RR: Key step taken in stadium plans as Milan board approve land purchase

The AC Milan board have swiftly approved plans to purchase the land needed to build a new stadium for the Rossoneri at San Donato.

As has been tweeted by Simone Cristao of Radio Rossonera, it only took half an hour for the Board of Directors to give the approval for the land purchase.

This is another step forward for Milan when it comes to building a new stadium away from San Siro and Inter that the club actually owns itself.

The next stop is the signatures from the municipal council of San Donato which is expected to take place on Thursday.

The land in question is in the San Francesco part of the region of San Donato Milanese. The approval from the board means that deeds can be purchased in the coming weeks.

That is the first concrete and decisive step to definitively start the process which will then continue with the approval of the City Council and the working table with the Lombardy Region for the program agreement.

Having a new purpose-built stadium would allow Milan to make more money from matchdays and during the off-season, whilst it will also make the club much more appealing to potential buyers in the future if RedBird want to sell up.