Repubblica: Milan surpass Juventus’ salary offer to Rabiot – the situation

AC Milan are determined to sign Adrien Rabiot to give Paulo Fonseca a welcome gift, a report claims, and they have offered more than Juventus in terms of salary.

It was MilanNews who first reported yesterday afternoon that Milan had lodged an enquiry with Rabiot’s entourage, given that his contract with Juventus is expiring and there is the need to add another midfielder.

According to La Repubblica, Milan want to give a midfielder to Fonseca, who will soon officially become the new head coach. The Joshua Zirzkee deal is being finalised for €50m (€40m to Bologna, €10m commissions and a €4.5m net deal for the player), and then it will be time for a midfield signing.

The paper report that Juve want to keep Rabiot and have made him an offer of €7m net per season, but Milan are offering more than that. They have been talking to his entourage for a while now and are very tempted by the chance to land him on a free.

Milan’s bid is €7.5m net and the feeling is that the decision will come down to Rabiot, who continues to also be linked with a move to the Premier League too where they have no problem paying high wages.

Tags AC Milan Adrien Rabiot


    1. Rabiot is a €25 – 35m asset for Milan the second he signs the dotted line

      Sign here

      And Juve need to spend more then that to replace him, makes Juve weaker and us stronger, that’s always good

      1. he’s 29 years old. If you think he’s an asset and milan will profit, you are mistaken. Juve should not offer 7.5M. I will drive him from Torino to milano for you. LOL!

    2. They missed Thuram last year, who was free and now has great value on the market. Maybe they don’t want to commit the same mistake. Rabiot can be sold next summer for capital gain. ROI, good for the books.

      As for Théo, it seems like he wants to leave so he won’t extend and his peak value is now. They will sell the asset to make capital gain. It doesn’t matter if he’s paramount to the team, moneyball will find someone cheaper with similar stats and potential to be sold later.

      1. Then if so, they should have go for Lukaku on free and will sure accept 6-7m pay cut.. and buy Zirkzeeas they wish even thou I personally prefer Sesko..

        Lukaku has quality and so much to give the team that what Rabiot will give with Fofana and Douglas Luiz on the list of DM

      2. This constant complaining is nauseating. You just want to hate on the ownership no matter what they do. Unlike what you said, they are spending, they are getting their plan A guy in Zirkzee and now maybe Rabiot and you still complain. If Theo wants wants to leave there is not much they can do. At least they will get paid nicely for him so they can re-invest in the team unlike Maldini who let our best players leave for free. Keep hatin brother.

        1. What? Where am I complaining? This is how the club works my friend. It’s not my semantic, it’s Jerry’s one. “ROI”, “assets”, “capital gain”, “moneyball”. Just stop reading my comments if you don’t like it, just help yourself.

          1. Again, Bart. A club CAN be competitive AND profitable at the same time. That’s what I’m trying to get you to unsderstand.

          2. Yeah we were competitive and profitable under Elliott and it was not so long ago. You know as much as me that now we only compete for UCL appearance every season, meaning top 4 in Serie A. This is the official target of the club and every move is an indication, starting with the new coach. If we win anything it would be a pleasant surprise but it’s not the first ambition of the club.

            It’s very conceivable that Théo is not only interested in money but he’s probably tired of being destroyed by Inter every time and he’s probably looking for trophies because he’s considered as a world class player, he’s at his prime right now and he probably doesn’t care about our current project to develop young players to eventually compete for trophies in a few years. In old or modern football, world class players don’t stay in clubs where they can’t compete with the best. There are many reasons to be concerned about his situation.

        2. Hey man…. we are “on Redbird’s” payroll when we argue our views apparently. Have you received a check lately? I would like one too.

          But like someone said, “like trying to teach Monkey’s to fly spaceships”. So many are stuck in the old ways and unwilling to change.

          Different Folks, Different Strokes.

        1. I don’t know the expression in English but there is no smoke without fire haha

          He was reportedly offered to Real Madrid and agreed on a salary with Bayern. It looks like his agent is trying to move the chain here and obviously he has leverage over our management. Knowing the situation, it might tempt PSG or PL clubs as well. I’m really not confident, also with Deschamps saying that Théo lost his enthusiasm. And there is absolutely no evidence that we’re trying to extend him at the moment. All of this is concerning.

          1. We have 2 years till his deal runs out. If they offer Leao 6-7 sustainably, then there’s no reason why Theo won’t be offered the same. Now unless he asks for the Moon and the Stars, I don’t see him leaving.

            Mike, is a different story.

            You are in italy, you know better than anyone that Italian publications are all smoke and rarely fire. Especially GdS.

    3. GK is the most replaceable position in football. Why pay Mike 8M per year when you can replace him with someone making 2M per year and only losing 25% of the quality, let’s say? Lose 25% quality but save 75% in costs. As to Theo, nobody knows what will happen here. It could very well be that Bayern and Madrid are offering 12M per year. That is a lot for us regardless of how you cut it.

