Romano: ‘Here we go!’ – the details as Milan and Roma agree deadline day swap deal

Image: Fabrizio Romano

The negotiations between AC Milan and AS Roma involving Tammy Abraham and Alexis Saelemaekers have finally reached a positive conclusion, a report claims.

The possibility of an exchange deal between Abraham and Saelemaekers only emerged a couple of days ago, but things seemed to move quickly and it was expected that they would be permanent deals.

However, as of late last night the situation had stalled as per multiple sources, and with around 24 hours at that point to try and unblock the stalemate it appeared as though the deal might fall by the wayside.

Nonetheless, Fabrizio Romano has tweeted the following: ‘Tammy Abraham to AC Milan, Alexis Saelemaekers to AS Roma… here we go!’ Instead of being permanent moves, though, both players will head in opposite directions on loan.

There is therefore the possibility to negotiate throughout the season to perhaps reach an agreement in view of next summer, but given the tight deadline and the desire of both players to complete the switch, this was a way to fast-track things.

According to MilanNews, the English striker will arrive in the city this morning to undergo the usual medical checks at the La Madonnina clinic , before heading to the Ambrosiano centre to do his sports fitness test and then sign his contract at Casa Milan.

Tags AC Milan Alexis Saelemaekers Tammy Abraham


  1. 0 ambition!

    the only good thing is if it’s not loan+obligation and just option for both sides, that’s a big win for us… if he starts scoring amazing, if not sayonara!

    1. Jovic out and Kone in tomorrow!

      7-7.5 for the 24/25 mercato from my side

      Emerson and Abraham were the reason, if we had signed Kayode/Bellanova and J.David/S. Gimenez easy 8.5-9, but now it just screams lack of ambition!

    2. 💯

      That it’s a loan and no obligation has made me relieved. I’m confident Saelamaekers will have resale value if his spell at Roma doesn’t work out.

      Whereas with Abraham, if he isn’t a success here I was afraid he’d be another deadweight, ie someone we have on the books but cannot offload because he doesn’t want to go or clubs refuse to pay his high-ish wages.

      Of course if he’s a success we can look to make the move permanent but 2bh I’m not convinced we need to, with better planning there will be other options in summer 2025

      1. The only downside is that if Tammy does recover his form from 2 years ago, his price will skyrocket compared to what it would have been right now.

    3. It’s dry loan swap so no option for both side. If he performs during year long, Roma will ask more. Good thing is that we have forward but he doesn’t close way of Camarda

      1. Roma will ask more what?
        Both Tammy and Alexis have contracts that expire in 2026. Both will have only 1 year left on their contracts next summer.
        It was a great deal for Milan.

        1. He means that if Abraham performs well enough that Milan would want to make the move permanent, he will cost more than he would have if they bought him right now. Potentially a lot more if he has a great season.

    1. Another failure days begin,
      OMG our Milano …
      Something wrong in mentality of our Milano’s Boards and also this creature that names’s Ibra….
      May God Save the AC Milan,

  2. Better than Jovic for the starting spot. But not sure how he’ll do when Morata is back… Oh well, at least there’s competition for the #9 backup spot.

  3. imo very good news. we need that extra striker and loan is just brilliant with so many unknowns upfront – how are Morata, Jovic, Okafor, Camarda doing, how do they fit together, what formation will we play on a long run? i think we’ll see quite some surprises there.

  4. Well per reports Fonseca was very keen on him coming to Milan right from the start, so let’s see. Good luck to both players. I’d really like to see Saelemakers further improve his play and I doubt we would have made a good use of him with the current squad. Tammy seems like a decent substitute, if he remains healthy maybe he can challenge Morata and he definitely can provide more than tap-ins in the offense.

  5. Please get Kone to put icing in the cake. Not a bad transfer market, i think when we start kicking, we will really be a tough nut to crack. Juventus is another team I am afraid of but i am optimistic over all

  6. Better than Jovic for sure, but what happened to J David?

    After years of purchase he is suddenly of no interest. He can play 9 and 10, so what happened?

