AC Milan and Inter made it clear during a meeting with Mayor Giuseppe Sala that taking ownership of San Siro would have to be on the table to discuss the renovation plans.
According to La Repubblica (via FcInterNews), of the key points of yesterday’s meeting between Mayor Sala and the representatives of Milan and Inter – president Paolo Scaroni and CEO Alessandro Antonello respectively – is the desire expressed by the clubs to purchase San Siro in the medium term.
Within about ten years, the clubs would like to own the facility, no longer playing with what is called a ‘surface right’ – i.e. the ability to use the stadium through paying rent – but directly in their own hands.
Hypotheses on the figures have also emerged: for the Council of Milano €100m is fair price, but for the clubs it is less because in the event of a move to San Donato and Rozzano – where they each want to build a new home – San Siro would lose value.
In any case, the project requested from WeBuild concerning the renovation of San Siro should arrive within the next three months and must guarantee compatibility with the commitments of the two teams.
At the end of the meeting, Scaroni and Antonello drank a coffee together to talk again about the opportunity of build a stadium together. Milan would like Inter in San Donato, the Nerazzurri want Rozzano, but a possible redevelopment of San Siro remains in the middle.
paying upwards of 20m per season in lease is not something either team should be happy with
The lingering issue would still be the historic designation which would limit what the club can do even if they were to own the stadium
Sala isn’t fighting this hard so that Milanese clubs can own San Siro.
He wants them to stay so he can renovate and milk them for more money in rent.
Why in the EFF would either club want that?
Leave inter! Stop sharing home, it’s bad for the pitch.