      1. That’s the spirit, statistics, data, cost efficiency. We are ready to lose “25% quality” just for some savings when we already have a clean budget. This is not the mentality of champions. You want to win, you keep your best players.

        You can’t quantify leadership, it was evidenced when Kjaer, Zlatan and Giroud arrived at the club, it was a turning point. As you say, “nobody here knows” if Maignan wants 8M. There is not only money. Leao extended for a bargain price considering the market. Inter extended its best players for a bargain.

      2. It’s funny. So may fans here blame the club for wanting to sell “top” stars. Yet many here are OK with letting Mike go. So if a player asks for wages above what the fans deem appropriate, then it’s ok? 🙂

        This is not aimed at you directly. More of an observation.

        1. Because Theo is values much more than Mike, because he’s a much better player for his position. One is overrated, and the other is underated. Would you be mad if we decide to sell Pobega after he demands, say, a salary of 10 million per year?

        2. It’s because Mike had a bad season of course. Both bad performances and a couple of injuries.

          But yeah it’s hard to know how good we’d be without him since we’ve been so good with him.

          When we don’t have Theo we’re usually very vad.

  1. Huh? What? 7.5? Either the source has mistook us with Inter or we are officialy crazy. Offer 7.5mil to Rabiot, but resisting to pay Theo, Mike and previously kessie. Great business

    1. Kessie turned down the offer because of his agent wanting commission, not because of the offer, Kessie and Calhanoglu earned the same amount of money at Barcelona and Inter as what we offered them. They chose to leave.

        1. Hakan left because every one was calling him Cuckan. He hated Milan and many hated him back, there was no way he was resigning

        2. I don’t know about Hakan but I know Milan offered kessie the same as Barcelona. But his agent wanted 10m commissions and milan was not willing to pay commission to resign their own playes which is a 100% correct decision from Milan

  2. I think they mistook us for Inter or this is just pure BS.
    So we’re willing to offer Rabiot 7,5M per year, but can’t seem to be willing to pay Theo or Maignan the same amount of money ? All of them are french BTW.
    So we want to sacrifice Theo for Rabiot ? is this the big idea ?
    Also from where are we getting all this money ? We’re “closing” a deal of 40M-50M for Zirkzee, we want to purchase Fofana for 20M, a RB and a deputy striker for around 10M to 20M each and now Rabiot with his huge salary. Yet Saelemakers and CDK have still yet to leave. Failing to sell either will leave us with a total budget of around 60M to 70M.
    This doesn’t add up.

    1. Milan has a big head room to spend money this window. With plus on the accounts, increased money from new Champions League format and very little money actually invested in last Summer’ window, Milan can easily spend 100+ million this year – without sales.

      1. The reports indicated 90M-100M for summer window which included the money we were supposedly going to make from selling CDK and Saelemakers (around 30M for both of them). Italiano isn’t interested in Saelemakers, and seeing how the negociations with Atalanta are going, it’s not a foregone conclusion that CDK might leave. Substract that and we’re left with 60M-70M.
        Zirkzee is around 50M, Fofana (if we go for him) might be around 20M. That’s already 70M. Rabiot is free but his salary is huge.

        1. You forget to add Origi, Maldini, Nasti, Fode Taure, Pellegrino and other coming back from loan. With total wages 😂😂😂😂

          Dumb ass management only understand figures but not football

          1. Didn’t the person who signed all those ppl get fired? Say what you will but at least they players that those dumb asses buy can play football…

        2. Any report that says “a club will have x budgets for transfer” is completely bogus and doesn’t factor how budgeting actually works. It’s done on an annual basis that includes transfer fee broken down per season of the contract, wages, bonuses and various other expenses. Those reports are all just clickbait.

    2. There is an awful lot of conjecture here, and conjecture never adds up.

      Until we have actually signed Rabiot on a 7.5m a year deal, we don’t know if that’s our intention. If it is true, then perhaps we have offered Theo similar money, and perhaps he is ready to sign, or perhaps he still wants more – again, we have no idea.

      Let’s face it, there will probably be an article on here tomorrow about the “great distance” between us and the player, so I’ll believe it when the ink is dry.

      This is out of line with our current wage policy, so if it is true, I’d see it more as a sign the reigns are loosening for the right people (about time), which would include Theo.

      I like Rabiot, and it would be quite a statement.

      1. Rabiot is quite the player, no about about it, a great midfielder, experienced and multi-title winner. While he can help a lot, we will still need to go for a more defensive profile. Furthemore, getting Rabiot means that going for Fofana will make no sense anymore.
        My post was more about calling out the article rather than a decision that might or might not have happened. Because I don’t think our budget will allow us to go for all “those” players.

    3. 100% CDK will have a market. It’s not Atalanta or bust with him. We might even make a little more if we get out of the 23M option they have. I say 28-30M on the open market. Then even Salad will have a market at the right price. 12M is too much for him, but I think 8M will attract buyers. So it will add up. Then don’t forget that Mike has a foot out the door, that’s at least 50M right there, minus around 20M for a replacement, so that leaves the 30M to add to the 60-70M budget for ~100M without CDK and Salad. So we might really have ~130M if you add those two.