    I like TA though, and I like he is Fonsecas choice.

    1. Early in the window it seemed to be that he had his mind set on moving to England – I don’t think any English team has agreed anything with Lille though, so it is interesting to see if Lille choose to hold onto him or his agent advises him to move on a free transfer for a bigger payday

    2. I think it’s safe to assume than Fonseca never liked Jonathan David. He was his coach for 2 seasons, if he really saw something big in him he would probably have pushed for him instead of Abraham.

  7. Can’t say I’m too enthused by this – I feel he’s a good player but it feels like a panic and giving up a more reliable, hardworking and better value player than we’re getting back. And counting Okafor and Camarda, we’re now at five players for a single position (and looking to offload the only ‘poacher’ profile we have).

    Potential upside is good though, so fingers crossed it works out – we know he has a high ceiling, let’s hope he reaches it here.

  8. The good thing is that it’s a dry loan.
    Should Tammy Abraham completely fail (not that we’re unfamiliar with strikers failing) he will at least leave at the end of the season instead of becoming deadwood like Origi.
    And next summer we can always try to figure out what to do/who to bring.

  9. I don’t like any of the new arrivals. I hope Morata can sway me. But I’m not feeling this seasons Milan at all. I’ve seen every game since 2019. But right now I’m not sure that will be the case this season.

  10. It seems tammy does well in the first season for clubs. So if we get a good first season and then hand him back. Definitely better than buying. And if he does get injured then we can hand him back. Sorry we broke him. You can have him back now. Both clubs hopefully raise the value of both players to sell next season. Although still think saelemakers is useful to have. Works hard and seems to play bettèr than theo as a lb currently lol

  11. We should play theo as a no 10 too lol. Hes definitely not a lb anymore. Hes the new gareth bale. Even has the stupid hair.

  12. Coach asked for players, Board bought those players, every one Milan signed, we knew about since day one, we even doubted their ability to sign those players, bar Zirkee, they have signed everyone that was rumored and linked to the manager. And you still say the board is bad. I think the problem Milan fans have is the same Man Utd fans have, you still think of Milan as a top club, we have history yes, but then we had a banter era that our reputation went down, players who want to come here will come for history, not necessarily because we are a top club, we are currently a club in transition. We have been through the works and our reputation is being repaired, we are not there yet in any way of the Milan of old, but this isn’t magic, our banter years won’t just disappear, we don’t have a Saudi owner, and it doesn’t help that we are in the Italian league, look at how we have been tossed over the last few years, that is the reputation of Milan now. It is sad but it is true. So having an American owner who was a stable to say this is where we stand, this is what we can afford, this is what we need to do to remain competitive, that is more important to me now than all our gibberish 😂. I love Milan, and we always knew the league winning year was the footballing gods being nice, it was never sustainable. Love maldini though. ❤️🖤

    1. I completely agree, very realistic and reasonable take. I still personally think Fonseca was a really bad choice but I hope to be proven wrong. .

  13. This is great news for everybody involved. Tammy and Salaemakers should both get to play more, both teams add depth where they need it. And the net cost is almost nothing. I’d call that a good bit of business at the end of the window.

    If Camarda gets cameos and proves he’s ready to be the 9 from a very young age and Tammy winds up stuck to the bench, that’s a great problem to have.

    On paper, I think Tammy integrates much better with this attack than Jovic, with better movement, hold-up play, passing, and aerial ability, but we shall see.

    One thing I’ve noticed so far in the Fonseca era: He likes big guys. Kalulu out, Pavlovic in. Adli out, Fofana in. Jovic out, Tammy in? Benny out, Rabiot in? Every one of these makes the team taller. Hopefully that also translates into making the team better, at least when we’re playing against a physical team in a low block and on set pieces.

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