting on his investing firm…about investcorp they were supported by Abu Dhabi family but majority by Saudi billionaires….all we want is we be competitive this coming season…pioli deserves to be supported now after what he achieved with this team

    2. Rich in business connection, influence, and experience especially in sports media.

      What Milan need is not his money but the revenue streams he can open for Milan. If he can open it, Milan won’t need money from owner anymore, Milan will be able to generate its own revenue like Real Madrid or Manchester United.

      1. +1!

        We have worldwide fan base, and just need to generate revenue through various commercial activities. Then, Milan can live on itself.

  1. Well he has started on a good note hope he appreciates the hardwork of pioli, massara, Maldini and rest of the team and contribute with something to improve the quality of the team for further achieving our goals…..the lessons we learned from yesteryears is that if we can’t afford to pump millions in transfer market atleast we can hold on to current lot or sell them to re invest. Now one dilemma is that of kessie and alesio two bits we going to loose for nothing without substantial investment how we are going to plug the holes…..this is just of filling two outgoing players and next will be covering our shortcomings and rasing quality like back up lb, a forward, rw and am to name a few….

  2. “Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?”

    Matthew 8 : 26


    Or, in other words: what do the ‘doom & gloom’ crew, the eternal, incorrigible and all-around pathetic pessimists have to say now? Maldini will follow at the head of the sporting directorate and the new boss has just declared in a loud and clear voice: “I HATE LOSING. I WANNA WIN”. That is, he will obviously invest to strengthen the team.

    In addition, he was impressed and moved with the extent, the dimension of the celebrations of our fans for winning the Scudetto.

    Anyway… what else do you want, damn it?!?

  3. “Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?”

    Matthew 8 : 26


    Or, in other words: what do the ‘doom & gloom’ crew, the eternal, incorrigible and all-around pathetic pessimists have to say now? Maldini will follow with us and the new boss has just stated loud and clear: “I HATE LOSING. I WANNA WIN”. That is, he will obviously invest to strengthen the team.

    In addition, he was impressed and moved with the extent, the dimension of the celebrations of our fans for winning the Scudetto.

    Anyway… what else do you want, damn it?!?

    1. We’ll see who will they buy. Words from an investment banker and a person that knows how to deal with media and public usually mean nothing, transfers will speak for them this season. If you trust any of those people without a single action done you are special.

  4. I have no doubt about redbird, if you hate losing you have to invest, or get sponsors who will invest in your franchise. Elliott are no fools and retaining minority stake in the club and being on the board speaks alot. Elliott are vulture fund and they have done tremendously well, retaining a minority stake can make them billions if future they decide to sell this shares. I listen to him though Milan will be a cash cow to this investor for them to have return on their investment they have to rebrand, look for sponsors, become competitive both in Italy and Europe, have their stadium, and worldwide appeal. You can’t tell Nike and Adidas or emirate to give you good deals if you’re in bottom of the log or midtable you will be a joke. If Elliot trust this sport franchise is me that will have problem? Elliott like money so is redbird we can expect Milan to be very very attractive. Good players will sign and finally Milan will be protagonist of Europe again.

  5. Well, some excellent statements by the man.

    I confess that I’m quite hopeful and confident. Clear ideas, modern and effective management models, a self-sustainable long-term investment plan, capable of strengthening and making the team competitive without financially weakening the institution. We will succeed, my fellow Rossoneri,

  6. For the haters, here is an excellent blog I just stumbled across:

    Summarizing the Berlusconi era:

    and predicting the Chinese disaster, also thanks to Berlusconi:

    So really, pound for pound, Elliott might be one of the best owners we’ve ever had if you want to put sustainable and winning in the same sentence.

    1. Also note that the Li article was written BEFORE he even completed his take over. Making the author’s prescient analysis all the more remarkable, given that the billionaire seller couldn’t see the same thing, or did he and not care? Thanks Silvio!

  7. The club was sold on my birthday so of of course it will be a success story if you ever doubted it 😛

    Kidding aside I welcome the new ownership and glad its not investicorp who i personallly disliked and as i previously said of course maldini and the management will continue and is not even up for question even after his recent comment.

    I expect a great transfer window

    Add to that cardinals build cathedrals for those longing for a new stadium 😀

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