Reports: Faivre deal off as talks between Milan and Brest fall apart – the reason

By Oliver Fisher -

It looks as though AC Milan will be forced to move on to another target as Brest have not accepted their latest bid for Romain Faivre, reports claim.

As reported by Sky Italia (via MilanNews), Brest did not accept Milan’s new offer for the 23-year-old midfielder Faivre, who had become the club’s number one target for the playmaker position. The French club have made the decision not to sell the player, therefore Milan will have to turn to other targets.

Manuele Baiocchini also confirms the news, adding the the Rossoneri management are now working on other tracks to bolster the attack, with just over 24 hours to go until the window shuts.

Pietro Mazzara of MilanNews adds that talks have broken down between Milan and Brest, with Faivre now not a deal that will go through. What was decisive was the stubbornness of the French club, who would not budge on their asking price of €15m.

READ MORE: Kessie called up for international duty by Ivory Coast but midfielder will not report

Tags AC Milan Romain Faivre


  1. Pathetic lack of vision by the ownership. It is a pity because with 2 good players (RW, AM) for starters, we could challenge for the Serie A title.

    1. I think Milan are the biggest net spenders in Europe this window, so I’m not sure you can say they’re not backing the club. The issue is lack of outgoing sales, not the lack of investment. For a proper squad refresh, Kessie or Hernandez would have needed to move on – I still hope Kessie can be sold in this window but it doesn’t look likely.

  2. Pay the fucking 15M this kid is a star! WTF are we doing we need a RW that can break the lines and score. He’s young dynamic and is cheap. And he can also back up Diaz. WTF. 15M for a player of this caliber is nothing. We are so fkn cheap it’s disgusting.

  3. RIver Plate Playmaker Julián Álvarez is the best and sustainable one,So Sign him Imidiately.He world Class player

    1. Sack Maldini? Why….maldini cant buy players without the necessary budget. When they gave him the budget for Tonali he bid 30m….you want him to sell his 900caps to fund Milan?

      1. Yeah… Sack Maldini… The guy who is responsible for getting players like Hernandez, Tomori, Giroud etc. for practically peanuts. Yes. Sack him and hire Mirabelli who spent 200 M€ on c-class players.


  4. Would be a huge pity, him and Adli together would be huge potential for the future with the other young players in the side. I hope if this is true that they don’t just panic buy a 30 year old on a long contract, it’d be better to sign no-one and work on alternative formations or coaching IMO.

    1. Yeah it’s a shame but at the end of the day I’m glad Milan are sticking to their budget. Overpaying just to get players on the squad was one of the factors that doomed Milan over the last ten years. Besides the club has invested heavily in the squad already I think they are among the top spenders in the league. It’s a deeper team than last years and they players they took on have good upside. I know there are still holes on the roster but in my mind fewer than last year.

  5. If you can’t buy a player of 15m that’s a big shame on milan management let them sell the club this’ll not the milan I use to know am in pain that we can’t sign this raw Talent 💔💔💔😡😡😡

  6. Sack Maldini? Why….maldini cant buy players without the necessary budget. When they gave him the budget for Tonali he bid 30m….you want him to sell his 900caps to fund Milan?

  7. We have Champions League opponents to play with so why can’t we spend 15 million to sign him? PSG shall always be PSG. Stupid management. I learnt Inter showed interest in him and we will sit down aloof for them to bring him next season. We did similar thing when we were leading to sign Kaoia Jorge which Juventus sign him.

  8. I don’t think the problem is that Milan are unable to or don’t have the 15m to spend on the player, but that they believe the player’s value as of now is proportional to the offer they made. They have made an assessment and based on that proposed an offer. Now they don’t want to go over the margins they set for negotiation.

    I think that’s how this management operates on all deals and I can’t say I’m against it. They look like they know what they are doing. They don’t do business with the heart but with the head.

    1. What part of balancing book don’t you understand. Milan purchased but haven’t sold much which isn’t generating income

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