Romano: ‘Here we go!’ – the details as Emerson Royal will join Milan from Spurs

AC Milan’s third summer signing is on the way as a deal with Spurs has been fully agreed for Emerson Royal, according to Fabrizio Romano.

It was far from a quick negotiation between Milan and Tottenham over the right-back, to the extent that the links emerged initially in June and then went quiet before intensifying again over the past couple of weeks.

Now, Fabrizio Romano reports: ‘Emerson Royal to AC Milan, here we go!’ A deal in place for total package in excess of €15m, while an agreement with the player over personal terms was reached back in May.

According to the journalist, the Brazilian ‘only wanted Milan despite 4/5 proposals’ from other teams. Now, travel is being planned so that he can arrive for his medical and be available as soon as possible to Paulo Fonseca.

Emerson does not have an EU passport which means that after Strahinja Pavlovic he is the second non-EU player that will be registered in this window by Milan. As per the Serie A regulations, it will not be possible to sign a third.

Fonseca is believed to have played quite a key role in the pursuit, because he asked for a right-back with different characteristics to the other options and strongly endorsed the arrival of Royal.

Tags AC Milan Emerson Royal


  1. Another right defender? Calabria is the best Italian right back so what’s the point of having another (the other Italians really bad)
    And kalulu is great when he is fit
    And to waste eu spot on him? Why not to find a good dm in south America??

    1. Calabria is good, not the best but good. And Kalulu after last injuri is not really good, he play few minutes in US tour… it means we don’t have good RB , Royal is also just good, not the best , but I have feeling he will be good in Seria A

    2. Best Italian Right Back who gets sit out by a 34 year old Darmian?
      Best in deed.
      Even Di Lorenzo is better than him.

    1. There’s only Fofana, Kone, and Cardoso eligible. But since Cardoso operation is more expensive than Fofana, maybe its only Kone and Fofana

  2. Royal will be the attacking RB, and Calabria the defensive minded. Not a bad choice for Fonseca

    I would have prioritised differently with the final non EU slut, and used it for a DM if needed be.

    1. You do know Calabria has contributed as many assists as Theo in some seasons?

      And why would we need an offensive and defensive RB?

      This isn’t American Football.

        1. Yes in recent seasons he’s had the same if not more assists.

          You realise you’ve just insulted the captain of the club you allegedly support?

          If you can’t show respect for the captain, the club symbol, what is the point of you being a fan?

    2. Calabria has a higher xA and xG than Emerson. Think you’re thinking of a different player because this Emerson we just bought… not offensive. I mean I am offended that we bought him, if that’s what you mean by offensive. Then yes, he’s offensive

      1. It’s not a signing that excites, but all we can hope for is that his form improves in Italy like our other Chelsea outcasts.

    3. Maybe there is a reason we discuss on a website, and Fonseca manage ACM? Apparently Mister wanted ER.

      I stand by my comment, statistics or not. I will say he overachieved and Theo underachieved.

      Calabria’s traits as a player are more of a RB, and ER more as a WB.

      1. Mister didn’t want 💩. That’s just the media feeding people BS. What coach, off all the available RB players, would specifically ask for Emerson?

        1. Maybe he actually did?
          Maybe Mister sees things you don’t?
          Maybe the manager of ACM knows more about football than an anonymous troll on a website?

          Maybe a former Tottenham, Barcelona, Real Betis and Atlético-MG player with 6 caps for Brazil ACTUALLY can play football?

          I know, it is Tottenham lads, and I am not arguing he is the greatest signing or player. But c’mon guys.

          1. Emerson has been below average in Totenham. Calabria has been better in the past couple of season, no comparison there. And Emerson is just two years younger then Calabria so i dont see him being something special in the future either. This transfer is not improvement of the RB, just replacement of Italians in an Italian team.

          2. Nah he didn’t. The whole point in hiring him was because he’s a coach who’ll play ball. Moncada and Co bring him shît players and he’s supposed to get results with that. Ofc he can’t publicly say he didn’t want his players and ofc the media will say he wanted them if Milan PR say that unofficially.

            Brazil literally has 0 quality rb players atm and he still doesn’t make national team regularly. Barca and betis offloaded him at the first chance they got because he can’t play. So did spurs for that matter. Took the loss (10M plus 2 years salary worth) and got rid of his a$$. And here we are with a brand new rb who can play lb and cb..all of it badly.


  3. Gutted for the captain.

    What a shocking lack of respect.

    And this after he was forced to spend most of last season as an inverted full back.

    For that I’ll never forgive Pioli.

      1. There’s clearly a plan to get rid of him which includes backgrounding him in the media with reports of him being unreasonable in his contract negotiations.