      1. I might happen as you say, but until it does it’s only theory.
        I have many memories of “done deals” that failed at the last moment.
        Until we sell all of the above, we only have 60M-70M. If we do we might even have 150M, but for now nothing has happened.

      2. Why are you so sure about CDK? People are talking like he’s Atalanta’s Leao. He had a decent season, especially compared to the one he had with us, but he’s still from being a top European forward.

    1. Where have you been Milan will offer him about the same as Leao it’s been reported on several times. What the media is indicating is that Theo is ready for a new adventure. 5 years at a club is a long time in the modern game, I’m not surprised he’s considering moving on especially given his brother is there.

  3. When I call this management dumb and clueless some of you here insult me…. firstly I would like to believe this article is not true. But if it’s TRUE…. Then this management need to be flushed out.. you cant increase Theo and Maignan to 7m but want to pay 7.5 Rabiot… I will rather go all in for Fofanan and Doaglas Luiz instead of Rabiot ar 7.5m

    I guess the moneyball machine is faulty 😂😂😂😂

    1. You forget to add Origi, Maldini, Nasti, Fode Taure, Pellegrino and other coming back from loan. With total wages 😂😂😂😂

      Dumb ass management only understand figures but not football

      1. Pellegrino, Maldini and Nasti make next to nothing. Ballo-Toure and Origi are Maldinis gifts. Get your head out of the clouds.

        1. You are so dumb as the management. You dont read to understand but quick to judge and criticize…

          The aforementioned players will be returning back to Milan cuz they management could not cash in on them but instead still want to pay 7,5m for Rabiot as reported… I am sure someone like you will put pay such amount and refuse to pay and keep one of the best LB today world football. Theo

    2. I know you don’t like the management but if you accept this article is likely gossip column journalism, why even bring them into it? It weakens your argument when they do something worthy of scrutiny if you blindly attack them every time this website posts an article.

      You are basically white noise at this point.

    3. Who says Milan isn’t willing to raise their salaries? GdS? Take their word as Gospel you know…

      Dumb and clueless management doesn’t buy 1.2b football clubs and raise their value by 800mil+ in 3 years…

      Something doesn’t compute.

      1. Because if you give him a 3 year contract, he’ll be 32 when it runs out. If he’s getting paid more than 10m gross per year, very few clubs in the world will take that contract on. No club is going to pay a sizeable fee for a 30yo who already has a massive contract.

        He’s a great player but it doesn’t make sense to me.

        1. Saudi’s pick up everybody’s leftovers. A player that won the WC will have demand there. They buy the names, not the talent.

  4. Zirkzee is a one season wonderkid with reasonable goals nothing extraordinary bout him.

    Yes the talent and techniques are there with amper room for growth but paying him 4.5m will be a big problem when he needs to renew his contract he will them request for 7-8m to renew and will then force to be sold.

    Just pay him 3.5m and renew him at 5.5m that’s if he have at least 2 successful season at Milan.

  5. Khephren Thuram is younger and a better investment. Sigh! With Thuram and Fofana our midfield will be set for a long time. This is short sightedness and lack of vision by Milan if this rumor is true. Smh

  6. Yeah this doesn’t really add up, Milan management for 2 years keeps their salary standards, just to give huge contract now to Rabiot out of nowhere…

    Unless they have different way of thinking about how much player should cost per year (as he can be signed for free) and they see in him one of the older leaders to replace Giroud.

    Jokes aside, he would be a good signing for 2 years even with that salary, but he would probably like 4 years contract which gives Origi flashbacks.

  7. I don’t understand why we keep on implying Milan won’t renew Theo or Mike. They both still have 2 years on their contract.

    Rabiot on the free makes sense, because you can turn around and sell him on in a year or two and make money on him. He isn’t a dud – he’s experienced in the league and a regular for the Frenchies. Dare I say World Cup winner? At 29 is older and more experienced than most of the players at Milan.

    The only issue here is his mother and she’s worth dealing with. Because the labor pains would be a b|tch.

    1. Mate nobody else wants him for free then yeah for sure in a year someone will want to pay even more for him… Especially as he would be comfortable in Milan with huge salary

  8. It’s how the free transfer usually works. It is how it is. As the player being signed w/o any fee, the consequence is usually ended up the player getting more salary than if they’re signed for particular sum of transfer fee. You can’t make the same case with our current players’ wage bill. It’s simply not apple to apple.

    And if this news has a slight truth in it, then it’s a good thing. We’re getting more flexible with our salary cap. Decreasing the chance on failing to sign players for just 500-1000k difference in salary.

  9. We don’t need rabiot please we need an attacking midfield Loftus can play as double pivot then benercer can do same we don’t need Fofana our problem if Acmilan management can listen is attacking midfield then Noah Okafor should be our striker then we sign zirkee as his deputy

  10. I highly doubt there is any truth to this story….

    BUT – IF true – then we should have ZERO problems paying Adams keeping BOTH – Theo and Mike period.

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