RR: Milan double down on San Donato plan with purchase of extra land

It does not seem as though AC Milan are pulling back on their plan to build a new stadium in San Donato but rather they are doubling down with the purchase of new land.

According to Radio Rossonera, in recent days SportLifeCity – a company owned by AC Milan that will be the vehicle used to build the new stadium – has completed the purchase of further land in the San Francesco area and surrounding areas.

It is a doubling of the original area (red part, as seen in picture at the end of the article) of approximately 300,000m² so now the land owned amounts to 650,000m².

There are some plots in the area of ​​the former Eni Southern Agricultural Park and private plots beyond the A1 motorway, in addition to some in Borgo Bagnolo as can be seen from the map attached to the article (yellow and blue part).

The latest land purchased – which falls partly under the jurisdiction of the Council of San Donato and partly under the Council of Milan – is within the Southern Milan Agricultural Park and will not see the presence of parking spaces other than those already foreseen in the project a few months ago.

Milan are therefore pushing ahead quickly with their plan A which is a new club-owned San Donato despite the fact that the door is still open, or rather ajar, to the hypothetical renovation of San Siro until the WeBuild study is ready in June.

In the meantime, work continues to start the formal process of the Program Agreement, the last major bureaucratic step and in a few days discussions will begin with the working tables with the Lombardy Region and the interested bodies (Motorways, Railways etc.).