        We’ll now see a period of instability at RB because they just couldn’t leave it be.

        They’re like those management consultants who constantly cause upheaval in businesses.

  4. Welcome Royal ❤🖤❤🖤

    Remember alot of people were crying in here when we signed Theo to and called him a Real Madrid reject and so on. But they never admit it when wrong.

    Forza Milan ❤🖤

      1. “If ACM doesn’t sign a true and capable DM, this Mercato will be a failure. Plain and simple. Hence the transfer strategy and management have failed.”

        you literally just wrote this on another article

          1. My point is, you are calling out “transfer experts” on this blog (a place people come to express opinions) while you are making very firm judgements on the mercato yourself.

            It’s just very hypocritical

        1. I think I get your point, if your point is, what kind of transfer expert am I. Point taken, I am none.
          I don’t hide behind three letters and an anonymous avatar being passive aggressive, either.

          I also wrote elsewhere on SM today, that the RB position wouldn’t be my first priority this Mercato, the DM would be.

          Have a good one.

          Forza Milan

          1. I don’t think anyone here is hiding or advertising themselves, it’s just a blog.

            I have no issue with your opinions. There are just too many people here who call out others for having an opinion, which is the point of the blog.

            Hope we get that DM too, or as you say the mercato will be a failure.

            Forza Milan

    1. Lol literally no one said that about Theo. In fact everyone was praising Maldini for convincing talent like Theo to join us.

  5. Calabria, Theo ,Royal, Jimenez, Kalulu. That’s good cover for fullback and the quality there shouldn’t be much worse than our rivals in Serie A. Calabria have been playing better in preseason than I thought he’s capable of. So as things are, Calabria and Theo starters, with Royal pushing them.. he can also start with Calabria with the captain moving to the left. I wanted to see a bit more of Terracciano but after doing so in the friendlies ,I don’t think he’s ready yet to be the Theo deputy.

  6. Every now and then he’s had an absolute blinder. You can’t pull performances like that out of thin air – that’s his level, he just needs to find a space to perform like that regularly.

    Maybe it’s here, maybe it’s not, maybe he simply hasn’t got the mental make-up to do that anywhere, we’ll see.

    We didn’t need a right back and if we did he wouldn’t have been my 10th choice, but he’s a Milan player now so I’m fully behind him until there are actual reasons to not be.

  7. Oh well, if it is happened its happened.

    Now we need to offload 2 players. And if Fofana/other DM come, 3 players need to go. And thats outside of Origi and Ballo Toure.

    Adli, Okafor, Jovic, Bennacer, Thiaw, Kalulu, Saelemakers… pick your choice.

  8. If management or the coach wants a certain player then so be it. Fans can either rejoice or criticize.
    I really don’t understand this transfer but if Fonseca specifically asked for him, then so be it. However, we’ve been linked with him in the past so either that is a coincidence or they’re just going off off prior recommendations or they see this as an “opportunity”. Hope it’s the former ofc.
    Nevertheless, welcome and hope he does well. Last I can recall of him, he was decent but haven’t followed him closely as others here.

    1. Exactly.

      We were linked with him before but the price was too high – so now that is it cut in half we are after him again. Same with Morata years ago. We only signed him because he was 13M. Had he need 30M – we would have passed.

      I would have rather used this 15M on Emerson to help sign Fofana – but we can’t go over that 20M transfer cap!!! Lol

      Not sure what Emerson will bring to the table that Kalulu (if healthy) and even Jimenez (if given the opportunity) can bring – but I guess we will see in due time. I agree – I can also see Calabria starting over Emerson after Emerson makes a few defensive howlers after a few games lol. Let’s pray I am wrong but the tea leaves are pointing in that direction.

      This is the genius management team we have in place: Morata, Pavlovic and Emerson. I say our Mercato is a 5.5 right now. One Morata injury and we have Jovic leading the line LOL. Yikes!

      Good times

      1. Milan have decided that Calabria isn’t a starting quality RB, so they bring Emerson in. Either because they believe in him for some reason or maybe because they think Calabria needs consistent competition.

        I will not be surprised if they strip him of candidacy as well and (likely) make Theo captain as part of the renewal.

        I don’t think the mercato is done. The most pressing need is the DM. That needs to be sorted out ASAP. After that it gives them, what, like two more weeks until the end of August to bring other profiles in – back up striker and sales.

        We haven’t sold anyone of value yet.

      2. I see ppl drooling over Pav. Can’t tell if I’m bemused or befuddled tbh He’s such an unknown quantum…for 20m… but I’ll trust their scouting work for now. Morata is exactly as described…an opportunity that happened to be within our profile. Call it luck or genius I dunno lol 😂.

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