Revealed: The details of AC Milan’s takeover in March

The details about Milan’s takeover are getting clearer as the closing date approaches.

According to Sky, The money from Sino-Europe will arrive from Hong Kong to Luxembourg between February 27 and February 28. The money will be deposited to Fininvest between March 1 and March 3 and the closing will happen in Arcore or Villa Gernetto.

Berlusconi will reportedly be there as well as Barbara Berlusconi and Galliani who will hand over the management of the club to the new owners.

In the second meeting Marco Fassone will be appointed as the new CEO of Milan. The official press conference presentation will happen on March 4 and not on March 3 as first expected. The reason for the delay is that it was expected to be at around 18:00 and it would’ve been night time in China so they postponed it.